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Posts posted by DeadlyDirk

  1. 6 hours ago, Chindie said:

    It built up from the memes that people came up with when they noticed 2 completely different, absurdly so, blockbuster movies were being released against each other. It's kind of a perfect storm of different kinds of movies competing - one the worthy heavy super serious biopic of the story of the leading mind behind the most devastating weapon ever made directed by the modern darling director, the other a completely surreal big budget comedy based on a particularly silly toy directed by a fairly new and small time indie movie director.

    The difference is so stark it's funny.

    Both films highly tipped to be in the oscar nominations... 

  2. 37 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

    The Moore brothers, so much potential and never worked hard. 
    Lee Hendrie, could have been brilliant, wasn’t he done by around 27?


    I think your right about the age of Lee Hendrie... So much promise though, I even remember one month there was something like 4 of the first 5 of the BBC Match of The Day goal of the month's were his. Such a shame he couldn't push on.

    • Like 1
  3. It's just like, and to quote Timmy Sherwood (when he was describing out summer transfer business) "Buying the decorations without buying the Christmas tree" - Christmas tree (in this case) being the infrastructure and player development from grass roots up to professional level. If there is a Christmas tree it's a small £13 from Tesco's being decorated by decorations from Harrods, or somewhere equally upmarket.

  4. For me, Jordan Graham sticks out, thought he was going to be massive. 

    Scott Murray from the 90's looked exciting and pacey at fullback but disappeared quicker than he emerged.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, maqroll said:

    Twitter chatter this morning about Villa signing Dest...not sure if he's a clear upgrade on Cash, but he'd add depth at least.

    From nothing more than my Football Manager (2020) knowledge of him I would say it'd be a clear upgrade. In the real world however, I have no idea but I suspect it could be!

    Scrap that, he's only 5ft 7"!! Burn him at the stake!!

    • Haha 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    What chance the Saudis have dropped a few mill in his account. The power of him turning them down is priceless - they want to show that everyone can be bought. The utter words removed 

    I think we're getting wound up by thinks that probably haven't and have no insider knowledge about. Que sera sera and all that!

    • Like 2
  7. Agree with Mazrim.... Either Doku on a perm or Torres on loan with an option to buy, a specialist RB and a reliable backup GK who would have composure rated as above 4 on FM. That would set us right.

    More would be a bonus.

    • Like 1
  8. YouTube Highlight vids..... Aleksander Tonev.

    On a vaguely connected sidenote, I hate those vids which claims to have all the goals from "the game" only to cut to the goal about 1 second before the ball hits the back of the net. Rant over.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Frodo said:

    Very much looks like we've won the race fir Diaby if there ever was one, fantastic signing this very excited regards this absolute weapon of a player 💪 welcome 

    I got called an absolute weapon once. I don't think it was meant in a positive light! Delighted with this though, could be another transformative signing.

    • Haha 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, IrishVilla10 said:


    And this is the result of Musk's "anyone can have a blue tick if they give me some money" policy - much more of these idiots around the place now.

    • Like 3
  11. So a friend of mine (ex forces - sorry I can't be more specific, not because I'm being secretive, simply because I don't know... Think he was army though!) - say's the one thing he's heard a few times over the last few months was "That conflict is coming to us, we'll be heavily involved soon" - us meaning NATO. Seems to be something that's being re-iterated, and it'll be interesting to see what the "line" will be for full on nato involvement. 

  12. 2 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    Thought he'd get a nod of the basis of this film getting a push come award season, will be interesting to see where his career goes from here

    He's making a small scale Irish film next, he could do a lot of things to be fair to him

    ..And just think when we all watched 28 Days Later about 22 years ago in the cinema for the 1st time, with a relative unknown in the lead, it's good to see such a talented actor from their breakout all the way through to where they are now.

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