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Posts posted by Humanoid

  1. Actually, VT can help settle an argument I'm having with the missus at the moment;

    FGTH's 'The Power Of Love' is a Christmas song, is it not? :suspect:

    It's not really a xmas song imo and HJ wasnt pleased at the time that it was marketed as such, but due to the video nativity scenes and being No.6 on xmas day 1984, its regarded by some as an xmas song. At least it's one of the few xmas songs you can play anytime of the year.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I posted the link to that video in the Match Reaction thread -. Thommo's face plus texting back a certain Redscouse that it was going to be game of the day on Sky

    who reckoned they were all over us & the score would be about 5-0 to them after about 15 mins...... & that Benteke was just a big yard dog :D ...ha ha

    just topped off my day nicely!!


    Here's the pic with the scoreline added in all its glory lol...


    • Like 2
  3. Thought it was worth having a laugh at this quote from RAWK again:

    After seeing Villa again, I'm going to up my prediction.

    We are going to win this game upward of 4-0. I suspect 5-0, although 6-0 wouldn't be an unreasonable prediction. Villa are easily the worst side that I've ever seen in the top flight in decades. They are abysmal all over the pitch. No cohesion, no belief, no guts, no ability, no desire.

    This, my friends, is going to be an absolute battering come the weekend. Villa are going to get absolutely pounded into the floor.

    This will be the easiest game that Brendan Rodgers will ever have for this club.

    Nothing's too unreasonable when it comes to Liverpool fans hyping up their mid-table mediocre team. And apparently, just 2 back to back wins is now considered a winning streak by LFC offcial site... Clicky. Which is absolutely true for a mid-table mediocre team.

    • Like 1
  4. Delighted for the lad tonight for getting another brace for himself. The lad is reaping what he has sewn with the hard work he has put in at this club, particularly because of having to leave behind his homeland and family to do it. Keep up the good work, Andy!

  5. Just a word on finishing off teams...... THAT'S THE WAY TO DO IT!! Nice to see our team not pissing around near the corner flag at 1-2 up, trying to waste time with 10 mins to go.

    Happy for Weimann again getting a brace. From what I was hearing, great work from Benteke glad that he got a goal on top of his assists. Holman had a great first half knocking in a excellent goal and causing their defence problems, shame he tires out so quickly.

    Well done lads! You have every chance of lifting that trophy at wembley

  6. I thought it ended as they ran out of things to write on. Anyway, it's just a bit of fun for most sane people in the world. But I always wonder, what do the rest of the calendar say about what would happen? What it's all about? Except for ending at a random date making people go panic. And I really do believe that those people are very few, if any.

    Just to be absolutely clear on this "end date"; the particular cycle of time called "Baktun", which is supposed to end on the 21st, is only one of 9. There are 3 cycles of time larger than Baktun in the calendar, so on that basis alone it can't be "the end". The Baktun cycle has ended many times previously without anything disasterous happening.

    There is no archelolgical evidence available to the public to suggest that there is any doomsday scenario that the Mayans associated with this date, although there is some to suggest the date was significant, although the reason why is not known.

    The only other sources of information are the prophesies and myths (verbal legends) of tribes who claim to be Mayan descendents. And most of the myths claim that there will be a change in consciouness generally and not the end of the planet or vast global catastrophies that wipes out most of the world's population. IF these tribes are right, then it's certainly not doomy but sounds like something positive.

    Its the doomsday cults (mostly christian) and new agers who have latched on to the myths and calendar for their own fear mongering and/or money making ends.

    • Like 1
  7. I thought the general held belief on the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy was that they actually just didn't bother to make a calendar beyond that date, as theres no evidence to suggest they thought the end was coming then.

    True, there is no such thing as "the Mayan doomsday prophecy". One of the larger cycles of time within their calendar is generally accepted to end on 21st of December. Whilst there's much conjecture about what it could mean and also there is archeological references to the date, there's no evidence at all to suggest that it means the end of the world.

  8. what about something where you don't have 6 secs to make up your mind though ?

    You never have 6secs to make up your mind, only that your mind has already decided what decision you will make up to 6 seconds (it could be more, only that we see the observable effects on the brain up to 6secs) before you "consciously do so". In other words, your subconscious mind is what is driving your life experience and not your conscious mind of which you think you make decisions with. So, I already was going to post this repsonse to your post before I "consciously decided" to do so.

  9. The problem is that Man U, when they go 2-0 down, believe they can come back and win it. The much bigger problem is the opposition believe they can too.

    Having said that, a great effort from everyone today, the system worked well. We gave them a good game. Benteke led the line brilliantly. Stevens will learn from his mistakes.

    Bring on Man city.

  10. Best thing to do is to ring the court and ask them why the summons does not have a section to enable you to plead guilty by post. Not much point going to see a solicitor if you're going to plead guilty in full though, being a minor matter and all. If you do go to one though, first 30mins is usually free of charge. Likelyhood is a fine, points and maybe a driving course. The other thing is that your insurance company may well have been told about it by the 3rd party insurer, which can only mean huge hike in premium.

    Remember, it's always better to sort these kind of incidents out yourself when they happen either through insurers, or privately go out your way to make sure the other person gets sorted. Usually ends up being cheaper in the long run. Plus car parks should be driven around on more cautiously because collisions between 2 or more drivers on carparks are usually treated as 50/50 by insurers

  11. Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying. Haven't seen that video before, absolutely fascinating that there's such a lag between his brain deciding and him being aware of it. I wouldn't have expected that.

    Everything it says around your consciousnesses being part of your brain activity is exactly what I'd expect though, it's the only thing that really makes sense from a scientific standpoint.

    I feel that there's some kind of feedback loop within the mechanism of brain activity. In order to make "better decisions" and be accountable for them, one has to be able to evaluate the thoughts that come into the mind to make a "better choice". I dont believe this to be control but only that it influences future thoughts and evaluations, still leading to the only outcome there could be, but an outcome of greater value if the "better" evaluation is made. As the professor said, "the unconscious brain activity is in harmony with your beliefs and desires", which being merely evaluations, implies that rather than one being able to control outcomes, ones past experience and evaluations will influence unconscious choices made in the present.

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