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Posts posted by cheltenham_villa

  1. 19 minutes ago, QldVilla said:

    Ollie is great, he’s a good player and a great ambassador for the club, for me it’s just those moments when you think he’s going to score this and fluffs it, then it’s those less than 50-50’s he scores. He keeps improving and hopefully he will continue to improve and take those chances a little better.

    yesterday was classic Ollie. Missed the easy chance that he created, scores a classic Ollie goal by showing pace, skill and a great finish on his wrong foot.


  2. 3 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    He'll stay here for the rest of his career IMO.

    He'll be 31, part of a side that (in all likelihood) will be in the upper part of the Premier League table with European fixtures alongside the usual domestic ones and at a club that he loves/loves him.  The reintegration after such a serious injury will take a while.  Just can't see him kicking up a massive fuss and don't think he'll get anywhere near as good a side as us.

    the only thing that could change is if the club received a decent offer. Feels unlikely considering age and injury profile but a 10-15m may tempt the club. 

  3. 1 hour ago, blandy said:

    2 separate things here. Firstly all green waste goes on the compost heap (bin). I have little or no food waste from cooked food and because I rarely eat critters there’s not stuff like bones or fat or whatever that many folk might have. The odd very small amount of non compostable food waste goes in with the non-recyclable waste. It would be a poor use of resources (and space) for there to be a small plastic bin and a large plastic bin for the amount of food waste generated here.

    But that’s irrelevant to my Mom’s situation. Small plastic food bin. No big bin, as I described earlier last week. Daft.

    The Tories going on about imaginary bin laws is obviously nuts, though there are definitely plenty of people, quite a few older folk amongst them, who resent “all these different bins” and just put everything in the general waste bin and it’s maybe these stick in the mud types who Sunak is trying to talk to with his nonsense.

    makes sense, for your mums situation we buy small compostable bin liners. If you shop at the co op, there bags are also compostable so make a good substitute. 

    It is odd how different policies are applied in different parts of the country. Even within 10 miles of my house, areas how different collection schedules and different bins. Definitely get the challenge of the elderly. If you have enough waste for one small bin, it makes no sense.

  4. On 21/10/2023 at 17:08, blandy said:

    A composting bin for food scraps would be ok, but just putting cooked food waste into a plastic bin to be emptied every 2 weeks is just a recipe for mould, disease and stench.

    We don’t have the food bins here, but when my Mom was alive she had one and it was…as described. And the thing is as well, if it’s in the kitchen, then the house warmth speeds up the mould and if it’s outside then in summer, ditto and in winter it’s too small and light not to get blown over. And obviously you have to take your plates outside to scrape them into the bin.

    I’m all for composting, reusing, recycling, cutting down on waste, but these bins are crap  


    What do you do today with your food scraps and why dont they lead to mould, disease and stench? I dont see how a dedicated bin is not better, certainly is for us. You pop a compostable bin liner into the bin, you empty it into a larger bin outside, it gets picked up once a week. 

    • Like 2
  5. hes a goal threat certainly. sometimes the goals may not feel too important but his goal at Palace and his involvement yesterday really helped us kill the game off. I think being able to bring a player like him off your bench at home is a sign of a great squad. He also played both sides yesterday, something else thats not often given the credit it should get. Im very happy with him. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Delphinho123 said:

    We’d be in the same position, possibly with a point or two more with Mings. 

    Maybe, im not convinced ive seen Konsa play as well with Mings next to him. Konsa has commented similar that Mings being unavailable he led to him taking more responsibility.

    I just wish we had Mings and Pau available. Certainly we have games where it would have been great to pick, or play Pau at left back.

  7. 4 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    I started taking my daughter to VP when she was eight, in the family stand. By the following season she was lobbying to go on the Holte. Which we did - and she absolutely loved it it - but I remember saying to her: "Don't repeat any of this language in front of your mother, or she'll ban you from coming here". She laughed, and agreed. 

    my son had a similar move. He didnt really struggle with the language at first, it was more the anger. He not really seen a fully grown adult act like he wanted to kill someone over a mis placed pass or a ref giving a throw in the wrong way. I remember him feeling really threatened, that is the type of thing that needs to be somehow controlled for me. Its something probably unique to football, odd having to explain to a child that he doesnt really need to worry about the idiot contorted in rage spitting and screaming. 

    • Like 4
  8. 6 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    I don’t expect it to be at that level in the family stand and tbf it’s never been like that before. 

    The rest of the ground go nuts. 

    Maybe it’s just me.

    i feel the same and i think its something club should enforce.

    If youve gone to the trouble of going into a family friendly stand, then language and anger needs to be moderated. If the club is serious about attracting a different fan base, this is important to fix. 

    Else they will simply keep adjusting to price until theyve removed the groups that they want to.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

    Of he can do this shit away fdom home he would be some player 

    I personally think he should be starting ahead of zaniolo as he ia more of a attacking threat esp at home 

    I think it's horses for courses. Zaniola was excellent first half and brought some much needed physicality. Bailey is great to bring on when the game is stretched and the defence tired. Wonder if we'll see Bailey vs Luton to play much wider. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

    I dont know the answer and have no suggestions, but what can the tories do that would make them electable. Not talking about undoing anything, Brexit etc. What could they do in the next 12 months that might see them win the next GE. New leader? Tax cuts? Help with cost of living?

    The things i would expect:

    1. discredit labour policies

    2. target Starmer as someone with no experience and an unproven leader

    3. Attempt to highlight things they perceive to have gone well (vaccination support, some brexit deals, support for Israel/Ukraine

    4. Promise some classic tory policies 

    5. Target some policies they believe latent labour supporters believe to be important (were not going to push Ulez down your throats, we'll debate the BBC license fee, etc).

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Tom13 said:

    You need to look at the bigger picture.

    A - His form hasn't been anywhere near as bad as has been made out on here.

    B - I don't think it's the fact he wasn't starting, but being given zero minutes.

    C - If the honeymoon thing didn't happen, I doubt most would care as much. Pulling him from his honeymoon to give him zero minutes, not even letting him add to his caps was a disgrace IMO.

    i think too much is made of the honeymoon thing, many players are called up and dont feature, im sure thats frustrating for the players but equally they will be well aware that this is highly possible but being around the squad allows them the chance to impress.

    Bouba could have said no, im sure it would have been understood. The other option was Deschamps calling up someone in his place and giving them that opportunity. Surely thats a harsher outcome for Kamara.

  12. 1 hour ago, WallisFrizz said:

    People are fickle. If Wilson and Toney are in form by next year, one of them will be ahead.

    That's the reality of the situation. Kane plays, we have one more slot for Toney, Wilson, Watkins, DCL dependant on form and fitness. It's tough on Watkins but England are very well stocked in the front line. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Talldarkandransome said:

    There was 2 blocks of empty seats in Doug and Trinity V Brighton, so you may be drinking alone. Although the later kick off may help

    I saw. I'm an ST so would just be the top up. The photos looked quite busy though, hope the later kick off gets a few more in. 

    • Like 1
  14. 14 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    I must have been under a rock the last few weeks since when has big brother been brought back and why the **** did they bring it back ??

    Some things just be left dead 😒 

    do you know what, if its done to the original format it has a place. Its supposed to be a group of people that are representative across society just asking each other questions and trying to co-exist. I always found it a fascinating insight into people and why they react the way they do.

    I was watching last night and they have a muslim female from Wolverhampton talking to a trans female. She had some really basic questions like "if you have sex with a man, is he gay?". And i loved it, was apologetically ignorant and just wanted to use the experience to ask things she just didnt understand. 

    This for me was classic big brother, it went wrong when they got obsessed with personalities, celebrities and hoping people had sex live on tv.

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  15. 5 hours ago, bickster said:

    Government incompetence encouraged fraud. Encouragement doesn't need to be explicit

    That's a tough line, nearly all fraud involves incompetence. 

    People are too trusting of a family friend who's a fraudster. 

    People don't understand technology and are manipulated into handing over access to banking apps etc. 

    All are example of incompetence, all avoidable and these encourage fraud. 

    The blame should always sit with the criminals that carry out the fraud. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Mone's VIP fast lane application for the contracts was fraudulent, it stated that PPE Medpro had extensive experience in the supply of PPE, it had none, in fact it hadn't even been incorporated as a company when the contracts were awarded.

    A good example but also an example of an investigation that may recover funds so not necessarily the type of thing that Starmer is referring to which seems to be the lost billions. 

    I dont personally believe the narrative that the central government would encourage fraud by their friends, i do believe incompetence may enable them to be exploited. Im undecided whether i think a labour government will be better at that.


  17. On 09/10/2023 at 17:01, markavfc40 said:

    I think we also need to remember in terms of the corruption around covid it was friends/family/major donors of the Tories that benefited by hundreds of thousands/millions/tens of millions of pounds. That alone has meant the Tories were never going to go after those who they'd facilitated. 

    Are you confusing a few things here. Legitimate companies that benefitted for no apparent gain versus fraud. Labour and the HMRC in particular are talking about fraud generated from schemes created to support covid. Activity like creating a fake company to apply for bounce back loans. 

    While i think the government may have enabled associates/colleagues and many others to benefit from investments made through covid, I dont think ive seen any evidence that they were part of fraud.


  18. 1 hour ago, StefanAVFC said:

    I keep getting to a position where I think I can invest and then something comes up :( 

    the positive way to look at this is that you had got yourself into a position where you were protected if things came up. Thats a good thing and something very many people in the UK fail to achieve.

    • Like 1
  19. 3 hours ago, Risso said:

    It was Luiz's mistake in the first place, but then you need the other players in the team not to compound it. Torres got done good and proper, like he has a fair few times now. I thought last week was his best game for us, and this week one of his poorest, as his long passing, usually his strength, was awful. To be fair to him, just about everybody's form goes really patchy away from home, not just Pau's, but I wish they'd cut it out.

    i dont really blame Torres, he got beat for pace but we had 3 other defenders in the box marking the Wolves attacker. We should have more than enough to clean it up.

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