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Posts posted by jonno_2004

  1. Given Fer, traditionally a CM, is apparently starting on the left I'm not as concerned about Lowton as I normally would be. Both teams are set up to attack, so should be a decent game for the neutral.

  2. I would have thought Starship Troopers would have been in my top 10 circa 2001, and never in there again. Watched it the other week and safe to say it's still there. Must be the lingering effect of those films that have a real impact on you as a kid. Real guilty pleasure.

    • Like 1
  3. Gone Girl last night - brilliant. There's a smaller indy-style cinema over here that really added to the intensity of some of the scenes. I'm sure some people would have hated being in that environment but created a fantastic atmosphere for me. 

  4. My mate's girlfriend says "like" every few words (yes, she's American). Sometimes she doesn't even seem to say an actual sentence - it's mainly gibberish punctuated with "like".

    "I don't know, it's like, you know, like, I thought, like, that's weird, and like, what happened was it was like...".

    WTF are you trying to say, you imbecile!?

    She is Steven Gerrard and I claim my £5.
    One of my good mates is terrible for it. His record in my company is 3 likes in 5 words: "like -so, like - kinda, like". Did my head in until we all turned it into a form of bingo.
  5. My damn quadriceps - whenever I burst into more than a jog at footy I feel like I'm going to rip it off the bone! Both of them have been as bad as each other.

    Had two weeks rest and went to training again tonight and exactly the same issue - thankfully only seemed to be the left one and managed to strike the ball quite well with my right foot.

    How I'm going to make it through even the warm up on Saturday I don't know - such a pain as I've been really enjoying my football up until now.

  6. Apparently had a very good game for Brighton tonight


    Bennett did well lso apparently, looking through twitter and a couple of people saying Gardner ran the show

    Yeah, having viewed the match report he did very well. In fact, looking at the succession of fixtures Brighton have just had in such a short space of time, I'm not surprised he hasn't started every game coming back to full fitness like he is now - making the post above yours look like an even larger pile of manure.

  7. Back story: my sister moved out bought a house with her boyfriend about 2 years ago.

    4 months later they break up and she's back at home, and about 1 year ago the house is sold. She walks away with what she put in (approx 9k).

    5 months ago she moves out again and rents with her friend.

    So now her friend doesn't want to renew their rental so she wants to buy house(good for her, right?).

    Only it turns out she had spent all of the money she got from selling her house whilst she was living at home(and not paying board etc).

    So how does she plan on buying this house you ask(this is whereby it gets absolutely unbelievably unbelievable).

    An "Investment scheme" it is pitched as.

    I give her my savings(ironically I'm saving up to buy a house) to buy a house and she "renovates" it.

    Honestly can't believe the audacity in the first place. Secondly she is the most financially untrustworthy person I know(see 9k spent in 12 months on **** all)

    Thirdly how does she plan on increasing the value of the house(or even paying me back at all) when all she'll be doing is swapping rent for a mortgage and she couldn't afford to save up for a deposit in the first place.

    Fourthly? doing this ties up my money, the reason its in an isa and not locked in a long term investment(which I think is the nicest way to describe this) is because I will actually want access to it in the relatively near future.

    Bottom line lately she doesn't seem to give a shit about anyone in the family unless she wants something from them, and I'm sick of it.


    Sorry, had to vent.

    She's your sister, so that gives you more than fair rights to tell her how it is or in other words, pretty much what you just said there.
  8. Watched Oldboy (remake) last night. What a steaming pile of crap that was. Not a patch on the original and the product placement was almost farcical at times. Noted that it was heavily produced from the Spike Lee cut but I don't see how that would have saved it if I'm honest.

    • Like 1
  9. The same element of my job which rears its ugly head every now and again - it's actually getting to a point now where I'm considering leaving and I really think it shouldn't because I enjoy most other elements but this really does override it at times. Such a dilemma - a sleepless night ahead for me I think...

  10. Had my first proper look at him yesterday, turned on for the last 20 minutes after I got back from footy. He does seem to have 'something', whatever that is time will tell but he does look a natural prospect and with a bit of experience to eradicate the bad habits (I think it was him trying to beat an Arsenal player 3 times well into our own half) I think he will be a pretty handy player for us.


    As for those asking for a 'contribution' in the brief amount of minutes he's played this season, well, I think they will be disappointed for a while yet - however thankfully I think the majority of the fanbase doesn't look at it that way.

  11. Just finished Starship Troopers Terran Ascendancy for the 4th time, played it about every 3 years since it came out, never gets old. I also started and got to the point of Ravenholm in Half-Life 2 a few weeks ago so need to finish that at some point; looking to buy a PS4 soon so will be good to tie off these loose ends with some past-gen gaming.

    Also playing All Star Soccer on the iPhone - must be one of the most addictive little things I've ever played.

  12. Thought Episode 5 was brilliant, ended up with a 22% decision comparative for the last one in the game and was considering it for the rest of the night - always the sign for me of a cracking game where you are still thinking about it long after you put the controller down... haven't had that since I took the heart-wrenching decision to kill Paarthurnax.

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