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Posts posted by GaztonVilla

  1. He's getting the job (if it happens) because he is OGS, never a good thing to pin your decision on, IMHO.

    I'd say he's getting the job (if it happens) based on:

    1. Extensive playing experience.

    2. Having learned his managerial trade at the knee of one of (if not THE) greatest managers ever.

    3. Experience of managing the youths and reserves at a top European club.

    4. Winning the Norwegian national championship with a club he really had no right to be so successful with.

    To my mind, he's got similar managerial experience to Andre Villas Boas. You might say AVB was more successful at Porto, but it's all relative.

  2. "a source close to the club".. Not a source within the club.

    Also, Pat Murphy is the BBC's Villa man and we all know that the Villa never tell him anything, and he's not happy about it.

    After TheTrees' info on Houllier (and the subsequent boost to my bank balance), I think it's on. Now, show me to the bandwagon.

    Asked Stevie about it? Although he's probably on holiday by now I suppose.

    You'd be surprised how little players know (or care) about these sorts of things until things are done and dusted.

  3. If the club/new manager wants to sell him, then he'll probably go.

    However, one thing about SI is that he's not the type of player to move on simply chasing a higher pay packet. He actually likes it at Villa. He likes it more now than he did 12 months ago, probably because he's playing football in exchange for wages. He wants to do well here, he feels like he's turned a corner (in terms of form and his relationship with supporters) and he doesn't feel the need to move on. If a new manager has other ideas, he'll try to earn his right to stay. He definitely definitely won't spit the dummy out if he isn't picked for the team, as you'll have seen this season. Wasn't in the team, worked hard in training to earn his right to play and then played well when given the chance.

    He also feels he has a good relationship with the RL/PF in the aftermath of the Houllier debacle and is enjoying feeling part of the club.

  4. he faile dto hit 40 points so did not get that much acoording to reports.

    good and smart clause inserted by randy and faulkner have to say

    It is a horrifing look into our ambition though ?

    If we set the bar any lower to kick in bonuses we might as well give a bonus for been on time every day.

    How about a bonus that kicks in after X ammount of home wins for example or per place in the league only starting at 10th and upwards?

    There's a difference between getting a bonus and being denied a pay-off.

    I think there was a clause in his contract that if he didn't get to 40 points then either party were entitled to terminate the contract without penalty.

  5. Villa chairman Randy Lerner said: "We need to be clear and candid with ourselves and with supporters about what we have lacked in recent years.

    "Compelling play and results that instil a sense of confidence that Villa is on the right track have been plainly absent.

    "The most immediate action that we can take is to look carefully at our options in terms of bringing in a new manager who sees the club's potential and embraces our collective expectations."

    I know there's always an element of "don't tell us, show us", but this from Randy suggests he knows he got it wrong and wants to put it right.

  6. Trapatoni is talking about playing Ireland behind Robbie Keane for the World cup qualifiers

    Perhaps someone should tell him there is a major problem with this plan.

    That problem has, to all intents and purposes, resolved itself. SI has been reaching out to the ROI setup for a year or so but Trap (quite rightly, IMO) wouldn't consider SI for the Euros.

  7. I don't see what the fuss is about.. The vote is based on the number of times a player has been voted Man of the Match by the supporters. It's all very transparent.

  8. I'm heartened by the number of player we have who are prepared to play despite injuries/niggles/poor fitness..

    There's 2 ways to take this and I'd love to know which one it is.

    I meant it sincerely. And it should have said 'players'.

    RD is fit but should really take another week off. By playing so soon, he is actually risking making his injury worse and missing the Euros.

    SI wants wants wants to play but his hamstring isn't listening. made it worse by playing with painkilling injections when he should have rested it. Is climbing the walls at the thought that he will most likely not play.

    On another note, GA is pissing everyone off.

  9. Sorry to break the mood :)

    What pisses me off is when one of the girls who works for me offers to make coffee, then brings the mug to me filled to within 0.0005mm of the top. It's boiling hot, I can't lift it without spilling it and if I blow on it to cool it down I spill it over the edge.

    If she didn't have those legs she'd be in line for a P45

  10. Me and Missus Gazton start IVF after 3 years of close calls but no joy.

    Terrified and excited and nervous and emotional. God knows how the missus will be once the hormone injections start.

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