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Posts posted by Sie

  1. Little Big Adventure (Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure)

    I loved this game, and hadn't realised it was available for Windows 7. Brilliant!

    Yeah, great game. I've fond memories of playing it when it was released on the PSOne. But the GoG.com sale ends so get over there and fill yer boots!

  2. Well, the end of the sale looms. What did everyone else get? Here's what I got (I will never find the time to play most of these - I am an idiot)

    Steam Sale Haul

    Dungeons of Dredmor

    Dungeons of Dredmor: Realm of the Diggle Gods

    Tropico 4

    E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy

    Company of Heroes Complete Pack

    Hard Reset (RoW)

    Renegade Ops

    X3 Albion Prelude


    Space Pirates and Zombies(SPAZ)

    Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

    Puzzle Agent

    Puzzle Agent 2

    Universe Sandbox


    SpaceChem: 63 Corvi mission

    The Binding Of Isaac

    Humble Indie Bundle 4

    - Gratuitous Space Battles

    - Jamestown

    - Bit.Trip Runner

    - Super Meat Boy

    - Shank

    - NightSky HD

    Humble Indie Bundle 3

    - Crayon Physics Deluxe

    - Cogs

    - VVVVVV

    - Hammerfight

    - And Yet It Moves

    Not quite done yet though. I've still got my eye on a few more games I skipped over but I'm waiting until the final day of the sale arrives just in case. Also, the Gundemonium bundle looks like a definite next purchase as Jamestown really whet my appetite for bullethell stuff.

    Didn't get lucky on any of the free gifts though. Only managed to craft one load of coal which gave me a 50% off Dwarfs?! voucher which is a game I'll never play or buy.

    GoG Haul

    Empire Earth: Gold Edition

    Planescape: Torment

    Ultima™ 7 The Complete Edition

    Another World: 15th Anniversary Edition

    Magic Carpet™

    Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga

    Baldur's Gate 2 Complete

    RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe

    Crusader: No Remorse™

    Crusader: No Regret™

    Little Big Adventure (Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure

    Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey)

    Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™

    Arx Fatalis

    Gothic 2 Gold Edition

    Icewind Dale Complete

    Icewind Dale 2 Complete

    Dungeon Keeper™ 2

    There's stuff in these lists I don't even remember putting in my basket!

  3. X3: Terran Conflict is on sale right now. It's a giant space sandbox type of game and anyone who has fond memories of Elite (I'm looking at you Designer1) would to very well to pick it up. Don't bother buying the Superbox, the X3 Terran War Pack for £4.99 is all you need (X3: Terran Conflict made X3: Reunion obsolete)

    Edit: And it turns out Albion Prelude (the expansion in the Terran War Pack) means Terran Conflict is obsolete. You still need TC to play AP but if you buy, download/install AP and play that.

  4. link to the past > OoT, FF VII & SoM

    I too prefer LttP over OoT although I do think favourite Zelda games amongst people boil down to fond memories when they played them over genuine critical comparison.

    As for Twilight Princess, I never felt it was a poor Zelda but then I deliberately hunted down a copy of the far superior GC version in order to play it. **** the Wii port. I never understood the criticism for its art style - it was Nintendo delivering exactly what Zelda fans had asked for after they got all butthurt about the gorgeous looking Wind Waker not looking like a realistic Zelda game (whatever that means). Then same Zelda fans quickly proved they didn't know what the **** they wanted once they played it.

    Skyward Swords seems pretty good so far from what I've played of it. Takes sodding ages to start though - faaaar to many dialogue interruptions.

  5. I bought Magicka on there for £1.99 and it's bleeding splendid.

    The last £1.99 game I bought was probably Kick Start 2 on the C64.

    Myself and Nayson have it. We played about 30 minutes of co-op and then didn't go back. Not sure why because the game is great fun. We should all get together and play some.

  6. Ugh, they're gonna fix the dragon glitch right? Happens everytime I encounter one now, he starts flying backwards then the frame rate drops. :rant:

    Yes. The patch that fixes it has already landed on PC (Woo, master race!) and should be turning up on console soon once it passes certification via Microsoft/Sony.

  7. http://kotaku.com/5863096/a-peek-inside-the-home-of-skyrims-first-serial-killer?tag=the-elder-scrolls&autoplay

    Some very, very, very strange people out there. I hope kotaku gave the po-po this guys IP address or something. Very worrying.

    What say you TSF? Oh wait......... :shock:

    Just caught this over at Something Awful. I think its **** brilliant, genuinely made me laugh out loud. Does this make me a bad person?

    Oblivion's fastest was 11minutes 19 seconds

    There's a speed run of Morrowind on Youtube with a completion time of 4m19s. Speaking of Morrowind, I've only just found out the game has been ported over to run in Oblivion. Yep - the whole game! It's called Morroblivion.

  8. Going to go and buy this game tomorrow with my winnings from Ladbrokes and see what all the fuss is. Haven't played any of the previous titles but i'm assuming from what i've read it's kind of Assassins Creed meets Zelda?

    Nope nowhere close, it's an RPG where you basically define what your character does, nothing like Zelda or Assassin's Creed in that sense.

    Having played the game for a few hours this afternoon, it appears I was correct in my assumption, at least in terms of gameplay. Moving about on foot, head-to-head combat, gaining allies, stealing from dead bodies..etc..all quite similar to AC.

    You are kidding right?

  9. From what I've seen, companions can die but not from direct damage dealt by combat NPCs (which just brings them to their knees instead). Environmental damage, lingering DoTs (I think, not 100% sure on those) and the player hurting them are what finish them off if they're low on health.

    Lydia died fairly soon in my game but since then, I've been roaming about with some cocky wizard guy from Riften called Mercurio but whilst wearing an Amulet of Mara he took a shine to me, wanting something more which made the adventuring a little awkward. Now I love the gays as much as anyone else but it just ain't how I role so I thought it best he went back home to Riften immediately.

  10. You've done something to piss him off whether you're aware of it or not. Stolen something from his shop without realising maybe?

    Try talking to a guard to see if you have any fines to pay. Or even just start again, you're not too far away from the beginning of the game.

  11. Bloody game. List lydia somewhere.

    Saved, loaded restarted and slept three days straight. Gone.

    Can't get this awesome Mage to follow me now. He's like a young gandalf and took down two sabre tooths in two hits of his fire storm.

    Anyone else had this issue?

    Companions aren't immortal. I'm afraid your Lydia is dead from the sounds of it. My Lydia is dead too, I barely got to know her :( As for the Mage guy, unless you get a speech option asking him to follow you, it isn't possible for him to become one of your companions.

    I bought a dog earlier. Keen to please his new master, the tough little bugger had a go at the first enemy we stumbled across. Shame it was a Cave Bear. RIP little fella. I cast his body off a nearby waterfall and watched him drift away in the current below.

  12. A question for the atheists: Since abandoning religion, do you feel more alone and listless? Do you miss the idea that it's not all completely pointless and that what you do will matter when you and everyone that knew you is dead?


    I never had a religion to think any of that and I don't need a belief in "something more" to have my existence mean something very special to me.

    The idea that the only thing that makes a person's existence meaningful is a belief in God (and what God has in store for them) is an incredibly depressing perspective on life in my opinion.

  13. I never did play Twilight Princess with waggle (refused to rather) and played it on the Gamecube. Skyward Sword definitely has my attention as I do enjoy Zelda games but I'll need to invsest in a new Wii Remote as none of mine have motion plus in them. For that reason (and Skyrim), I'm holding off a bit until it comes down in price.

  14. should i buy a house or is it a waste of 6k?

    i only want it to store everything as i'm carrying too much all the time

    Definitely buy the one in Whiterun as it pays for itself in no time at all. Once you do that, buy all the furniture for it too and never again worry about ditching valuable items you think might be of use later on. Just truck em home and stick them in your house. It's also good for keeping your alchemy organised.

    Since doing that, I've gone from constantly battling with over-encumbrance to carrying nothing but essentials. Any time I need extra cash, I nip home and sell all the valuable loot stored there.

    Rasputin taking a breather by the fire.


    And just outside the front door, the Northern Lights over Whiterun.


  15. I've decided to start trying out some of the mods that are landing on the PC. There is a steady stream of them but I'm sticking strictly to graphical enhancements and UI enhancements for the first playthrough. So far I've changed the night sky so it looks more dramatic (more stars that now twinkle, visible nebulae etc), improved the blood decals and improved the resolution and quality of the textures on the races' skin (gets rid of the slightly blocky look around their noses etc)


    They're all fairly subtle changes but they add up to make a noticeable difference when playing. There are some custom shader enhancements too but I'm giving those a miss for now as that is the sprt of shit that causes game crashing if its not optimised properly.

    Also, anyone saw...

    the ghostly headless horseman
    ...whilst out and about?
  16. When it comes to consoles, I still stick with a booming 5.1 system but on PC I use a pair of Sennheiser HD650s headphones. Granted they're not a headset (nor are they cheap) but **** me, they sound absolutely tremendous.

  17. Yes you've been judged because honestly, its outrageously offensive!

    And judging people on their own individual lifestyle choices is one thing (small minded) but their inherent sexuality is completely different, it's outrageous bigotry

    I havnt judged anybody.

    I have expressed my opinion on a sexual practice..Which is shared by millions of people (a huge majority) across the world..Like I said in many muslim countries homosexual behaviour is punished with the death penalty..Yet you would allow a person that practices the Muslim religion onto this forum wouldnt you?

    All have I done is answered a question put to me, of which I avoided earlier in the thread (now you know why)..The only reason I answered it is because I shared Julie's thoughts and she was being unfairly criticized for her views. And being called a bigot.

    I have no words....

    You are Westboro Baptist Church crazy. You literally need psychiatric help.

    And plenty of Muslims use this site, some have even posted in this thread and they most certainly ain't on your side of the fence.

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