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Everything posted by Tegis

  1. Bryant is such a **** word removed
  2. Fumbles kills you at the roster-hierarchy. CJ Anderson upgraded over Ronnie Hillman I'd like to point out my "uber-nfl-scout-masterspot" potential: Now watch him fumble on his first run!
  3. I'm cheating, thats not my pic I think my excuse is being environmentally friendly in not having to wash the glass....
  4. Wohoo, 1 hour earlier this week. More sleep for us at GMT+1
  5. Tegis


    Nico Musoke!!!!!!!! I didn't know he was on the card, Massive string of injuries gave him the chance and he took it. Perfect armbar! Classy Lyoto!
  6. Tegis


    *Shocker* Tito hurt and the Bellator PPV is switched to free TV with Chandler - Alvarez (sick fight) headlining. Manchester fights look entertaining tonight. I got Machida, Guillard and Manuwa
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