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Posts posted by thetrees

  1. This will hopefully gee us up for the Pool game, when hopefully we'll do them again.

    The strange thing is that if we want to break the top 4 we would have been better off drawing both games than losing today and then beating Liverpool.

    Anyway, first reverse against the Sky 4 this season and first loss at the Emirates.

    Roll on Tuesday!

  2. I am about to ditch mine.

    Functionality and ease of use is better than anything that I have ever used.

    Battery life is absolutely crap, so as a tool for business it just doesn't work.

    So back to Blackberry for me and my family can fight over who gets the iPhone

  3. I found one outside the bank a few years back.

    It was locked so I did a default 0000 and hey presto, it unlocked!

    Found 'Dad' in the address book and called. It was answered by a nice old Irish fella who sent his son around to collect it.

    I can't imagine why people would want to keep something that wasn't theirs.

  4. So for my motoring needs it looks like I'll struggle on with the dual sim and the old Nokia that everyone takes the mickey out of

    at least it distracts them and thus they are not ripping into you for driving an Audi :winkold:

    Ah, but the wonders of a woman have made sure that my iphone and the MMI are now at one, so the dual sim is no more!

    The wife has chosen the next one today, and it's an Audi, so not rated in the Clarkson world :winkold:

  5. Stupid question but if I hook it up to the wi fi at home or in the office and then make calls, are the calls free or just the browsing?

    You can download the Skype app and make very cheap calls. We do it for all those 0845, 0800 numbers which you pay stupid money for as the fall outside of your allowance.

    Good tip, thanks.

    I have mine up and running and it is much easier to use than the Blackberry, so pretty impressed!

    I appear to have problems hooking it up to the Audi MMI, as I did with the BB, but I can't work out whether that is incompatibility or just my age (!)

    So for my motoring needs it looks like I'll struggle on with the dual sim and the old Nokia that everyone takes the mickey out of :)

  6. I'd be interested in the age profile of Villa fans who don't like Everton, as I see it as something that has sprung out of our perceived rivalry of the last few years.

    I can't see that there is anything to dislike about them, cracking club, smashing ground, great traditions and vocal but grounded supporters.

    Clubs like Everton and the Villa are the future of football in this country.

  7. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer several years ago, with the updated 'terminal' diagnosis earlier this year which estimated between 3 and 24 months life expectancy, so it appears to me that they cannot be as precise as they were with Al Megrahi

    My Dad is 6 months into it, with no sign of decline yet, and he's 84!

  8. First time that I saw Iron Maiden they were supporting Judas Priest.

    Both were excellent live bands and, although post-'Killers' Maiden is not for me, I accept that they continued to be an excellent live band.

    I prefer Priest's twin guitar attack to Maiden's (influenced by 'the boss') heavy bass attack, but 'Iron Maiden' clinches it for me as the freshest, innovative debut album of the NWOBHM era.

  9. unfair tax


    That requires an explanation if one attempts to justify the point made.

    The uncapped employers NIC is an unfair tax, plain and simple.

    Why should successful businesses that generate wealth by way of the tax that their employees pay and the corporation tax that they pay have to then pay NIC on their entire wage bill?

    Tax in general is about the same in most countries. Our 'low' upper rate of 40% is jacked up by the aforementioned N.I.C., and general lack of tax relief, something that is enjoyed by our European counterparts.

    The only real objection that I have about the tax I pay is that it is completely wasted by the incompetents who receive it.

    But then if I let that drive me crazy I'll be crazy for a long time :winkold:

  10. Public sector workers on fixed 39 hour weeks, flexi-time, 'sickness' time allowance, final salary pension schemes, golden handshakes to reward failure etc yes.

    People who work their nuts off 80 hours a week to create wealth should be able to earn what they like.

    Then they and their employers can pay hugely unfair tax and N.I. to pay for the public sector

  11. I think that this poll in general shows that it is far more acceptable to be left than right, although radical forms of both sides are equally damaging in my opinion, and that many strong left wingers prefer to be referred to as 'centre left'

    If the centre left category were deleted and the numbers shifted 'left' on the scale I suspect that we would have a far more accurate view.

  12. I should imagine that Indian mothers-in-law are marvellous cooks, so visits to the in-laws should always be most enjoyable.

    Watched a re-run of Paul Merton in India last evening and his guide in Bangalore was quite lovely

  13. This poll and the Should he go or stay poll are both running at 75%to stay. i think it's time to move on and all get behind MON and the team.

    I was just watching Soccer Saturday and the negative remarks the Villa fans received were numerous. Criticism of the half time booing and the constant ridicule of the players. We are getting a poor reputation.

    I really don't give a damn what other supporters or pundits think of us. People have a right to boo the team off if they are served up performances like last Saturday.

    What they should never do, and don't as far as I have heard, is boo during the play.

  14. This smacks of the Birmingham pub bombings.

    There are plenty out there prepared to protest people's innocence, but no one prepared to offer up who they believe to be truly guilty.

    And if they have the strength in their convictions to protest a mans (mens) innocence, they know who the guilty are.

    The true victims are the families whose lives were ruined by the callous actions of such people, but they are so easily cast aside from people's thoughts.

    But of course the six Birmingham murderers were guilty all along, they were saved by a few bent coppers making sure that the evidence was overwhelming....

  15. This country is already far too soft.

    They should leave them in jail IHMO.

    You know he's 100% innocent of course?

    This conviction stank from before he was delivered into British hands.

    I even doubt he's got cancer tbh and I don't reaaly care because this has more to do with World politics than it has to do with any individual

    He was convicted on the flimsyest of evidence. To me this is just part of the same deal that brought him here and its all to do with oil and in its own part it diminishes Russia's influence on the world.

    And yes I do think its one big huge conspiracy, and for once, I dont care.

    Couldn't agree more. The whole deal (conviction, release) stinks. What stinks more is the alleged 'disgust' by some politicians, I think its just a frontage for the public.

    But lets say he was guilty, I don't think I would have released him personally but have to give commendation for the showing of compassion. That truley is a great gesture... if of course the whole thing is genuine.

    He was convicted, and that conviction still stands, no matter what 'expert' knowledge there is that has decided that he is innocent.

    The 'disgust' at the way the Libyans have triumphantly glorified his return is perfectly justified.

    Many people here might not care but around 20 years ago 270 innocent people were murdered when a commercial airliner was blown out of the sky.

    270, three strokes on a keyboard, just another statistic to many it seems....

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