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Posts posted by nrogers

  1. It would be very interesting to see if the anti-death penalty voters would change their opinion if it was their child or loved one that was killed by some serial offender?

    It would also be interesting to see if the pro-death pentalty voters would change their opinion if they were the ones on the unfortunate end of a miscarriage of justice.

    I don't disagree which is a exactly why I am on the fence, until a flawless judicial system can be created, it's isn't feasible, either morally or sanely.

  2. I don't have a system, I really don't, but IF a flawless system could be found then the death penalty could be a punishment, albeit a final one for the extremely unrepentant and especially violent criminals... I know it's an easy way out for the criminal, but why should the innocent have to pay to support said criminal for a potential 60 - 80 years in prison, surely that penalising the innocent?

  3. First it's this, you know, your dead who cares, then Soylent Green, well it's wastful, all that meat, their dead... lets resell, then perhaps Logan's Run, if people live over thirty, the meat gets all stringy and you a bit tough to eat... Government knows best.

    dear me, talk about posting for effect ...

    so Nick do I presume if you needed a transplant in the future for you and your family, say your biy got unforntalty sick you would refuse it ?

    Again, totally missed the point, and why should I be surprised.

    You must have missed where I said I was a card carrying donor. I think paraphrasing Prescilla White would be logical here.

  4. So what method would you advocates use? There are those saying they would chop off their heads (I note no response to my question as to whether that was a serious point of not), some who would shoot them in the face at point blank range, some who would use electricity. And on what grounds do you make your decision on how to kill a human being?

    I don't have a method, I don't have the answers, the point is that the system is inherently flawed if one innocent person goes to jail for more than a minute... if there were a system that were flawless I wouldn't have a problem with the Death Penalty.

  5. Can you imaging how angry an innocent person would be after serving numerous years for a crime they didn't commit? It's enough to turn you to crime, which states to me the current Court system is ineffectual as innocent people are convicted time after time... sort that and you sort the death penalty issue, surely?

  6. Or preventing the reoccurrance of a violent crime, and preventing the population from feeding, housing and clothing a violent criminal for oh 6 or 7 years before he is free to roam the street again and reoffend... Apparently it's a mental illness..

    None of the above states whether I am for or against the death penalty as I am on the fence with this one... but this moral highground nonsense is getting on my tits.

  7. First it's this, you know, your dead who cares, then Soylent Green, well it's wastful, all that meat, their dead... lets resell, then perhaps Logan's Run, if people live over thirty, the meat gets all stringy and you a bit tough to eat... Government knows best.

  8. If Paddys article there is anything to go by, the presumed consent is at the will of the relatives. If they say no when you hop the twig, you're out.

    But that certainly wouldn't lead to less people doing it than do currently.

    And as the article says, it wouldn't necessarily make any more either.

    And leading on from that, it mya have something to do with, as I suggested, not many people are actually want to donate and when asked, said they'd opt out.

    But that certainly wouldn't lead to less people doing it than do currently.

    And as the article says, it wouldn't necessarily make any more either.

    No. But logic would suggest that it would probably increase, even if not by much.

    For example, under presumed consent somebody would get my organs. At the moment, nobody would.

    So chalk up one extra as a bare minimum.

    And chalk up one less as I would opt out. Evens ;)

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