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Posts posted by Humanoid

  1. I'd give Lichaj a chance at converting to right midfield. He's useful in attack and will help tighten up the midfield. Albrighton and N'zog just dont seem to improve, and Lowton is the preferred choice at RB.

  2. Is it possible to believe in karma but not believe in God? Are they linked or not. Please elaborate on any answer(s) to the question.

    Karma as in the Buddhist philosophy would simply be "cause & effect". The idea is that the mind's perception is the cause of experience. Whilst this can be seen evidently in a case of illness, i.e. stress causes health problems, it is more difficult to perceive that one's state of mind can effect an outcome involving other people. Buddha's teaching states that ultimately the whole world reflects your own state of mind, and to release yourself from a world considered to be a place of pain and death, you must let go of any and all cravings and desires for the world (in other words you let go of all the desires for your false perception's effects). This suggests that karma is a "catch 22" situation, hence it being symbolised as a wheel. Reversal of thinking is considered in Buddhism to be mechanism by which you release yourself from the karmic cycle and reawaken enlightenment. This idea mirrors that of "In the world, but not of it" and "be transformed by renewing your mind" of the Christian philosophy.

    The following video is food for thought on the afforementioned.....

    It'd be better to be enlightened to get your answer about God lol

  3. Best Car? The DB5, obviously. While anybody who disagrees about that one is perfectly entitled to their wrong opinion, I have to stress just how wrong they are.

    Just look at it. :wub: :wub:

    Good Bond car but the looks didnt do much for me. I think the Toyota 2000GTX in You Only Live Twice was a much better looking car.


  4. I like Casino Royale most, the Golden Eye and then License to Kill (Pressure container filled with cash people!)

    Daniel Craigs the best, I was only born in the 80s, so I've only seen a few, but I've never like Connery, although he's usually classed as the best Bond. Thought Rodger Moore was pretty lame as well, he punched like a complete girl and I think was the main reason there are so many parodies of Bond out there.

    Best Music? Erm... I'll say Casino Royale.

    To be fair on Roger, there's always been parodies of Bond, even Roger did a parody sketch of Bond before he got the job. A fantasy adventure with such exagerated plots and scenarios, and same format, is always going to be open to micky taking.

    One thing to remember with the Bond films from the 60s-70s is that they brought images to movie screeen of far off foreign exotic places to people who had never even been on a ferry across the channel let alone on a plane. These days people have grown in sophistication, travelled more, indulged in luxuries etc. so tastes change and people become less interested in the fantasy. I think thats the reason why most people who never liked Bond have warmed to Craig's recent films, as its hardly fantasy and more serious (which i can get from pretty much most other films). But to someone like me it's less appealin because the serious action as in the recent Craig films was never what Bond, as a movie character, was oringinally about. However, if you're a fan of the books, Craig makes an excellent Bond.

  5. A View To A Kill

    Moore & Connery

    A View To A Kill

    Best car: S1 Lotus Esprit

    Best villain actor: Christopher Walken

    Best Bond Girl: Akiko Wakabayashi (You Only Live Twice)

    Best location: Paris

    Best stunt: Ski Jump (TSWLM)

    Most memorable line: "What are you, some kinda doomsday machine, boy?" (Live and Let Die)

    Most tensest moment: Bond hanging over edge of cliff as the rope's pitons get knocked out (For Your Eyes Only)

  6. I went through the match threads and took the mean average of all the team ratings posted for all the matches bar Man City due to there being no ratings posted in that match thread.

    Guzan - 7.1

    Vlaar - 6.7

    KEA - 6.6

    Ireland - 6.5

    Holman - 6.3

    Wiemann - 6.2

    Delph - 6.2

    Lowton - 6.1

    Bannan - 6.1

    Gabby - 6.1

    Bennett - 6.1

    Clark - 5.9

    Lichaj - 5.8

    Albrighton - 5.8

    Bent - 5.6

    Benteke - 5.6

    Baker - 5.3

    Herd - 4.6

    N'zogbia - 4.3

    Given - 4.3

    Westwood - 4.3

    Delfounso - 3.3

    Stevens - 6 (only 1 cup game and 1 rating)

    IMO, the results reflect a certain amount of bias against Lichaj and Clark. Overall ratings seem fair enough.

  7. A View To A Kill - Top Bond film for me because of Christopher Walken, Paris and SF locations, and DD theme

    The Spy Who Loved Me - The S1 Lotus Esprit, Jaws, and the studio set for the 3 subs towards the end

    Live and Let Die - Epic that just seemed to go on and on. The boat chase, Sheriff JW Pepper, the crocodile stunt, and the casting.

    After years of being a Bond fan, and hearing all the arguments, all i can say is that the whole Bond series has something for everyone.

  8. Do you guys think that RE should be a subject at school?

    Religious Education i agree with to the extent that is used as a means to examine different religions and philosophies objectively. It helps broaden awareness and achieve understanding between those of different backgrounds and faiths. Faiths should be examined with open mindedness with the inclusion of alternative agnostic, atheist and scientific views. However it's a big ask for a teacher to be able to do this well, particularly if they have their own religious bias.

    I do not agree with Religious Instruction in the guise of RE, which is taught at faith schools. It is usually unreasonably biased indoctrination, in line with the doctrines of whatever religion sponsors the school, with little scope for questioning at the expense of the development of critical thinking.

  9. No, that is correct, and pretty bloody absurd it is, too.

    I'd love to know how many indigenous Brits know anything at all about the Battle of Waterloo, etc. (I know loads about it, but I'm a history geek).

    Nothing much to do with religion though, so perhaps wrong thread?

    The article briefly mentioned something about acknowledging Britain's status as a historically Christian country, something like that. That was the part that irked me the most, because it sounded so far-right.

    Perhaps it's no more different from applying for a passport that has "God and My Right" printed on it. Of course, an attempt to coerce people to perceive things strictly in certain way to the detriment of all other possibilities could be described as fascism, a job that the church and government have done so well for quite some time.

  10. my local priest rationalised there was a seperate god for the old testamaent and the new testament.


    Not quite so amazing given some critical study of the history of the bible, apocrypha and "history" of the Israelites. The "LORD God" of the old testament who was obsessed with gold, slaughter, sacrifice, and bloodshed, both of his own people and enemies, was hardly the god JC was pointing to when he said "forgive your enemies" etc.

    There are many strange inconsistencies that can be found just by comparing different books in the bible. One is that "LORD God" of Genesis 2 onwards, may not be the same as "God" of Genesis 1 due to a change of titles, and neither may be the god JC claimed to be one with. This site click here is a useful resource for this.

    There's a whole shitload of works out there that can easily turn the whole thing on its head. Not that this should negate worthy spiritual/metaphysical principles though, but should allow one to review such beliefs in a new light.

  11. Yeah the Lime green kit isn't looking too bad..

    Although it does kind of look like a High Vis vest.. lol.

    GK shirt looks even more frantic. I think the Limited Edition shirt comes with glow sticks and a signed Tiesto album.

  12. I shall add Collymore to my ever growing mental list of people seemingly unaware of the actual definition of 'fickle'.

    Here here. This is one of my ultimate pet hates. So many people bandy it around nowadays without actually knowing what it means.

    But people who don't know it's "Hear, hear", not "Here here" may not be best placed to give us lectures on the meanings of words! :winkold:

    zing! :lol:


    Surely 'here here' as in yes yes is correct - not 'hear hear' as in listen listen.... :?: imho

    Nope. It's "Hear hear", as in "Hear him! Hear him!"

    The "here" usage is just wrong.

    "Hear, hear" is correct. Listen, listen, is "Oye, oye".

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