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Posts posted by Risso

  1. Not only does it not download the patch for me, it also crashes my system a lot of the time. Looks like Curse is creaking under the strain too, as the site says it has too many connections. Wife and baby asleep, all I want to do is play, by the time I log in no doubt there will be the usual 450+ queue.

  2. Yesssssss! Curse_Gaming have got the latest patch as a direct download! Up yours Blizzard and your shit downloader, and up yours Fileplanet and your shit pay $10 or wait in a queue all day to download!

    How much do I love Curse?

  3. I'd love that Crusader enchant, but a)

    I've never seen anybody selling it

    and B)

    I doubt I could afford it even if they did!

    I like the orange glow from fiery blade, might get it depening on cost (Rough idea Nays, more or less than 10G?)

  4. Still need that elite in Arathi if you and Tarj wouldn't mind lending a hand. Also need to kill the elite Snapjaw in Hinterlands which should only take a minute if you don't mind!

    This discussion is pretty funny. A L29 hunter trying to convince people that he's the greatest player that ever lived, and he can own players 10 levels higher than him!

    Use short links

  5. I wouldn't mind doing some of the Zul Farak quests. Was reading about the carrot and stick q on a board this morning, pretty handy for PvP. Loads of XP in the Jintha elite (Hinterlands q as well).

    How was the exam tarj mate?

  6. For Risso.

    The Blizzard downloader always takes a while to kick in but it doesn't really matter how you connect to their patch servers, you'd still get the same download performance. It's slow because everyone with the game in europe is doing the very same thing you are - downloading the patch. There are however other sites that put up mirrors and host the patch themselves. It's an easy way to get around the Blizz downoader but make sure its a reputable site first.

    You should check your firewall and/or router set up too as this may be slowing traffic down. You can find details of what ports to forward on the Blizz Warcraft site.

    Cheers Sie. I've read every bit of advice on the Bleedin' downloader, and never got it to work. I always end up going to a mirror site, but they sometimes take a while to get the patches. The forums are always full of people complaining about them. Considering the money they take in, you'd think they could afford a better solution.

  7. I'm forever worrying about my talent tree. I think I'm upto about 20G for a respec now!

    At the moment I'm mostly elemental (souped up spells and shocks) with a few points in enhance (souped up melee), and nothing in resto. I like this because it means I can hit hard and fast in PvP and it's OK for grinding. All the guilds though, seem to want Shaman to have maxed out Resto trees, as back up healers for priests. I accept I'll probably have to change end game, but I hate healing, and am worried I'll have to learn a whole new way of playing for the end game.

    Been doing a bit more PvPing. I've decided that in group PvP (eg battlegrounds) I own warriors, but lose big style against mages, but in one v one it's the other way round. I can stop mages casting spells and debuff them, then just need to get in close to melee their cloth wearing ass. Warriors though, how do you stop them charging and hamstringing you. My frost shock which slows people has diminishing returns against the same player, but hamstring can be used over and over again.

  8. Oh greaaaatttttt. Another **** patch. And this time the brilliant Blizzard Downloader refuses to start at all. Not one single byte of data can I download. The message boards are always full of people complaining about it, so why the **** do they carry on with that piece of shit software?!

    Blizzard: I'm perfectly capable of downloading stuff with my usual software. Your downloader sucks the big one, just stick the **** patches somewhere where we can get them with the minimum of fuss, you set of **** arseholes.

    Oh and please hit "Hamstring" with the nerf stick.

    Thank you.

    Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.

  9. Took me a while too. From what I can gather there's an NPC called GAmon who lives in the Inn, though I've never seen him. He attacks people in Orgri, but is low level so does no damage. By attacking him back with low level damage, he'll follow you around the world.

    That's my reading of it anyway.

  10. Got my last few FP's. The tunnel system to get into Winterspring and Moonglade is indeed a bastard. Made it into Winterspring only dying once, as I used a speed potion, then my nifty timepiece trinket. (Can't use ghost wolf in tunnels!). Once into Winterspring it's just a nice easy path with no mobs to Everlook for the FP.

    Getting into Moonglade was harder though, as there were more mobs in the tunnel. Luckily though, a L54 ally hunter drew a lot of flak, so I sprinted through. Died twice, but got through. Then it's a case of finding the right FP, as the first one I found was for druids only.

    It might seem a bit of a pointless exercise, but I got loads of XP for opening up the map, and once I get to the required level I know I can go straight to all the areas. Everlook is now my favourite area for visuals, it's stunning.

  11. On a quest (of my own making) I'm trying to get all the flight paths in the game. I know some of the levels are too high for me at the moment, but when I'm short of time I like having a gallop round and getting XP for opening up areas. This evening I got the FP's in Searing Gorge and Eastern Plaguelands, and ended up ganked both times, as both places were crawling with Ally. Just ressed and flew out quick sharp.

    In Kalimdor I just need Cenarion Hold, Nighthaven and Everlook, so if anyone can tell me how to get into Silithus, I'd be grateful.

  12. Best Area: Feralas, love the waterfalls and the scenery

    Worst Area: Arathi/Stromsgard - piss poor bit of planning

    Best Instance: Still not done enough, but like SM library for the graphics. Like Shadow Fang too, one of my fave moments was trying to do it with Si when he L30 something, and I was early 20's.

    Worst Instance: Never did finish RFK.

    Best Drop: Epic Underworld Band. Sold it too cheaply though!

    Best Q: For XP the water ones that Bicks found in Arathi. About 15,000 for delivering stuff, piece of piss.

    Worst Q: The dragonscale leatherworking, end of story. THE shittest q in any game ever, bar none. If I'd had to do it early on, I'd never have played it again. Plus most escort q's are pretty crap too.

    Toughest class come across: For me, it's mages. I'm usually dead before I get anyway where near! Paladins too. God damn that pussy bubble!

    Easiest class come across: Hunters. Slow the pet down, then get into melee range quick.

    Best Bat ride: From Badlands passing over that ally dam with the faces. Stunning.

    Funniest moment: Loads! Falling off the zep on my first trip with Si, and him saying "You fell off, didn't you?!" Mine and Si's cliff diving, or me Tarj and Dan getting a bit carried away with elites in Stonetalon... After three, urrrghhhh!

    Monitor through the Window Moment: Getting close to finishing the dreaded Dragonscale q, and getting ganked over and over in tanaris

    Best Moment: Too many to mention. Probably my fave time was my first week when Si took loads of time out showing me about. If it wasn't for him, I doubt I'd have got into the game as much as I have.

    I did enjoy Uldaman last week, when me and Dan played with a set of arses. One bloke was desperate for some mail bracers, which I gladly won with one of my usual 98 rolls!

  13. So, how long before we can do a 5 man instance run with Me, Sion, Dan, TRL and Sie?

    I think we could do the Princess Run now, but Sion is going to have a hell of a job to do holding aggro!

    Huh! Don't come crying to me when Dan and Tarj are L60 and you're still L58, crying for them to come and bail you out!!

    Want to do Wailing Caverns tonight Bicks?!

  14. I fell into Um Bongo Crater a few weeks back, and just ran around trying to avoid being eaten by things that were still ?? for me. I did that quite a bit in the early levels, and then when I revisit the place later on I'm always surprised that a lot of the map is already open. I ran round Azhara at about level 21, I wouldn't even do that now!

  15. Ive still got my glue.

    And trying tofinish the Hillsbrad fields last night some ally mage 8 levels above me kept zapping me.

    Hmmm... now I know hoe to use it. Stick them and move in from behind........

    That'll surprise thenext bastard who interputs me!

    You can expect to be ganked more often in Hillsbrad by higher level Allies than just about anywhere else in the game, except possibly Stromsgard. Sometimes you'll have a great night in Hillsbrad, and get loads done, and sometimes you'll die twice trying to kill one mob. Those nights you're best sacking it off and questing somewhere else.

  16. I'm feeling a bit sad WoW wise now. My one time brothers in arms Tarj and Dan have now completely left me behind XP wise, and are now in areas where I just don't stand a chance. And it's only going to get worse .... Hopefully I can see Bicks on there a bit, but otherwise I'll soon be questing with Limpid and Juju!

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