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Posts posted by GaztonVilla

  1. fair points gaz but when i say con i menat in terms of the update being small and the amount apple want from certain network providers for an upgrade for what it actually is, is a con. not value for money

    they could have updated it further but will wait until the 5 comes out so they can generate more money from people

    Upgrade is the wrong term. It's a new phone. Thus it costs the amount of money that you would expect for a new phone of that spec.

    New customers will decide whether it's worth the money for a new phone. Existing users will decide whether it's worth the money for an incremental improvement on what they already have.

    Apple aren't forcing you to buy it, therefore it's not a con regardless of the price of it.

    Yes, the absolutely could have updated it further. The fact that they didn't do that is exactly the same decision that they made when moving from 3G to 3GS. The 4S caters to a market of people who want a new phone now but who think that maybe the iP4 is a bit dated. I'm an iP4 user and I'm 9 months into a 24 month contract. Apple aren't trying to con me; they're offering a slightly improved phone. I can take it or leave it, so I decided to leave it and wait until my contract runs down a bit more by which time maybe an iP5 will exist.

    If you choose to part with £500 of your hard-earned for the iP4S to replace an iP4, you're not being conned. You're getting exactly what they're saying you'll get. There's no deception involved.

  2. UTB

    thats what i didnt do i thought it was pointless its almsot an identical phone. what a con

    A con? That's a bit strong.. It's a minor spec upgrade to the iP4, hence its the iP4s. Similarly, the iP3G to iP3Gs wasn't a huge increase in spec.

    If people research it properly, like you did, they realise it's not a huge leap in functionality. If people don't research it and simply upgrade from 4 to 4S because it's new and shiny and they're impressed by the marketing of it, then more fool them. But it's still not a con.

  3. Yep. Actually did a thethered JB on 5.0.1. Seems ok so far.

    One glitch is that if I receive a message while the messages app is open, it causes a respring into safe mode. Apart from that, I like it. The tethered JB is uncomfortable because if the need to tether in order to reboot after certain Cydia apps install but, apart from that, seems ok.

  4. I read somewhere that Jailbreak might somehow mask that it comes from a 4 to allow it. But as the 5.0 JB isnt out yet who knows.

    There is a tethered JB for iOS 5.0. See www.jailbreakmatrix.com for details.

    Yeh I did one the day it was released, it was shit though. Have you tried this one?

    Not yet, I'm gonna do it on Saturday. Yes, that's how sad I am. I am planning my weekend around rugby and jailbreaking my phone. :(

  5. I read somewhere that Jailbreak might somehow mask that it comes from a 4 to allow it. But as the 5.0 JB isnt out yet who knows.

    There is a tethered JB for iOS 5.0. See www.jailbreakmatrix.com for details.

  6. Yup I agree.

    It would be political. I understand as I am half N. Irish myself.

    I think the problem me an dyou have Gazton is we view the Poppy differently. I view it as a symbol of rememberence for any soldier or military personnel who has given their life. You appear to view the poppy as rememberence for why they gave their life.

    If that makes sense.

    Makes perfect sense and I think the disagreement we are having about it is a microcosm of how the world sees the poppy, if you know what I mean?

    Hence, I reckon FIFA are absolutely spot on.

  7. N Ireland aren't playing this weekend, I think.

    However, do you not think that the wearing of a poppy on a green Northern Ireland shirt would be seen as political? Think carefully about that one..

    Scotland are playing in Cyprus. Maybe I'm ignorant, but I'm not sure if wearing poppies in Cyprus would be seen as divisive?

  8. As I said, IF the emblem was a symbol of rememberance for all palestinian soldiers who had lost their lives in any conflicts WITHOUT sole reference to Suicide bombings ...I would have no problems.

    FIFA should use commonsense. Was it not FIFA who promised to help make SAfrica more literate when awarding the World Cup? Do they not have UNICEF as a charity? It seems FIFA already decide which charitable causes are more worthy than others.

    It's the political element to this which has resulted in FIFA not allowing the poppy on the jersey. While the poppy is seen by you (and many others, granted) as a universal symbol of remembrance, the reality is that it is worn by many people as a symbol to remember "our" war dead. I say "our" as in the person wearing the poppy.

    There is a large section of the world who will see the poppy as a purely British/Commonwealth symbol, and its alignment with the Royal British Legion strengthens that perception.

    This is on their website..

    The Royal British Legion is the nation's custodian of Remembrance, ensuring that people remember those who have given their lives for the freedom we enjoy today. The poppy has become the symbol of Remembrance worn during the weeks leading to Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day

    "Given their lives for the freedom we enjoy today"

    That's a political statement, no matter how much we all agree with it.

    The funds raised from the sale of poppies doesn't go to the soldiers or families of Iraqi dead from the two gulf wars. It doesn't go to the Argentine veterans of the Falklands war, nor does it go to German, Russian, Japanese veterans etc. This is why FIFA have taken the stance they have.

  9. Here's a question:

    What if the Palestinian football team wore emblems on their shirts remembering the "martyred" suicide bombers of Gaza? Would people object to that?

    But that is different.

    The reason being the Poppy is internationally renowned to represent the military from all conflicts.

    If the Palestinian football team wore an emblem that allowed their country to remember the military personal lost in ALL conflicts (ie keeping it general....I would have no problem.

    I'd disagree on your first point. The poppy is the symbol of the Royal British Legion. Buying a poppy results in a donation to that charity.

    While it may symbolise something wider, it is directly associated with a charity dedicated to British servicemen and women.


    Royal British Legion, yes. But the poppy is an internationally renowned symbol

    Regardless, the England team would be wearing poppies which would be bought by the FA from the Royal British Legion and the money would go to British servicemen and women.

    So, how would people feel if a similar action was undertaken by the Palestinian FA?

    Who are FIFA to decide which charitable and political causes are more worthy than another?

  10. Here's a question:

    What if the Palestinian football team wore emblems on their shirts remembering the "martyred" suicide bombers of Gaza? Would people object to that?

    But that is different.

    The reason being the Poppy is internationally renowned to represent the military from all conflicts.

    If the Palestinian football team wore an emblem that allowed their country to remember the military personal lost in ALL conflicts (ie keeping it general....I would have no problem.

    I'd disagree on your first point. The poppy is the symbol of the Royal British Legion. Buying a poppy results in a donation to that charity.

    While it may symbolise something wider, it is directly associated with a charity dedicated to British servicemen and women.

  11. Here's a question:

    What if the Palestinian football team wore emblems on their shirts remembering the "martyred" suicide bombers of Gaza? Would people object to that?

  12. Well it's easier to bomb someone who doesn't have nukes yet in an attempt to stop them from getting the nukes.. If you bomb someone who HAS nukes, they're more likely to press the red button I suppose..

  13. On a (nother) side note, I discovered yesterday that despite fixing my phone, the insurance company also appear to have broken the microphone, which means I can't speak to anyone on the phone.

    Obviously I'll speak to them and get them to fix it....

    Use a land line ;)

  14. i swear i read somehwre ryanair charged a passenger (who went into a cardic arrest on flight) for the sandwich they gave them.

    that is beyond evil in my eyes

    Before or after the cardiac arrest? :)

  15. Yippee ay oohhhh.. :(

    I always had so much admiration for Paddy and the way he battled his cancer. In a strange way, I always expected him to beat it - his positivity seemed so powerful I didn't think anything could break it.

    I never met the man and, apart from a few PM's on here, I can really say that I knew him very well but I do feel a very strong sense of loss at this news. He was one of us. I didn't know him, but I knew I liked him.

    I don't know the next time I'll sing Holteenders In The Sky but I'm pretty sure that I'll think of Paddy when I do and this lump in my throat will, more than likely, turn into a gentle sob.


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