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Posts posted by BillyShears

  1. I've known people live after being declared dead. One I remember is a middle aged lady who had CPR for the usual half hour or so, then declared dead by the Consultant Dr, no pulse, no signs of life, fish eye etc. The young student nurse was alone with the body preparing her for transport to the morgue when he found a faint carotid pulse. Lady went to ITU and now campaigns and fundraises for the installation of public CPR stations in her spare time (she went back to work). She's now a friend of mine. I refer to her as The Zombie in a jokey way but when I see her I see undead.


  2. Yes. I've seen many people die. The worst one was a pulmonary embolism. I would want to die of renal failure, slowly drift off. I know what you mean about partner and kids etc, some days I get to thinking who will die first, me or my wife? What will it be like for the survivor? We've been married 30 years, I can't imagine the world without her. Depressing shit.

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  3. Just bought a 2001 Ford Windstar. Like driving an old boat on a gently rolling ocean while sitting in you grandfather's favourite armchair. 3.8 litre engine sounds like a train and just about gets the thing off from 0-40mph. Nothing really works as it should and there is a knack to getting anything to open/close, switch on/off. Put me on the open road in it and I am in heaven.


    Sounds great.


    I dunno. They call it Indian summer here for some reason -- hot and windless and a lot of haze. It's def not the gray Ian Curtis weather of the British Isles, but it's like the grass and trees have gone stale.


    Allegedly Indian Summer was when the Native Americans would not go to the hills for winter because it was unusually warm late on. They would stay around and terrorise the white man on his farm. Indian Summer not good for white man.

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