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Posts posted by claretman

  1. In addition to the above, I felt that when he fed in Weimann towards the end he should have been selfish and used the space Weimann created to power forward and lash it into the back of the net. Hmmm, then again......

  2. Just voted for God.

    The most vomit inducing part of this voting is the fact they have included Alex Ferguson and Brian Kidd in 'Celebration of the last 20 yrs'. If I recall this was the day we were drawing 0-0 at home to Coventry and they were cheating there way to a 2-1 victory, secured in the 8th minute of injury time, as they moved ahead of us in the title race.

    Where's Dalian's goal against Wimbledon and the susequent umbrella celebration? rocket polishers.

  3. I can think of loads...

    Djemba Djemba

    Robert Pires

    Wayne Routledge

    Bosko Balaban

    Habib Baye

    Mathieu Berson

    Steven Sidwell

    Sasa Curcic

    Ian Ormandroyd

    Hassan Kachloul

    Michael Bradley

    Didier Agathe

    Sean Maloney

    Nil Lamptey

    Milan Baros

    Any more?

    Wiggy, an interesting list.

    I would say that it didn't take the respective managers long however to realise the shiteness of those players you mention and drop/move them on. The difference here is that Hutton is still playing with no sign of being dropped/moved on.

    And you are being a bit harsh on Ormondroyd, he had a good spell at left wing under Taylor if I recall!

  4. Don't forget it was a coup for a club like Aston Villa to get this player!

    Hutton is perhaps THE worst player I have ever seen play for this great club and I saw Bernie Gallagher play a few times.

    I can't remember the last time we signed someone and there was such a unanimous thought of "Hmmm, he really is shit isn't he".

  5. The worry for me with this lunatic still being in charge is the potentially long term damage this is doing. I have a 9 yr old lad, who due to my expert and careful nurturing is a Villa nut too. He is as frustrated as me, when I went in recently to a parents evening, as one of his English assignments I was amazed to see that he had written a letter in his workbook to McLeish asking him what was going on!

    My concern is that some of his friends who are also Villa fans are now starting to say "Villa suck", and "I'm going to support Man U now" and suchlike.

    Granted I am talking about a couple of his young pals, but I would guess this sort of wavering is normal amongst youngsters and decisions made now about support sow the seed for later life.

  6. A young boy was sat in class scratching his crotch. Teacher asked him what was wrong. The boy was embarrassed explaining that he had recently been circumcised and it was itchy. Teacher tells him to go to the office to ring his mum for advice. The boy comes back into class with his cock hanging out.! 'What on earth are you doing.?' asks the teacher. Boy replies, 'My mum said if i could stick it out till lunchtime she'd come and get me'.

  7. Love is all Around by Wet Wet Wet was mine! It was number one for an eternity at the time when I met my wife and was always the last song on at the clubs as the lights came on when people smooched on the dancefloor. Does that still happen?

  8. Jon, you can try to support him but a jammy cup win and a promotion do not hide the fact that the man is doing terrible things to this club. Ask any Blues fans - their abiding memory is not the cup win but the horrific football and relegations. They are loving this, they've seen it all before.

    His record in this seasons Carling Cup was good wasn't it? Is anyone really confident we will beat Bristol Rovers in the FA Cup? We should be looking forward to that, but we will go there on the back of a bleak December and we will be there for the taking IMO. A long way off I know, but when are we going to improve - there is just nothing on the horizon to look forward to.

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