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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. Cash point: We are, in fact, trying to entice a bank to bring cash points to Villa Park. We need to understand that in this tough economic environment, getting a bank to install a machine at a location that sees the vast majority of the business on one day a week is a bit tough. 2.AVFC-Prideofbrum: I can't go any further than I have re. ticket prices. We will NEVER satisfy everyone unless we made it "free admission." We are in a business and we need to pay the bills...simple as that . We try to be as fair as possible and we do listen to our fans. At the same time, it takes money to buy players, to pay for players, to pay for staff, etc. etc. If we cut our margin too much...if we lower ticket prices (even for youth) to a point where there is minimal margin, we will find ourselves in trouble. Randy is dedicated to keeping prices low but he needs to be smart about it. 3. Tubby: There is no question that Randy hopes that Mike will do what needs to be done. US and English football cannot be compared in many ways but...I do think that Mike will be the type of Leader that will do good things for the Browns.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Ticket prices: Let me just say that Randy, The Board and the people at Villa Park have spent a great deal of time trying to understand the economic issues faced by our Fans and correlating those issues with the issue of financing the Club. We will ALWAYS do everything possible to be fair to the fans. We listen to the fans and we attempt to meet expectations. We cannot always be all things to all people but we try. Please give us the benefit of your WISE advice...based upon your understanding of the needs to keep the Club competitive. 2. Believe me, both Randy and I will be at the Games!! My problem is simply that I need to have the doctors give me the go ahead. 3. Worst weather in combat for me was, in reality, the heat of the jungles of VietNam...heat and humidity.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. blandy: I checked with Nicky after your comment and I remain convinced that, in totality, we are the cheapest in the Premiership. I will not get into an argument with you....we have the total picture, you do not. If you want to do the research on seat location, seat number, seat price, game price, pricing history, etc. etc. , have at it. Suffice it to say that I stand by my statement. BUT, you are missing the REAL point. My point is simply that since Randy has been owner, he has NOT played games with the Fans. He has acknowledged the economic situation and has kept ticket prices low. He has done this whilst still investing heavily in both players and infrastructure. He has worked mightly to keep focused on the fans, the ethos and history of the Club and in seeking a "bright future." Neither Randy nor I nor the Board are looking to "be complimented"...that is not why we are doing it. We believe in Aston Villa Football Club and what it stands for. If you have problems with this...with prices...with the PL...etc, I cannot help you. The best I can do is try and explain who we are and why we act as we do. 2. DalianDaley: To a point, you are correct. Unfortunately, it is not quite that "clean." The more folks at the park, the more employees required, the more work to be done, etc. etc. At some point, the cost/benefit line goes corkscrew. The revenue may be the same but the expenditures increase. That is one of the reasons why Nicky Keye is so good...she works hard to maintain low prices and still bring in more revenue that is expended.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. blandy: I refuse to get into a pee'ing contest with you. Suffice it to say that at the end of last year I had Nicky Keye provide me a comparison of our ticket prices with ALL other teams in the Premiership. When looked at in totality, we had the LOWEST overall pricing of any team in the Premiership at that time AND lower than many of the teams in the league below us. THAT is a fact. Since we did very little with our ticket prices this year and many other teams did, in fact, raise their prices, I would imagine we are still the lowest. It is VERY easy to pick a single seat location or a single game where you might find differences BUT, in totality, we are lowest...or were at the end of last season. BUT, EVEN IF WE AREN'T, name me another Club that is playing top 4/top6 football and charging what we are charging. Take a look at what tickets are like at Liverpool, Arsenal, ManU, Chelsea, etc ...see the huge difference between their prices and ours. They are the traditional "top 4" and they charge like they are the top 4. We do NOT want to get into that type of situation. 2. bully: Thank you for your post...I appreciate it. Yes, the cup games are 50%-50% and yes, the price MUST be agreed by both Clubs. This sometimes causes problems. 3. bannedfromhand5: Thank you for the post...again, it was appreciated.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. I believe that most fans understand that Randy and the Board are acutely aware of ticket prices for football in the UK. I also believe that most fans know that we have the lowest ticket prices, overall , in the Premiership. At the same time, I think that most fans understand that revenue from tickets plays a significant role in the operation of the Club. I just posted (see above) an answer to a question re. "free tickets"...much of what I posted holds true for recent comments. Simply put, if we want to have a special team..a competitive team..revenue is required. Our budget is made at the beginning of the year...based upon assumed season ticket sales, individual game sales, etc. etc. We also assume as certain level of success in cup competition...and resultant revenue from those games. NOW, we ALWAYS try to be fair to the fans and to recognize the economic impact on families and individuals when we set prices...and we have, on occasion, altered prices by lowering them to recognize the hardship and to encourage fans to come to the games. My sense is that we will be fair for the upcoming games. We always have been. At the same time, we need to realize that the fans who are requesting a break on the ticket prices are some of the same fans who complain that we didn't buy enough players and enough quality during the transfer windows. We cannot be all things to all people. Sooooo, at the end of the day, we will do the best we can...as we always have. UTV!!
  7. General Krulak here: 1. dirk1978: Making games free would cause far more problems than it would solve. How do you explain a "free" game to a season ticket holder? Do we really believe that sales thru hospitality will recoup lost revenue from ticket sales...even if the stadium is not full? The answer is no. Free entrance to the stadium would mean additional people to operate within the stadium...from security, to kiosk workers, to custodians, etc. We regulate our "help" by the number of fans coming to the game...and if the numbers stay the same but the revenue drops, it is a lose-lose for the Club.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Sorry I have been off the net for the past couple of days....have been driving from Tennessee to Florida. I was unable to see either game so I can't really say anything about them from first hand knowledge. Randy indicated to me that Arsenal was pretty much "on their game" and that winning at the Emirates when Arsenal is "on" is always going to be tough. The word I received on the L'pool game is that we actually played better but just could not capitalize on our opportunities. Again before I make any comment, I will need to see the games. At the end of the day, we lost them both and MUST get back on the winning ways. We have a very good Squad and I believe we ARE competitive with the "top 4" and we just need to keep after it. 2. shilzz: I can understand how the actions of these fans would have caused great upset by those in the Holte End. You comment that the "club allowed this to happen." I am not sure how the club "allowed" it to happen. Did anyone point this conduct out to a steward? If the club was unaware of the action, I am not sure it is fair to blame the club. Again, it is hard to manage the actions of a fan when their team scores a goal in the 93rd minute. I have been in the Holte Rnd many times and I cannot imagine our fans "cooling their jets" if the same thing had happened and we were on the winning end. It is pretty tough to control. Obviously we MUST keep taunting and other abusive behavior to a minimum and we try to do just that. To do so, we need to know it is taking place. 2. Blackburn tickets are going well....hopefully we will have a sell out. 3. Legendary_10: We do not have a relationship with a Bank in Chester. The Bank in Chester is owned by Bank of America and we have no connection with them. The bank in Chester use to be owned by MBNA but is no longer owned by them. Randy has zero to do with the Bank.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Cash Machines: As many know, we have been looking into this for a few months. I wish it were as simple as just putting one up but, as you all know, the machine needs to be "sponsored" by someone...a bank, etc. Getting someone to put one on Villa Park to be used, maybe, once a week is not the easiest thing to do. We are still working on it. 2. I absolutely will be coming over for some games. To date my Doctor has not let me fly but I think he is about ready to relent...or I will choke him like a chicken!!
  11. General Krulak here: 1. Randy is over in B'ham to visit MON, the Players, the Villa Staff and, hopefully, to see a game or two. He will definitely be here over Christmas. Whether he is able to catch games will depend on how the Mike Holmgren deal is working out and if he is needed to do something back in Cleveland. This is a very "tight" time for the Browns and Randy needs to be sure that things are OK there. That does NOT mean that Randy is more interested in the Browns...I think all of our Fans recognize his responsibility towards that outfit. Likewise, most Fans understand that Randy has done the same thing for Villa...many times in the past. He will be where he is most needed. Again, not a single day goes by that we are not in communications with Folks at Bodymoor Heath and Villa Park. EVERY DAY!! It is not as if we aren't fully engaged. OBVIOUSLY, Randy will be at every single game he can possibly make....as he has always done. 2. The North Stand plans will be released when appropriate. There is no rush on this...we are still tweaking the plans. Randy will probably have a few words to say over the coming months but don't expect too much. Simply put, he believes that actions speak much louder than words. 3. granville: I am sorry but I really shouldn't answer that kind of question.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. Gabby87thminhero: Yes...and if there is a problem, the ticket office will sort it for you. 2. Randy is a blessing for all of us. I know his lack of interviews etc. cause some folks a problem but believe me, what we want is exactly what we have.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. Randy: Randy is in the UK as I write. He has been over several times...but has been VERY low-key. Anyone who follows the Browns knows that Randy has been concentrating very hard at getting a new President for the Club...and just hired Mike Holmgren (a legend in American Football management.) Randy has had to devote a chunk of his time to getting things sorted in Cleveland but he is at his home near Bodymoor Heath and talking with MON and getting deeply involved in all things Villa. Additionally, we have conference calls LITERALLY every day so he is never out of the loop. His passion for the Villa NEVER wavers...he is steady when things are going good and when they aren't going so good. The beauty of Randy as an owner is that he is with the "Villa Family" no matter what. 2. Paddy: Randy will support MON as he always does. Randy respects Martin and his football sense. 3. paulanddonya: You might want to drop a line to Paul Faulkner at AVFC and tell him what transpired. We need to know about these things.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Blackburn game: We received an allocation of 5,000 tickets for the game...which is more than the 15% that Blackburn had to provide. We have gone back and asked for as MANY MORE tickets as we can get. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that we will get any more. We WILL be showing the game in both the Holte Pub and Holte Suite...details will be posted on line. 2. People who missed out on tickets need to understand that when they go on sale, you need to move fast...the number of tickets is finite. 3. andyadidas: "Yet again, Aston Villa let down the Fans." I don't even know how to respond to such nonsense other than to say that if you feel that way, then I absolutely do not know what would possibly make you happy. We cannot be all things to all people!! Simple as that. You have an owner who busts his bum to do right by the Fans. You have a Board that keeps the Fans in the forefront. You have a Manager and Coaches and Team that are working like trojans to make the Fans happy. You have a Villa Park staff who are focused on the Fans. And YOU have the nerve to say, "Yet again, Aston Villa let down the fans." You need to reevaluate such a statement. It does not honor you as a fan. 4. Rob182: Welcome aboard to a great site! 5. paddy: I see thru your veiled "transfer" question...so let me again say that I do not do transfers. Martin does transfers. Whether he buys, sells, or does nothing is HIS call. Randy trusts MON. The Board trusts MON. He has proven that he can do a superb job and we are with him 110%. None of us are going to be dictating to MON what to do...we haven't done that before and we aren't going to start now. Some 6 months ago we had Fans questioning selling Barry...buying a injured player...spending money on some backs...etc. etc. My sense is that if we look at last summer objectively, those concerns have gone away. Let's just let Martin do what HE feels is necessary...not what WE feel is necessary. 6 Mark Hughes: I am not one to comment on his sacking. I will say that this may be symptomatic of what happens when a great deal of money is poured into a Club in one transfer window and immediate results are not forthcoming. ManCity is a helluva team and results are expected I would imagine. 7. Christmas in the Krulak family will be spent with one of my sons and daughter-in-law and grandkids. It will be a great day.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. stephen_evans: Another thing I like about MON is the amount of time and effort he puts into preparation for the games. The study he devotes to films, scouting reports, etc. etc. He really does work very hard. 2. pompeyvillan: I have enough problems just reading my own threads and answering on 3 sites. Sometimes I take a look at other threads...maybe once a week. Just remember, I have posted over 1080 comments on this thread alone...multiply that by 3 and think about the fact that I have only been on the site 3 years...and that I have a few other jobs to do...and, Mrs "K" out to crush me for being on the computer....I am LUCKY to be able to handle this thread!!
  16. General Krulak here: 1. leviramsey hit the nail on the head!!!! And he's right...the Club is damned if they do, and damned if they don't. The simple fact is that we had about 35K at the game. I would have wished for more but my wishes don't fill seats. I keep hearing about the seats costing 40 pounds for the game...someone better read the ticket site...the range of prices was VERY competitive UNLESS you wanted to sit in the middle of the field. 2. The game itself was a great win for us. It was our 3rd win in a row in a week..with 2 of them being away games. Stoke had not played a game in 8 days. They came in to Villa Park to win. We may not have played our prettiest game but we took care of business and I am VERY proud of the lads.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. CrackPotForeigner: Again, either call John Greenfield at the store or go see him on game day...he will help sort it. 2. North Stand Plan won't be unveiled for a while yet. 3. Fan update for Stoke still has us at about 34-35K.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. Wembley: First off, we have a long way to go before we can talk Finals...I think there is another Club that may have something to say about us going. At the same time, after all ST-holders etc. get tickets, we will still have over 3500 more available. My sense is that we will have enough. 2. blandy: Obviously, the WC is years away and not even a guarantee for England to get it. Soooo, we are just proceeding with our plans for the North Stand independent of the WC. If England gets the Cup, we will be ready. 3. stepehn_evans: I am afraid I am not in the uniform business...I would imagine MON and the League will work this out. Likewise, I don't think we have any sway when it comes to calling it the Carling Cup or anything else. Finally, we are not far enough along re. Wembley to start deciding who goes where. I don't want to jinx this thing...one game at a time.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. Julio and wainy316: When you encounter this type of difficulty, please just ask to see or speak to the store manager. John Greenfield or his #2 is there all the time and can help sort out the tough questions. The store can be reached by just dialing AVFC and ask the operator to put you thru to the store. 2. We have not made a decision re. acorns at the present time. Obviously, whatever decision we make will not be made without input from acorns. Whatever we do, we will ensure they are not hurt.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. chads: The truth is as follows...We were going to have a shirt sponsor. We had several sponsors who were willing to commit to a contract. The problem was that they "undervalued" the Villa Brand. They were accustomed to getting a deal that was what "they" wanted. Randy and the Board felt differently...we believed that the Aston Villa Football Shirt was worth a great deal more than was being offered. We also had begun to become deeply involved with acorns...a charity that meant a great deal to Randy and the Club. The more we looked at potential sponsors, the more we realized that our Brand would be worth more to acorns and the children than to any of the potential sponsors we were seeing. Rather than "sell" our Brand cheaply, we decided that we would provide the shirt to a group that needed it and would value it...maybe not in currency, but in charity to young people. Your professor was wrong. We could have had a contract worth millions...but we turned it down. Furthermore, we have worn acorns for two years straight and your professor must understand that the second year (we finished high in the tables) could have produced a lucrative sponsor but we announced we were doing acorns again before any contract was put on the table. I wonder how your professor would explain year 2?????
  21. General Krulak here: 1. World Cup: Obviously, it is a long way off and not even a sure thing. As most of you know, World Cup or not, we have plans for the North stand. We are not, at this time, ready to unveil those plans. We still have work to do on exactly what we want included. When we have finalized the plans, we will let everyone know. We need to do that to not make the "trinity" mistake again. 2. slowandlow: You will get a ticket....we still have over 3,600 yet to sell. If there is a problem with your history, you should contact Nicky Keye and she will help. 3. spacemanscott: Stoke is at 32,600 right now...including the Stoke fans. We need to get on this. Stoke is not a pushover....they play a very tough, rugged, game and we will find them a challenge. They have had a full week to rest up and we are playing 3 games in a week. Fans DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. They fire the lads up and we will need it this weekend. Spend one night of the holidays out of the pub and come to the game!! 2. I have not yet met Richard yet but he is my type of guy...touch as nails and take no prisoners.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. What a game. I thought our lads played an absolutely professional, workman-like game. Sunderland at their house and we dispatched them with quality play. I thought Dunne was immense and Carlos was right there with him. Really a nice win!!! Now, ONE game at a time!! 2. carlitobrigante: Thank you for the kind email. Not too worry about emails that might show criticism...that is part of the "deal". I am on this site to hear the good, bad and ugly and accept that fact. As I have said before, all I ask is that we treat each other with respect because we ALL want what is right for our Club. 3. Let's show up for the Stoke game...it is an important one.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. TrentVilla: Football is SLOWLY making progress here. When a good game is on the telly, it will get some viewers. There is absolutely no doubt that the World Cup will be watched in numbers here. It won't be like England but there will be a big audience, 2. At this time, we only have 33K projected to come to the Stoke game....and Stoke appears to be bringing their full allocation. Stoke is in the middle of a tough run for us and Fans DO make a difference. We need to win that game and Fans are a key.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. tvillian: Amazingly, the game did get pretty significant coverage over here. First off, it was already on the telly. Secondly, as you indicated, it was between American owners. Third, it was a great game to view and my sense is that as the game moved on, more people who like football were calling their friends. My son is a big Villa Fan and a very good player himself...he taped the game and has watched it twice....SAME result no matter how many times you watch it.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. Trent Villa: We were talking about the Villa which is why I said the ManU win at Old Trafford...ie. our win vs. ManU at Old Trafford. 2. Randy was at the Steeler game but could not make the Villa win. We both watched it on the telly...what a game.
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