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Posts posted by drat01

  1. How easy is it to plumb a dishwasher in?

    And is it bad that when I thought of this question, I thought of Villatalk? Y'all have all the answers.

    simple just need a cold ware feed and a output to drain as you would for a washer
  2. Just woke up having a nightmare that Gloria Gaynor was in the room,
    First I was afraid then I was petrified......


    I'm after the detergent killer - and this time it's Persil


    My mate just hired an Eastern European cleaner, took her 15 hours to hoover the house. Turns out she was a Slovak.


    Saw a film last night about a doctor who mistakenly voted Labour instead of Conservative in the General Election. Not much of a story, more of a doc you meant Tory


    I quit my job at the helium factory.......I refuse to be spoken to in that tone.


    I once put everything I own on a racehorse....squashed it!


    I've been charged with murder for killing a man with sandpaper. To be honest I only intended to rough him up a bit.


    A man was in court for stealing a bag, took just three minutes to get sentenced, it was a briefcase.


    A man was arrested for stealing helium balloons, police held him for a while then let him go.


    Weird feeling... I just saw Tony Blackburn put a record on the turntable.....just as he did in 1967.

    It must be DJ View.

    • Like 4
  3. On intellectual wastelands such as Facebook (and various forums) you see comments like "let 'em go" "They will struggle following independence" etc etc, conveniently through intent or negligence to consider the rest of the UK if this happens. The impact in terms of cost alone to England to basically comply with this will be enormous, hitting funds that Gvmts have so called allocated for key services - the usual ones that get cut when cuts and costs are mentioned. Then there are the cost and impacts to business. Dealing with cross border companies and contracts is currently a minefield and will occur again. I deal a lot with customers in Eire for example and we have to follow a long established set of procedures to comply with the laws of the UK and Eire, establishing and complying with new sets will be costly and beneficial only to those who will charge to make it happen.


    Next a comment about "immigration" - As Scotland will be outside of the EU - and probably for some time, there will be adjustments needed for trade and working rights of Scots in the rest of the EU and companies who base themselves north of the border. I know of at least 5 major companies who are looking at moving IT assets into England if they do vote yes - planning for this has to start now - to comply with many of the business agreements and laws. Staffing levels and abilities to trade are one of the drivers behind this.


    Also where does this stop, will Wales call for independence, will Cornwall, will Yorkshire, all far fetched (even the Wales thing) but the amounts of efforts dealing with this will be large.

    • Like 2
  4. MacMillan nursing are the UK charity that benefits from the ice bucket thing.






    .... (info on link - for some reason FFox wont allow me to cut and paste) ...
    Get involved in the perfect summer fundraising challenge that's sweeping across social media. #IceBucketChallenge a friend and raise money to help people affected by cancer. - See more at: http://www.macmillan.org.uk/ice-nominate.html?gclid=CNHS2pHtusACFa7KtAodCQMAAQ#sthash.Jdcenspw.dpuf


    They are a fantastic charity and anything that encourages awareness, donations and general support should be 110% encouraged. Donations to them to help with the fantastic work they do should happen all times, and its a major failing of the infrastructure that they still have to rely so heavily on public donations. I would urge anyone to drop them a few quid on a regular basis, you don't have to shout out about it if you don't want, but if you do then great, it keeps them at the forefront of people's mindset.


    Maybe if some of the efforts of indignation on many matters (see Facebook for the constant bile spewed out against so called enemies of the state and society which are in reality mouthpieces for uber right wing organizations)  was turned into positive support for organizations like them, then the world would be a better place rather than the cess pit it is full of people with petty discriminatory prejudices.

  5. 13 shots on target against Orient points the blame on the team who played and not the manager.

    there were not 13 shots on target . According to all stats people we have only had 4 on target in last 5 games. Who is saying so many last night?
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