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Posts posted by desensitized43

  1. 1 minute ago, chrisp65 said:

    It's beginning to look to me that it's a lot more complicated than just in / out, we won the war.


    It's almost like, really important and detailed and everything has a consequence which needs consideration.


    Just as well we've replaced an incompetent control freak who's main concern was preservation of the tory party with a narcissistic clown child who's main concern is instant likes.

    He'll probably cost you your job and financial security....but he is very enthusiastic! 

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

    I think the plan came first and the recruitment matched it.  I reckon Dean is happy as **** with the squad we've built.

    They've trusted Deano, Suso and Purslow with all that money. Would have been easy for them to decide it was too big a risk to give a manager unaccustomed to spending big and no Prem experience that kind of money. I think we have to give NSWE massive credit.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    You know that was one of the first things I was talking to my friends about when Cameron said he was going to do a vote on this - how the he'll do you deal with Ireland if we went out.

    I can't see what the hell the solution is going to be if we were to leave.

    What would peoples reactions here be if there is a u-turn and we stayed in?

    I'd prefer to stay in but would have initially accepted a solution that included customs union and access to the single market.

    As things have gone on and seeing how May took us to literally hours from armageddon and Johnson being (a) Johnson about no deal I don't see why we can't have another vote.

    I read a good satire the other day that basically said...If remain had won, can you imagine if Cameron had taken that as a mandate for "hard remain" i.e. full federal integration and becoming essentially United States of Europe? There was a mandate to leave, I accept that, but it was a slender one and it wasn't a mandate to leave at all costs. Most sensible people who voted out thought we'd get a deal and it would be done in the least damaging way. The rest were hardcore bigots, racists and deregulators who had very sinister agendas. The slim mandate that was provided has been hijacked by lunatics. Between that and the fact we've had 3 years where the government couldn't even pass legislation to make taking photos of people genitals up their garments illegal tells you we need a change of approach.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    A compromise for me would be let the existing format for Ireland remain as it is.

    Britain pays the divorce bill as we call it whoever for that figure we should still.obtain some of the benefits we currently get without being tied in.

    I agree it is rubbish - we are better staying in without question. All these people I hear when talking to them saying let's leave with no deal will be better . I always ask how?? 

    Then the usual response is we make our own.laws 🙄

    Sounds easy until you realise that we plan to do trade deals with countries whose standards aren't recognised by EU, you get a defacto border in the irish sea to protect the single market. NI ceases to be part of the UK, economically speaking. For that reason, the solution has been problematic for the DUP and anyone who gives a shit about keeping the UK together as it exists now.

  5. 3 hours ago, ml1dch said:


    Obviously usual pinch of salt etc, but the Tories losing voters to the Lib Dems but gaining them from the NF Party is ideal. 

    Turn a few marginals from blue to yellow, a few others from blue to red due to the Tory / NF vote split.

    In any other time Corbyn would have gone or become dead man walking at this point. They should be stomping the tories but the anti-semetic pseudo-communist continues to fail us all.

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, snowychap said:

    Ayes: 315

    Noes: 274

    Government defeated by 41.

    Reality is that it's even worse (for Johnson) than the result 'on paper'. Lots of Tories have abstained there and once they're no longer bound by any semblance of cabinet collective responsibility you'll find those that abstained will turn rebel on him.

    One wrong move by that mop headed fool will hopefully make him the shortest PM in history...here's hoping.

  7. 1 hour ago, StefanAVFC said:

    No Deal was not an option then.

    A Labour MP stating 'we must leave by any means' does not follow a 'people first' approach. It will decimate her constituents. It's her responsibility to do what's best for them, not try to keep her job.

    I always quote this to my misguided leave-supporting friends who say that their MP should be enacting the "will of the people". It's an MP's job to represent the interests of their constituents, not be a mouith-piece for them. It's a key difference.

    Those who don't like the way their MP is acting are free to vote them out at the next election and if they feel they can do a better job, stand themselves. It's not hard, is it?

    • Like 1
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-48908766


    'The kids emptied our bank account playing Fifa'

    Four children spent nearly £550 in three weeks buying player packs to play the Fifa football video game online on the family's Nintendo Switch console.

    In Fifa, special players can be bought in packs, but the contents are only revealed after payment is completed.

    The children's father, Thomas Carter, had bought them a single pack for around £8, and had not realised they had seen how he made the purchase.

    Surprise mechanisms, eh?

    SURPRISE! You're bank account is empty...

    Fifa's Pegi rating really needs to be raised. 3+ is a joke.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

    If our bid is in fact 11m, then we don't deserve to get him! 
    I'm all for going in low to start, but come on, imagine if someone offered that for Mcginn...

    I don't think he is worth 30m, but we need to get real if we think we're getting him for less than 20m. 

    It's at least a bit more respectful than that prick Levy's reported £2m grealish bid last summer...

  10. 1 minute ago, HalfTimePost said:

    I imagine they'll be happy to keep him to be fair. They'll get 20-25m from someone for him at some point.

    Has a championship player ever gone for that amount? He'll be down another year on his contract. Possibly might have a bad year. It's always best to cash in when a players stock is highest. 

  11. 39 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    have you ever lived in a world where politicians don't lie ? 

    That's not to whitewash over events , just general half truths aren't sole property of the 2016 referendum , so presumably you've been angry , disgusted with the political landscape all your life  ?

    It's not about whether they lie or not. We know they do, but there's always been elements of truth thrown in or word play to allow a "get out" down the line. There's no truth at all anymore. They're saying whatever they have to say one day and the opposite the next...Saying whatever they have to say to safely navigate today and then do the same tomorrow.

    My anger is for the previous poster calling people morons who's only crime was to trust what they were told...is that a fair comment? In a fair world people like Johnson and Farage would have been jailed, not rewarded. What they've done is electoral fraud. At the very least that referendum is void but as has been stated, it wasn't binding. That the government are treating it as binding is an indicator of how weak and self serving the political class is.

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