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Posts posted by JB

  1. 1 hour ago, chappy said:

    Wow, fantastic episode. Brilliant performance Rhea Seehorn. “When I knew him, he was” - presume it’s not the last we’ll see of her as I think she’ll be in the finale in the Gene timeline but what a great way to close off the BCS era for her character.

    It would be fitting if she featured in the last episode but I thought this came across as her finale and where they left her was the perfect ending for her, character-wise - completely breaking down after everything that’s happened; letting out everything she’s been holding in. I hope I’m wrong and they’ve figured out a way of including her.

    Either way, I can’t believe that I predicted a happy little neat and tidy Nebraska reunion!

    If I had one criticism of this episode it would be that I thought they went a little overboard on the mundanity of Kim’s ‘new’ life.

  2. I’m really feel for Mings. The last two Villa managers have both seen fit to drop him for lesser players, as has the England manager. Fans are quick to get on his back when in reality, he’s very, very rarely been anything less solid in his performances, and often excellent.

    He was amongst the least of the problems with this team and has had countless more great games for us than poor ones.

    Seems to be held to a much higher standard than those around him. It’s **** weird.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

    Got an issue with pain in my elbow/around my elbow. I am aware of the pain all the time but it is really painful on certain exercises. I was doing incline dumbbell chest flyes yesterday and had to leave them after one set due to the pain. I could though do incline dumbbell press and flat barbell chest press. Today I was doing back and biceps and was aware of the pain doing bicep curls but managed to plough through. Pull ups/chin ups again aware of the pain but not so bad that I felt I should stop.

    It is tender to the touch and does really hurt if I even knock it slightly. Anyone any ideas what it could be? I have had an issue with it to varying degrees for about 3 months now.

    I’m less confident/comfortable in amateur diagnosis than I used to be. I also don’t have a clue given the tenderness to the touch, which doesn’t sound great. Sounds like a job for a good physio.

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  4. Man, it’s so grim what’s happened to the gym in recent years. Can’t move for Instagram words removed setting up tripods to record themselves doing **** bicep curls. It’s hard enough to motivate myself to train as it is.

    Really need to start planning the home set up. 

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  5. An absolute masterclass again this week. Possibly one of my favourite ever episodes. The perfect balance of the intricate, methodical stuff, and things actually happening. I liked that it wasn’t a big Hollywood exit for Kim.

    Mixed feelings about the time jump, though. On the one hand, it was bold and unexpected and leaves enough to our imaginations. But then there are story beats of the ‘transformation’ that I’m disappointed not to have seen. I’m almost a bit sad that the journey is finished (sort of). 

  6. I can’t remember the last time I was able to concentrate fully on an England rugby match. They’re just so, so boring to watch. Got some really decent individuals and fleeting moments of quality but it’s mostly just disjointed, clunky and dull. 

    Pretty much rugby Bruce-ball.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    Interesting. Haven't seen her yet, though I haven't faced Ganon yet. Also:

    Apologies if that was a spoiler. It’s pretty subtle. More of an Easter egg, I guess. It was only after I played Skyward Sword again that I realised. Have you found the final memory?

    15 minutes ago, Keyblade said:


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    She's technically in every Zelda game ;) 

    Very true!

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  8. Eddie’s got a fair old list of negative records for England. Record loss to the Baa Baas another one to add to the list. He’s just absolutely got to go.

    I’ve got a ticket to the World Cup quarter final in Marseille that could feature England if they win their group but that’s looking highly unlikely. 

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