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Posts posted by jonno_2004

  1. It's never over 'til its over! I had over £1000 due to me should we have gone down and happily sang 'he's lost a grand, but he don't care' to my old man on the phone after the game today. Traitorelli and all, but seemed a wise bet at the time. Happy to have been proven wrong!

  2. Watching the highlights now and he stepped up - running the channels like the Agbonlahor/Young of the O'Neill days. Good work from the waiter, he'll be remembered for playing his part today and rightly should be.




    Unfortunately the major issues are still here.


    The thing I wonder: How the hell can the club let this happen? Is Faulkner too weak? Is the lack of footballing brains on the board a huge problem?


    My worry is how could Lambert have not spotted it sooner? Were awful training methods not so obvious to spot? I assume they must have been different to those at Norwich given they were promoted two seasons in a row. Raises a lot of awkward questions IMO.


    Karsa thought he was Mr Big at the football club and was constantly ultra critical of the players and mouthed off at Paul Faulkner on several occasions for not releasing more money for new players.


    I have a new-found respect for him!!


    In all seriousness, a very interesting post - the bit about Culverhouse's training methods is particularly disturbing.

  5. When I witness a takeover I'll believe it, not some nonsense on a message board proclaiming that we need to stay up to be taken over to then be managed by Klopp or someone of similar ilk.... on the same day we suspend our senior coaches.

    They were first to break the nonsense news of them two being sacked - just saying

    The same poster? If that's the case then I'd be more likely to listen but otherwise it could pure riding on the coat tails of genuine ITK
  6. I struggle to think this has anything to do with Lambert, I think back to his wild celebrations with Culverhouse last year - there would have had to have been a serious break down in the relationship for him to recommend a suspension of both him and his (ex)brother-in-law.

    I have an unfortunate feeling MON will be chirping in with a private 'I told you so'

    To be fair I can expect its quite awkward working with your ex brother in law.
    Its been arguably around two years since the divorce though hasn't it - if it were that awkward surely he'd have been long gone, after all, this is a football club - things tend to work a little differently to your standard workplace.
  7. When I witness a takeover I'll believe it, not some nonsense on a message board proclaiming that we need to stay up to be taken over to then be managed by Klopp or someone of similar ilk.... on the same day we suspend our senior coaches.

    • Like 1
  8. I struggle to think this has anything to do with Lambert, I think back to his wild celebrations with Culverhouse last year - there would have had to have been a serious break down in the relationship for him to recommend a suspension of both him and his (ex)brother-in-law.


    I have an unfortunate feeling MON will be chirping in with a private 'I told you so'

  9. I find Staffies the opposite to aggressive. Too needy if anything.

    Same in my experience, never understood the Daily Mail-type campaigns of hate and proposed extermination!
  10. The bloke probably deserved one but being the way things are nowadays if you throw one be prepared to face the consequences.

    In a similar situation to Yillan I was driving home and suddenly heard a crack on my windscreen, slammed on the brakes and got out to see a 10 year old kid in a Manchester United shirt shouting "come on then".

    Needless to say, I put my career ahead of my desires but had the windscreen cracked and my girlfriend or dare I say hypothetical kids been in the car, I'd probably be in prison right now for GBH.

  11. Having watched the team yesterday, for what was definitely the weakest Villa side I've ever seen play in the flesh, I am baffled as to how we've reached 34 points. Is that testament to Lambert's managerial prowess by the fact we look to be staying up again by the skin of our teeth with a squad filled with arguably a bunch of Championship standard players? His fault for buying them obviously, or has he desired to buy better players but not been able to?


    I thought Tonev looked decent in possession, but looked like he didn't close down his man for the goal. Bacuna has the first touch of a player I'd expect to see playing in League 2 or below, and that is no understatement, he can get away with it at right back where he has more time but not in central midfield. Baker I reckon would do well to hold a place in the Championship - his physicality would stand him in good stead but he needs a lot of time of the ball. 


    Whether Lambert's fault or not, this team is simply not good enough to do anything other than scrap to survive each season and we shouldn't expect any more under the current regime. The club deserves so much better.

  12. My team for this one would be:



    Lowton Vlaar Clark Bertrand

    Albrighton Westwood Delph Bacuna

    Weimann Agbonlahor


    I reckon the team will actually be (providing Gabby is injured)



    Bacuna Vlaar Clark Bertrand


    Albrighton          Delph


               Holt     Weimann


    I wouldn't;be surprised to see 3 at the back either.



    On another angle, but relevant to the discussion, when assessing companies for credit (we do not use credit insurance for UK business) one of the checks is whether the accounts are audited. This is an immediate tick if they are audited by one of the big houses, as our view is that they would not sign off on anything dodgy.

    If they are audited by a firm that we haven 't heard of, then we check that firm out as well, before applying the tick.


    All audits should theoretically be carried out to the same standards.  Although if you get one that Jonno's done, I'd refer them on to Wonga.com instead.


    Should being the operative word.

    I have seen situations where signed off accounts are actually made up bullshit.


    Must have been one of mine!

  14. My personal experience of dealing with auditors, though, is what one would expect - people who very much do things by the book and would return your schedule of WIP if it were even slightly out.

    Perhaps the dodgy stuff had already taken place between the FD and the auditor head honcho. :P

    I can honestly say in my experience I've never witnessed any of the so-called "dodgy stuff" and I'm constantly working long **** hours at the head honchos request to make sure all your WIP schedules reconcile without exception ;)

    You're not in the right placements, yet, then. :)
    I thought you'd be surprised there is such a thing as WIP on the IOM ;)
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