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Everything posted by bully

  1. Gen, The earlier point about the Holte acoustics reminded me of something, would it be possible to 'fill' the gap at the side of the Holte upper in between the Holte and Trinity? I do not mean extend the stand, simply extend the current poly type sheeting. I sit in virtually the middle of the Holte upper and can still feel spots of rain at times!! and I'm sure that this would help any acoustic problems.
  2. General, Firstly, after the game last night my feelings were a little mixed, disappointed at the result but proud of the way we battled back in the second half. However this morning I cannot remember ever feeling more positive after a defeat. We have really put down a marker over the last month or so and finally the rest of the world is sitting up and taking notice. I am certain that we are on the way back to the top, this pride of lions has refound it's pride, the Randy revolution is really starting to roll. All I can say is that I hope Randy realises how much we all appreciate what he has done in the last 16 months, I feel the next few years are going to be magic. Secondly, I dont know what your plans are for the forthcoming holiday season but as I'm sure you are aware football is very much part of the festivities here. The Wigan away game was being talked about by everyone yesterday, there is going to be a huge away following there and the atmosphere will make the players feel like they are at home. If you and Randy are here I invite you to join us in the away end to sample the craic, you'll love it. Finally, can you ask Santa (Randy) to deliver our presents in January. He will get a letter soon from our representative, MON, listing our requirements. We promise to be good :angel: and will pay him back tenfold :notworthy: Keep up the good work.
  3. please leave this thread for the General, not discussion between posters. Thanks. Blandy
  4. There were lots of plastic glasses used as well as the glass ones. Most of the spillages were probably because of the bloody plastic glasses.
  5. Very sorry to hear you cannot make it General, I presume the dildo peddling werewolf down the road will try to point score because of your absence. Is Randy coming over or will he be at the Cleveland game?
  6. General, Are you 'fit' for Sunday? I cant wait to see you and Randy in the Holte pub afterwards for celebratory drinks and a bit of a sing song
  7. General, I dont mean to be a nuisance but I think you have misunderstood me. England (London) have been awarded the Olympics in 2012. As part of the successful bid, Villa Park was nominated to host matches in the Olympic football tournament. My question was basically, has there been any discussions or actions regarding VP's usage? I assume that the answer is no given your previous reply. Knowing our country the attitude is probably 'the games are only 4.5 years away, plenty of time' :?
  8. I have no doubt about that but my question was specifically about the 2012 Olympics......... I believe that Villa Park was one of the proposed venues for the 2012 Olympics which seems to be approaching fast (where do the years go?). Have there been any developments regarding the use of VP as part of the Olympics? Would we (Villa) receive funding to upgrade facilities? Do Randy's plans for VP take into account the proposed Olympic usage? How's the back btw, I hope you are fully fit for the small heath game.
  9. General, All the talk in the last few days about an England bid for the 2018 World Cup and the grounds which would be used got me thinking. I believe that Villa Park was one of the proposed venues for the 2012 Olympics which seems to be approaching fast (where do the years go?). Have there been any developments regarding the use of VP as part of the Olympics? Would we (Villa) receive funding to upgrade facilities? Do Randy's plans for VP take into account the proposed Olympic usage? Cheers
  10. General, What feedback have you or Randy received from MON, the coaches and/or players regarding the improved facilities at Bodymoor Heath given that they have now used this facility for a number of months? Are you aware of any situation to date whereby the new facility can be directly credited as a beneficial factor as opposed to the old set up eg. a player returning from injury quicker due to the improved workplace? The results on the pitch seem to be better already in particular the reserves and youth team who are currently flying.
  11. General, Are you over for the game on Saturday?
  12. General, Why dont we agree to give them half of the gate from the West Ham game because their poxy ground only holds 29000 and they are unable to fill it? Think of the publicity General, 'Krulak bails out local charity' or better still 'General rescues pig from the shit'
  13. General, I think you missed my earlier post above. Also I sincerely hope that the club are not considering a 3rd kit given that due to a change of sponsor all kits will be replaced in time for next season.
  14. General, Any idea as to why there are no infant away kits available for sale? I went to the Villa store today to buy my 7 year old son the away kit expecting to pay approx. £40 for the full numbered kit. After deducting my ST discount it cost me £68 for the lot, shirt/shorts/socks. Can the club seriously look at the costs charged for children's shorts and socks for all future kits.
  15. General, Dont lose any sleep about PornoPig, he had to try and save face after being shown up as a hypocrite. He failed, you've shown him to be a right oink. How apt that their dump of a ground is known as The Sty. Keep up the good (unpaid!) work.
  16. bully

    Second City

    If second city status refers specifically to size and size alone then you are bang on. The 2001 census shows that Manchester is actually about the 6th biggest city, some 600k people behind Birmingham. And as you say, even when refering to the the metropolitan areas/conurbations, "Greater" Birmingham (i.e. West Midlands) is still larger than Greater Manchester ( but only by approx 200k). I cant see that much has changed since the 2001 Census to change this all that much. However, there is an argument that suggests second city should take into account more than just population size, so it depends on criteria. Based on population, Birmingham definately is the second city, although other criteria may suggest differently What other criteria?
  17. Might as well close this thread as there is no way Randy would remove MON for anybody.
  18. General is she a trained killer like my wife? One stare and you're dead?
  19. Can the balloons be distributed by the turnstile operators?
  20. I went into a sports store in Vegas looking for a Browns jersey or cap for my son. The guy in there said the Browns weren't that popular down there and they didn't really have anything. He seem surprised that an English guy was asking for Browns gear so I explained that Randy had bought my 'soccer' team in England. He said 'oh yeah Aston Villa', I was chuffed and left the store with a big silly grin!
  21. General, Whilst you are investigating the ST sales numbers could you find out how many tickets have been sold for the Fulham game? The Liverpool game was always gonna sell out, as will Chelsea, but this game should give us a better idea as to how far we have come in getting the missing fans back to VP.
  22. I hope you didn't miss this General amongst all the other BS. Btw does Randy call you Chuck?
  23. General, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned previously but there was another problem at last weeks game, smoking in the toilets. I took my son into a toilet in the Holte upper about 5 mins before half time and it was full of smokers. As I'm sure you can imagine, the smoke in there was dense and disgusting, a lot worse than last year on the concourses. Are you (the club) aware of this problem? What action are you taking to prevent the law being broken in the future?
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