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Posts posted by Xela

  1. I guess I could add football to mine. I still love the Villa, but I'm not obsessed with the game like I used to be. The fact I could name more players from Luton Town in 1988, than I can today, speaks volumes! Collecting the panini stickers made me a nerd! 

    Same with cricket. Love to see Worcestershire do well, but the T20/Hundred, multiple franchise leagues around the world, and endless international games, has sapped my enjoyment of it all. 

    As soon as big money gets involved, the product gets rinsed of all enjoyment. 

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

    Where's the next Ronaldinho?  The next Zidane?  Gazza?  The systematic approach by most clubs just seems to suck the life out of it and make it more robotic.

    Just all a bit boring.

    Thats an interesting point. They are all so much faster and athletic now, it has taken away a lot of skill. It seems to be all pace and power, instead of dribbling and creativity.

  3. We have a Hobbies thread for stuff we are into now, but what about things you used to like/love and can't be bothered with now?

    Main ones for me:

    Driving - I still love cars, and watch a lot of automotive YouTube content, but the actual task of driving I have completely gone off. I used to love it. I'd take my car out for no other reason to have a drive, it used to be my thinking time, my 'safe space' so to speak. I'd go to supermarkets 20 miles away, so I could spend some time in the car. Not know. Its purely used as an appliance to get from A to B, or A to Z. Combination of appalling drivers and roads that are a disgrace with teeth rattling potholes and endless roadworks and temporary traffic lights. Feels like a chore now. Maybe If I lived somewhere more rural, I would get my mojo back. 

    Films/Cinema - Not fussed anymore. From going to the cinema circa 50 times a year in my twenties, to not going at all in the last 10 years. People's behaviour just got more shitty and entitled. I still watch the odd film on TV, but have no idea on what is coming out. Whereas I used to get all the magazines like Empire, Total Film and Premiere delivered. 


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  4. On 28/03/2024 at 10:45, rjw63 said:


    You mean you didn't go to the local newsagent, hang around for ten minutes til it was quiet, grab some smut from the top shelf...

    Then get to the counter and the girl takes so long there are five people behind you, you put the mag on the counter and she squeals "Doreeeeeeeeeeeeen, how much is this RAPIER MAGAZINE?"

    When the price is oh-so-blatently printed on the cover.

    Ah the good old days...🙄

    Reminds me of this thread...


  5. 2 hours ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    Has there been a more inaccurate film/TV title than "Mission Impossible"? 

    Over 200 missions.  None have been impossible.  



    Maybe they choose not to accept the impossible missions?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I have tickets for Brackley away on Monday. Only a point needed (Or even a loss if Chorley drop points). Should be a good day out! 

    Not a bad place, went there a few years back to watch FCUM play there. Parking isn't too bad by the ground from memory. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Went to watch Tamworth today, they won 3-0 and have 89 points with 4 games to play. Theres one other side with a game in hand (Chorley) that can get to 89 if they win all 5 remaining games and overhaul the 17 GD margin.

    It’s an bit annoying that they couldn’t celebrate being champions at home today because of a very unlikely set of scenarios.

    Excellent result. I did think about going today with a mate, but was feeling the effects of too many after work pints last night! 

    • Like 1
  8. 22 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

    Is that what you tell yourself when alone and crying into your mixed grill? Or just thinking how you can save up to get yourself back out to Asia? 

    Tears of joy comrade, tears of pure joy. 

    • Haha 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

    A bit of the former, mostly the latter I would say. Seems to be the case that they don’t last too long which will only add to the exclusivity of being able to say you’ve seen it in situ. 

    Yeah, thats another thing I don't get - why do people feel the need to deface/ruin them? People are odd. 

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Panto_Villan said:

    I expect you saved up and bought and house when you were younger, too?

    Do you think it’s just as easy for the younger generation who have to save up and buy a house today?

    I think it has always been tough for people to get on the property ladder. My parents first flat after renting for years had a £50 a month mortgage, when my Dads salary was £200 a month before tax/NI/pension etc

    Its only anecdotal to me, but people now seem to want to have their forever home, in a nice area, as their first property, and not work their way up. Just IMO.

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