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Posts posted by jonno_2004


    My daughters and their partners are in that same bind, only the rent and power bills are a LOT more than a quarter of their income. Can't save for a deposit (wouldn't get a mortgage anyway, the way the banks are atm) so trapped into throwing away money on rent. 


    We help them out as much as we can, but there's a limit. 


    I tell you what is annoying, these days.


    The growing tendency for personal finance programmes on the BBC (Money Box, say) to increasingly suggest, that good parents should be providing deposits or other financial help, so their children can afford to buy a house.


    A lot of my co-workers have had money off their parents (often without the prospect of paying it back, be it interest-free or not) despite the fact our job allows you to save for a mortgage within a fair period of time unless you are living well beyond your means. I find that very annoying.

  2. Lying in bed. I'll get up in a bit, coffee and cereal for me. Playing squash later if the leisure centre is open, if not, I may crank open the tins of paint I bought yesterday, and paint the living room, kitchen and porch (or whichever I have time to do).

    I've got some painting to do that i've been putting off for ages now, mainly because I've never done anything on that scale before. Need to buy some sheets to cover all the furniture in the room too - getting involved in DiY for the first time is a bit exciting though!


    Couldn't believe Weimann didn't see the pass and tried a shot from 30 yards, real schoolboy stuff that.

    But he works hard and he's a natural finisher though. With 15 goals in 83 games.


    I do appreciate his hard work though in all fairness, we wouldn't have had half the space so far in this game if it wasn't for the mercurial talents of Newcastle leaving plenty of space in behind and not tracking back. Cabella could score a screamer or set one up in the 2nd half, but against better teams they'll be exposed.

  4. Can't wait to get back into it tomorrow, was having real trouble doing any form of curls - my forearm had an excruciating shooting pain during the lift, hopefully two weeks rest has done the trick.

  5. Flying back to IOM tonight - been a decent couple of weeks in London but really looking forward to getting home. Trying to curb all enthusiasm for the game tomorrow however, how long has it been since Villa followed up a positive performance with another one...


    Also will be seeing my cousin and his young lads tomorrow so should be a good day.

  6. Not a fan of people - so a loner? Not that there is anything wrong with being a loner of course


    jonno what's wrong with London? It's a great city, the only reason I won't go back is the cost. 


    I enjoyed the few days I had off and did various 'touristy' things I've always intended to do, but as you say, considering I'm trying to save for a house and spunked £400 over the course of three days it was time to chill out and watch the football.


    Interesting thoughts on the people comments though - it's obviously not ideal and I'm definitely not one of these people who will go to a place simply under the premise it is busy or full of people (maybe it's why I enjoy living on the IOM!), but I consider it more of an inconvenience than a reason not to go out.

  7. No doubt will drop a few clangers this season but he isn't a top CB after all. What he is, is an improvement on Clark and Baker and on yesterday's evidence a big one. Amazing what a bit of experience can do eh?

  8. Always liable to produce a moment of brilliance but lacks the consistency.

    Hopefully with a run of games he can start to produce the kind of stuff we bought him for, I don't know how anyone can expect him to come back after a year out and start playing like Ashley Young circa 2008, like with a lot of our players it will take time.

  9. Looked nervous but who wouldn't be in his shoes. Liked his run through on the break before Bacunas blazing miss - showed composure we have missed in recent seasons. Will be a tough development with the physicality of the league and he will need to ensure his defensive side of the game is up to scratch but I have every hope he will make it, it's about time we pulled a local out of our arse who's half decent (and doesn't play up front for Liverpool).

  10. Currently approaching what seems like a potential crossroads in my career - I reckon I'll carry on for at least 6 months once I get a pay-rise in line with a professional qualification in September and see how I feel after then. I find my current job has work which ranges from being partly-challenging and interesting to the boring, there's also a particular arsehole I work with - but I'm not naive enough to think a perfect job awaits me out there. I do enjoy my field of work and find all areas of the job come rather naturally, so I don't think it will be a radical change in profession for me however.

  11. Never quite good enough, but would have done a job in the struggling team we are. Seeing his celebrations showed how much he loved the Villa and I bet he's absolutely gutted. I hope he makes a success of himself elsewhere, it will do him good to get out of our crumbling system.

  12. His time is obviously up here, but I thank him for his goals that kept us up - I think that was the aim in buying him as the team was already on the decline at that point. How I'd have loved to see him in that team plus Milner and see where we could have gone.

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