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Posts posted by Sie

  1. I think Chindie is probably referring to not being able to easily plan routes to specific places using the map screen. The game expects players to memorise which doors over several areas will get them to where they want to go, which is indeed tedious.

  2. Well in case you wanted to play on the same server, I should point out that I don't play the EU version of the game and bought the American version instead direct from ENMASSE. NA and EU are ran by separate companies with the American guys (ENMASSE) having, so far, a better reputation. Also, the EU guys (Frogster) apparently removed content to make sure the game got a 12 cert.

    Plus, it actually works out cheaper playing NA - I only paid £42 for the NA Collectors Edition compared to £48 for the EU version. My sub is only £7 a month too. In terms of performance/lag, I've not noticed any difference at all from playing an MMO on an EU server.

    It's a very good game. A lot of underdog charm and brilliant feeling combat. Playing a PC MMO with an Xbox 360 pad is surprisingly successful (even though I use M+K most of the time)

  3. Currently playing Tera. It's pretty much another generic MMO, yet the combat and graphics are rather nice.

    I just bought the NA version of the game entirely on impulse after GW2 beta gave me an itch for playing an MMO. Going in blind once its downloaded. Looks fun enough.

  4. So it turns out the Dragon's Dogma demo is apparently the one from last years TGS (Sep 2011) that received a luke-warm responce and is running on an older version of the engine. Folk playing final review copies are insisting the demo genuinely isn't representative of the final game. Guess we'll just have to wait on it.

    Either way, I shan't be downloading it. I'd much rather wait for the full release and right now, I have far too much other stuff to play (GW2 beta this weekend, woo!)

  5. Dragons Dogma can't come out fast enough. I've had my eye on the game since it was first announced but back then, in its unfinished form, the gaming press seemed disappointingly luke-warm to it. Game is finished now though and word is that its tremendous with lots of grandiose comparisons being thrown about by those playing it (Shadow of the Colossus, Dark Souls, Skyrim, Monster Hunter). Plenty of gameplay footage kicking around now too. Capcom could hopefully have a sleeper hit on their hands with this one.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, there's a demo out on Wednesday for it.

  6. Legend of Grimrock

    Wonderful dungeon crawler. A bit of an indie darling and a great game to stick on to kill half an hour or so but engrossing enough to be still sat there 2 hours later. Brilliant atmosphere and a bargain for the price. Highly recommended.

    Tempted by that as from what I have read it looks like an updated version of Dungeon Master on the old ST, and that was one of my favourite games ever.

    You should pick it up, I think you'll love it. If you do, grab it from the devs site (you get some neat goodies, a DRM free standalone version and a steam key to register on steam)


    (also, its pretty)

    oN5gul.jpg s9h3hl.jpg

  7. Fez

    Still playing through for the first time, eager to get to the NG+. Despite that, its a nice, relaxing and enjoyable game just collecting cubes.

    Legend of Grimrock

    Wonderful dungeon crawler. A bit of an indie darling and a great game to stick on to kill half an hour or so but engrossing enough to be still sat there 2 hours later. Brilliant atmosphere and a bargain for the price. Highly recommended.

    Tribes Ascend

    Yup, still playing this.

    Trials Evolution

    Surprised I haven't played more of this having only sat down to it once. The games above are responsible for that.

  8. Did not like Z, jealous you've got all those Mech games £2000 may be a bit steep for my liking :-)

    @PussEKatt - What illegal suggestions?

    Moderators write in red when moderating. PussEKatt must have suggested pirating a copy from somewhere like bittorent or rapidfire, which I most certainly am not.


    Which is PIRACY. So yes.

  9. Yeah, the game is absolutely solid. Very addictive. I hear this particular client build isn't optimised in any way so I'm interested to see the performance gains in the retain version.

    I've tried out a Witch Doctor, Wizard and a Monk. Gotta say the Monk is seriously good fun what with beating the shit out of everything with my fists and feet.

    I need to pre-order this.

  10. There's info on the login page saying that stress test is doing its job - highlighting issues for Blizzard. This weekend is not about giving people a painless free trial of Diablo 3, nor is it indicative of Blizzard "not being good enough" - it's Blizzard knowing exactly what they're doing.

    "The stress test is off to a great start as we've identified some immediate issues which we are now working to address. We've temporarily capped the number of people in the game and so you will likely see an Error 37 until we address some of the login and stability issues and are able to allow more people in. Again thank you for your help in putting the service through its paces, and ask that you please keep checking back as we continue to improve service stability"

    As it happens, I got in without much issue about 30 minutes ago. And again just now. Just make sure you keep your region set as The Americas as they are the only servers they are stressing and as such, the only servers online.

  11. Bought Banjo & Kazooie Nuts and Bolts yesterday for a tenner from CeX, how I havent played this before now I'll never know. Brilliant game so far. Fairly sure this got an absolute panning on release as well?!

    Yep. great game.

    It didn't get panned though, it was just not very successful at retail. I picked it up on release after listening to Brad Shoemaker sing its praises many times during their Game of the Year discussions.

  12. I'm not sure anyone who didn't play this on the day it came out will come away having quite the same experience as those who did. Reason being that now your more likely to encounter several people in one playthrough who already know the game and don't really participate in the co-op aspect any more.

    I was lucky enough to play the entire game for the first time in one sitting with someone else who was also in the same situation. It was one of the greatest co-op experiences I've ever had.

  13. If that's what they have done, a RBS pot for wages, then they should be pretty forthright about you getting paid if you ask the question. I'd tell em to **** off if they can't and walk.

    Everything I've read of this administration process so far is that, basically, GAME are using it as justification to shit on everyones rights - customers, staff, the lot. Laws and rights no longer apply - we'll sell you faulty goods with no refunds allowed. We'll get you to work for us with no clear agreement in place that we're paying you for it. I'm pretty sure administration doesn't protect them from flagrantly breaking the law.

    Btw, not trying to give you advice here, just thinking aloud.

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