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Everything posted by stewiek2

  1. Ah he'll be back later I'd imagine if they plan to unveil the players tonight.
  2. I think O'Connor hasn't been in the Scotland squad because Smith wouldn't pick players who played outside the British Isles, which basically is just him.
  3. Sky Sports News in their transfer talk section have said the MON is looking at Gary O'Connor of Spartak Moscow, so too are Boro.
  4. Erm, I wasn't joking about Mark Viduka. My workmate is adament his daughter showed hm around property in Sutton/Four Oaks are yesterday.
  5. I know I'll get shot down for this one as it's a somene's dog told me thing but here goe anyway- I walked into work this morning and a work colleague of mine told me his daughter, who is an estate agent, yesterday was showing one MARK VIDUKA around property in the Sutton area.
  6. Hit the nail on the head. A city expert on sky sports said this would be the busiest and most expensive transfer window so far, it just needs everyone to have their plans in place. So Bent won't leave Charlton til they get players lined up, which means that Baros won't leave til say Defoe comes in, then Spurs won't let Defoe go til say Young goes there, and Smith won;t leave Man U til Hargrevaves joins etc. It's just who will get the ball rolling to take it into frenzy. And someone will.
  7. Collectors call? has he got some antiques to sell? Cheap as chips!
  8. Hey mate its not just old fart they all do it.. they think because you never post anything you are not as superior as them.. its the way of the world around here, get used to it mate.. JC doesnt seem to want to do anything about it The issue was (i believe it to be anyway) that their was no link to the story. If someone just joins and posts up something without any evidence people are going to doubt it, thats a fact. Also I'm with old_fart it did sound like that you said he had signed, so therefore there would be something on the bbc or skysports.com. Since there was none, I believe thats why OF thought you were BSing. It is good that Ballybunion_Ice has posted the link backing himself up and stating that it was only an interest. Perhaps next time (and I think this should go to all people) if you have heard a rumour on the web, make sure you put the link to it to show it isn't BS. And with the Defoe link, nothing has happened yet. It doesn't mean the 3 of you (AWOL, RandyVilla and jafitz (you)) are BSing, but it does not prove it either. What has been said has been said, nothing can change that. Shall we just wait and see if you lot were correct? You do still have 27 odd days left, lets not rush into accusations ok? go back and read up again please not once did i say that he was at the hotel not once did i say that he was gonna sign for villa, what i did say was (on my 5 year old daughters life) my mrs rang up and they said they werent fwding any calls through or taking messages for mr defoe. FACT Which could be interpreted as the reception saying they are not taking any more so-called prank calls. NO evidnce whatsoever of a Mr Defoe stayong there, just that people were ringing asking to speak to a Mr Defoe which got so out of hand that theyy deciede to say they're not taking calls or messages for someone not there. It's Them being polite about saying '**** off he is not here!' THough judging from alot of crap I've dealt with on a personal level over xmas period, I have been very wrong before.
  9. And can I just say what I've always said- SWP would be Tony Daley mk 2 Great in the odd game, a match winner, yet frustrating as hell in so so many many more.
  10. Don't the Browns have a reputaion for paying top dollar to their players? Did they not sign a guy a few seasons back who didn;t play through injury yet paid him a shiteload in wages anyway? I seem to remember when Randy became chairman the buzz was that he had a reputatioon for paying what he had to to get his man? I just think idf that's the case we can kiss budgets goodbye and say hi to Martin's assessment of players and transfer fees.
  11. How many club directors would post a message on a fans forum so soon after a crucial match? ANswer none! General, I hope you and your family, and I extend this to Randy and everyone involved with Villa and their families, had a great christmas. I've not posted for a while dut to a few financial problems but hey, I need my Villa fix. I just want to say how great it is what you are all doing for our club. Yes no signings in the window yet, if at all, BUT... By being so in reach of us humble, supporters you all show a great normality and hmbleness to yourselves and enforce to us all that, having American family and been to your wonderfual country on tso many occasions, that you are generous people who are passionate for tradition and who believe in the collective,. I wish you all the best, to you, the new board, and Martin and the team. Stewart
  12. Budgets = rubbish?? Look, we have a very successful and professional businessman for our new chairman. Professional business is conducted with planning and budgets have to play a huge part. Your Victorian idea might work if we had no time restraints and could buy players one at a time but this is a high pressure situation where I hope we will be bidding on 6-10 players with the idea of ending up with 3 or 4. If I were Martin or Randy, I would want a budget in place to be able to deal with that. Okay show me where the Cleveland Browns have had a set busget when it comes to signing players? No, Randy looks at who he and his coaches feel they need to strengthen and they go for that player. We have no budget, just player availability.
  13. I'm not surprised that we've we've been linked with the likes of Xavier. I seem to remember that when MON first took over a few Celtic fans came on the site and said that we'd be bewildered and frustrated be a few of his signings, they weren't exactly jumping through hoops when Lennon signed at Celtic Park. Martin O"neill is typical Fergie/Clough school, in that he couldn't give a toss if a soigning upsets anyone, he will sign who he wants and will thrive on proving us all wrong. O'Neill will NOT care whther we hate a player or not, he will sign who HE wants regardless. As for bugets. Rubbish. We have no budget. It is, as always will be under RL and MON, that Martion will say who he wants and how much he will cost, Randy will then say yes or no. Simple as, then Martin will either accept or argue the case. No 'here is your budget' crap, just simple 'you want him, how much? oh okay if it's reasonable go ahead' stuff.
  14. Well he and Posh do own an apartment in the Mailbox (i think!??) Weirdly, I remember dreaming a few years ago that Beckham played for us. If it happens I need to wrack my brains as to other dreams that could come true. (Please le the Destiny's Child one come true!!!!)
  15. Oh and I agree with so many on here about the amount of away supporters that seem to be in the home end of games, especially when Man U come to town.
  16. General, As a Villa supporter could you and Randy have a word with your people at MBNA and get them to write off my bill? Seriously, wonderful news about getting the original Messiah in Ron Saunders at the club for the Man U game. After being so frustrated at a board that was so RE-active it's simply so good and breath of fresh air to see people running our club that is PRO-active. Hope your thanksgiving was good and that christmas is just as good. Stewie
  17. Today's Mirror: Link: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/tm_headline=eard-instinct%26method=full%26objectid=18235720%26siteid=94762-name_page.html Also:
  18. Randy Lerner, General Krulak & Martin O'Neill. So far assesment- :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
  19. General, that is the stuff of legends. Simply brilliant sir!!!! Stewie
  20. Whoever mentioned Reo Cocker give that man a hearty hand shake. Really rate the kid, captain at the Dons when he just out of nappies so is a natural leader. Like him. Who does Podolski play for? Is it Bayern or a club we could lure him from?
  21. General, The badge -hoo-har is my fault for doodling around with the current deisgn as alot of people on this thread were making points that the current one is bot to their liking. Must say I enjpyed doing some design for smething I'm passionate about, namely Aston Villa. It's all light-hearted and hope you can see the fun in it. Anyway seriously, In Randy, yourself and the rest of the board, and in Martin and his team, I trust you all to move this club forward whilst respecting the traditions of the past. Suggestions? I've none really. I coudln't be happier with how things are evolving both on and off the pitch. Stewart
  22. Too right Rob! I'm born and bred from the Wood and now live in Marston, and frankly I can't be doing with them.
  23. General, I just want to say that I'm not going to suggest anything, I'm just so pleased that Randy, Bob, Michael and yourself, and let's not forget Steve Stride in all this as someone with so many years of experience at the club and hopefully is helping the transition from the old to the new go smoothly, have decided to ask us supporters what we think and want from our club. Actually, I will be cheeky and ask one thing.... That is that you, as a board, as a team, as a club, along with Martin and the staff and players that he sees fit, continue giving us our hope, our dreams, and our pride back. Gid speed to you all sir. God speed. Stewart
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