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Posts posted by Awol

  1. We look very very good going forward, could easily be 4 or 5 up. Hopefully JJ isn’t hurt badly, but Rogers really unlucky not to be in the score sheet. Their keeper having a blinder. Fancy Diaby getting a decent run out second half 

  2. 1 hour ago, Genie said:

    At least that suggests it hasn’t happened yet. A nuke seems overkill doesn’t it? Surely a regular missile could comfortably take out satellites.

    Setting off a nuke in low earth orbit would make low earth orbit unusable indefinitely. What it didn’t destroy would be destroyed over time by the accumulated debris - like the movie Gravity. 

    It makes zero sense.

  3. 31 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    I'm not an expert but isn't it more likely to be some form a laser weapon rather than a nuclear warhead. There are many obstacles to getting nuclear material launched into space and getting it back out of space safely (if needed).

    Also if it is a weapon in space then why don't Russia just announce it? Not much anyone can do about it once it's already up there. 

    It could just be an anti-satellite weapon like a new type of laser, yes. What doesn’t make sense is why, in that case, it would cause such a big flap? 

    Countries don’t always advertise their newest weapon systems, because if the enemy doesn’t know you have it, they can’t start preparing counter measures or trying to build one of their own.

    We call those, secrets ;) 

  4. 7 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    I can't believe Russia would have the technical capacity to fire Nuclear Weapons from space, especially with any kind of accuracy.  All of their wonder tech seems to be nothing more then a mirage. 

    In fairness they can fire them now from under water, into space, and then back into the atmosphere to hit a target 1000’s of Kms away. 
    Dropping it to earth 160km up (with a little bit of booster and guidance to re-enter the atmosphere in the right place) doesn’t seem beyond their technical capability. 

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