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Posts posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here:

    1. Hmmmm, 1st child, ManU win, Steeler win?????? Without a doubt, Randy would say 1st child first. I can't say about the others except for me, it is obvious: ManU win at Old Trafford.

    2. I am still over the moon. I have been walking around with a big "Sh.t eating grin" on my face for the past day...Mrs "K" has about had it with me. This was a "Villa Family" win! The Team, the Manager and Coaches, the Villa Park folks and the FANS!!! Believe me, I could hear the noise here in the US!!!! Well done to the Fans.

  2. General Krulak here:

    1. WHAT A GAME!!!! After the Browns beat the Steelers, I just had a feeling that if we played our game, we could do it. WHAT A GAME!! The entire team played brilliantly but special kudos go the the lads in the back...they came up big! ONE GAME AT A TIME!!! Randy and I are both over the moon and MOST appreciative of our Fans...they were overwhelming this afternoon!

    2. VillaAVFC2000 and VillaAsh: We are a family...the Villa Family...and kind words for one go to kind words for all. Thank you.

  3. General Krulak here:

    1. ih8bcfc1875 (I won't even ask what that stands for): I spoke with Nicky Keye and she indicated that if there is a possible mixup in your loyalty points to call her at the Villa Ticketing Office and let her take a crack at sorting it.

    2. withesshin: Welcome to the thread. First choice of a ticket goes to Randy Lerner. Second choice goes to ST holders.

  4. General Krulak here:

    1. By now each of you should have seen the recent modification to the policy re. Sunderland, ST holders, Blackburn away. We have listened to the Fans and made a change. At the same time, Fans need to understand that we have taken our full allocation of tickets and the number of NON ST holders that went to Sunderland were a very small percentage of our ST base. We will be fine...we will be able to take care of those who want to go to the game and do so in a fair manner.

    2. The loyalty point system will be described in full by Nicky Keye on the Official Site. Basically, fans can now see teh number of points allocated on the new eticketing system. Points are awared/allocated for season ticket purchases, home/away cup purchases and PL away ticket purchases. Some fans have multiple accounts and we are currently in a position to merge these accounts to ensure all points are recorded accurately. Much more info will be provided soon.

  5. General Krulak here:

    1. Yes, I am feeling much better...and only need the doctors to authorize flying and I will be on my way. I absolutely want to make the Cup matches. As for the recent strategy re. Afghanistan, I would have recommended something a bit different. All you need to do is read a bit of history and understand the problem.

    2. Standing: As I am sure everyone is aware, the rules on standing are NOT made by AVFC. Simply put, we run the risk of very stiff fines if it appeared that we turned a blind eye to those who are standing. I have spoken with John Handley (Hd of Security) about the stewards and he is trying to bring some common sense into how we enforce this regulation. At the same time, we must make an effort or run the risk of paying a good deal of money.

  6. General Krulak here:

    1. Regarding the stewards: We have been having some issues with our stewards...some good, some bad. John Handley, our Head of Security, has taken personal ownership of what is taking place and will be working to make sure that we are not heavy-handed but, at the same time, we ensure that no one gets out of bounds in their actions.

    2. I agree about Milner...he just seems to thrive in the middle.

    3. I spoke with Randy for a long time today and he is very happy with the way things are going...across the board at Villa Park. We both commented on the massive lift given to the team by the cheering from the Fans. It really does make a huge difference on the Pitch.

  7. General Krulak here:

    1. A real solid result today!!! We needed to win it, we should have won it, we did win it. That is the way to do things. A clean sheet was nice to see...and great for our defense. I thought Milner was brilliant! NOW...one game at a time.

    2. US v England: Obviously I cannot speak for Randy. I may seem like a turncoat but I confess that I will be pulling for the UK because so many of our lads have the opportunity to play for their Country. I know that Brad will be playing for the US...hopefully in front of Howard...and he knows I will be cheering loudly for him. Heaven help the England team if a bunch of Yanks from the Colonies win...ouch.

    3. Gabby0878: I am ashamed to admit that I have absolutely ZERO idea of how the loyalty points work but Nicky Keye will read your post and get me an answer.

    4. Dom_Wren: I am glad that things worked out...David is a very good lad.

    5. Gabby87theminhero: First off, welcome to the thread. Secondly, I am not sure what we have planned for the game but you can expect we will do something to get folks even more fired up.

  8. General Krulak here:

    1. I want to assure all of our Fans that Randy, MON, the Coaches, the Players, the Board and everyone at Villa Park want this Cup bad!!! Obviously there is a lot of room between "wanting" and "earning" but we really do want it. We have to get thru the semis first and that will NOT be an easy task. You all know that better than I do. We just need to focus on winning and getting to Wembley.

    2. We are in the process of working the ticket issue now. All I can say is that we will ask for maximum allocation and be as fair as possible with what we get.

    3. stevo985: I won't touch that one with a 10 foot pole. Randy is the man....and he is in great health.

  9. General Krulak here:

    1. Like all of you, I am over the moon about the game yesterday and reaching the semis. I thought the lads played well but I was particularly happy for Downing. 90 full minutes and a score...he must be very happy.

    2. Many will be worried about tickets...we will seek the full allocation and we will be fair about distribution. WHEN we get to Wembley, the same will hold true.

  10. General Krulak here:

    1. I have received numerous comments about the stewards...away fans section...standing...etc. I have had them on two web sites as a result of this game. I have asked John Handley to go onto both sites and read what has been posted so that he can get a better feel for what the environment was at the game...and what it has been in the past. John is a good man and will take these comments in the way they have been intended.

    2. fran_villa: John will also make sure that your comment on the leak is addressed. Thanks.

  11. General Krulak here:

    1. benireduk: My recommendation is that you notify Mr. John Handley (Hd of Security) at Villa Park. Be prepared to lay out exactly what took place and focus a clearly as possible where the events took place so John can narrow down the stewards who might have participated in this...to include the away seats.

    2. Unfortunately, I was unable to view the game yesterday. I hope to see the replay today or tomorrow. I have read the game threads on 3 sites and confess that it sounds very discouraging...a game of two halves...that is for sure. As a fan, I am hesitant to comment on the game until I see what took place. Obviously, the overwhelming comments don't fill me with a good feeling....I need to see it.

  12. General Krulak here:

    1. OutbyEaster: I checked with the FA and they have the wrong date for the FA Youth Cup on their website. It will not be played whilst we are playing ManU.

    2. The Browns: It is really very sad. This was definitely NOT the season that was expected. We have a better team than we have seen on Sundays. Randy has provided the money for the players and has put a good staff together. My sense is that it will finally come together but not in time for this season to be a success. The NFL is not like the PL...in almost every way. It has been hard on Randy and the Browns' Fans. They are no different than Fans around the world...they want to see their team win. When it doesn't happen, it isn't very pretty.

  13. General Krulak here:

    1. TonyDaley: The decision re. Help for Heroes and the auction was made in conjunction with acorns and members of the Villa staff. It was NOT to denigrate the efforts of the Royal British Legion who have been the soul of the campaign...it was to recognize (a one time affair) the work of HFH.

    2. The Official Site: There is no one at Villa Park that doesn't recognize that our OS needs work. We hired a very talented individual to help us in our effort. He is moving in the exact direction we wanted him to move. He is focused on the infrastructure of the site whilst making some "tweaks" to make things better in the short run. We have limited resources to work on the site and we certainly do not want to get into the outsourcing business. The majority of the infrastructure work will be done this summer and will bring the type of change that we are all looking for. I would simply ask for patience as we address this issue.

    3. OutbyEaster: Let me look into the FA Youth Cup tie issue....my sense is that the times were set based upon availability of the pitch and in agreement with those who were organizing the tie.

  14. General Krulak here:

    1. AVFC-Prideofbrum: Please let me assure you that all the statistics you have commented on plus MUCH, MUCH, more are kept at Bodymoor Heath. The detail of individual, squad and formation statistics would amaze you. Seriously, you would be surprised at the technology employed to determine who has done what in every single game we have played over the past few years. On top of the statistics that are extremely accurate and complete, the Manager and his Coaches have film, personal observation at practices and during games, a sense of the fitness of the players, a good sense of our opponents based, again, on films and scouting. With all of this input, MON makes his decisions as to who is playing and what formation. Fans have every right in the world to question the Manager...the Fan pays for the ticket and has the right to question. At the same time, the same Fans need to understand that the Manager is working with a great deal more information than the Fans.

  15. General Krulak here:

    1. Tough game at Burnley. They obviously do a great job of "defending their house." I watched their game against ManU on the telly and knew we would find them a strong team at home. We need to have the same sense about our "house." I thought the second half we had the best of the game but could not say the same about the first half. A point is a point and I will take it. Now, we need to get 3 points this coming weekend.

    2. Hypothetical: It would be very easy to answer with the obvious...but I would be like those who like to live in the hypothetical. I just DON'T know what the manager knows...about the players, the opponents, what the films have shown about the opposition, the physical condition of the players, etc. etc. etc. I just don't think that I know enough to take the hypothetical and turn that into an actual.

    3. Nike should have our kit in every store.

  16. General Krulak here:

    1. MonsXI: Spoken like a true fan...but it sure was bloody for awhile.

    2. Today we went live with phase one of our new Official Site and our eticketing. I hope everyone takes a bit of time to see the work that has been accomplished by the partnership of our new Head of IT and our Ticketing Office. The site is far easier to navigate and incorporates many of the suggestions made by you, the fans. This is ONLY phase one. We know we still have a distance to go but we are on the way and making good progress. At the end of this summer, we will have the best site in the Premiership.

  17. General Krulak here:

    1. Milfner: You raise a point that has been commented on before...but with a slightly different twist to it. The away ticket scheme is a tough one because it requires both Clubs to agree on ticket prices. I won't go into a long spiel on this issue other than to say that the last time I entered the discussion of away ticket prices it resulted in a bit of a dust up over wrestling, pigs and mud. Forgive me if I sort of duck this one as I am not sure I could handle another go around with the media.

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