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Posts posted by Awol

  1. 1 minute ago, Stephen_Evans said:

    I don’t think so.  Unless the rules have changed since Darren Fletcher was denied an appearance in the 2009 European Cup final for a dodgy booking against Arsenal.

    Stephen ‘Trivia’ Evans. Cheers mate ;) 

  2. We look very very good going forward, could easily be 4 or 5 up. Hopefully JJ isn’t hurt badly, but Rogers really unlucky not to be in the score sheet. Their keeper having a blinder. Fancy Diaby getting a decent run out second half 

  3. 1 hour ago, Genie said:

    At least that suggests it hasn’t happened yet. A nuke seems overkill doesn’t it? Surely a regular missile could comfortably take out satellites.

    Setting off a nuke in low earth orbit would make low earth orbit unusable indefinitely. What it didn’t destroy would be destroyed over time by the accumulated debris - like the movie Gravity. 

    It makes zero sense.

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