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Posts posted by Sie

  1. Both my local GAME and Gamestation got closed yesterday (Washington branches) about an hour after I was in there. Ended on a high note though - picked up Rage: Anarchy Edition on PC for £9.98 from GAME then nipped to Gamestation 3 doors down and scored Dead Island Special Edition on PC for a mere £9.98. Both brand new.

    Some nice, friendly service from the staff to boot. I deliberately didn't bring up the administration because every other punter in there probably was and I'm pretty sure employees being constantly reminded of their imminent unemployment from customers isn't really a good thing.

    Btw, Dead Island. **** great fun. If you have it on PC, hit me up for some co-op.

  2. For anyone still playing (like me) or interested. MMO Champion is running a live feed at the moment of the MoP Beta.


    They also have videos of some of the new character graphics on the site and after seeing them you can see why Blizz are going to be updating the old models (they're doing the Dwarves at the moment) as the new versions look a 100 times better.

    Wha? You're still playing? I was sure you said you'd hung up your WoW hat for good the last time you quit.

  3. Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - amazing game once its patched up. It's the original Deus Ex with vampires.

    FFXIII-2 - not had time to play it for about a month but got back into it recently. Still enjoying it a lot.

    Tribes Ascend - My 'go to' multuplayer game at the moment. Great for a quick blast. More people should play it.

  4. Tried to buy it, but my credit card details on PSN are out of date and it appears to be almost impossible to update them directly from the console. Oh well, £10 saved!

    Account management and then billing. I had to update my card too and it was as simple as that.

  5. Not exactly breaking news but David Cage and company (Heavy Rain) have been working on new tech that is going to power their next game.

    To show it off, they've produced a 7 minute short rendered entirely in real-time on the PS3. It's impressive stuff showcasing not just graphical fidelity but also a striking performance using Quantic Dream's new motion capture setup. Well worth a watch.


  6. rumour has it the 1st wave of attempting to get rid of the stock starts tomorrow at GAME not sure about gamestation, expect it to be the preowned stuff they try and shift 1st too

    I think it has already started mate. Loads of folk over at Rllmuk have been gorging on pre-owned bargains.

  7. Has anyone played Journey yet? If so, is it any good?

    I haven't. I doubt most people have other than press as its not out just yet.

    Judging by the reviews though, its said to be something very special.

  8. Horror games have always been a genre I hold great affinity for.

    I really wish I'd been involved in the early days on MMOs, specifically Ultima Online in the late 90s. In fact, online PC gaming in general from that era was something I wasn't really a part of. I didn't start gaming online on PC until around AvP2 came out.

  9. I recall indignant guffaws when the renaissance period was initially announced as the setting for AC2.

    I'm all for the new time period because its a step away from what AC is now. I've enough faith in games designers these days that when they choose to explore new possibilities for an increasingly stale franchise, they're it doing with a lot more foresight than many gamers give them credit for. Bring it on I say, I'm all for a surprise.

  10. Another vote for Fallout 3. Started it three times over, by the time I got to Megaton in each game I gave up. Couldn't get on with it.

    Exactly, same with me.

    :shock: I'm stunned at the lack of love for Fallout 3! It won loads of G.O.T.Y awards. Oh well, different strokes and all that.

    Here's a theory. Maybe so many Villa fans seem to dislike Fallout 3 because the drab and dreary, apocalyptic Capital Wasteland reminds them too much of Birmingham :winkold:

    Seriously guys, get past Megaton then suffer through the mission where you have to kill a bunch of fire-breathing ants (it's a great mission and fun, just very hard with your limited resources) and I swear after that it's excellent. I can still remember the first time I heard a BOOM go off somewhere over the horizon. Naturally, I had to check it out. Imagine my surprise when I saw what was waiting for me at the picnic area at the top of that hill...

    Played the game for more than long enough. Treked through DC, subways, quested here and there. Never grabbed me. It should have but it didn't.

  11. Anyone else playing this?

    It's a first person shooter and something of a follow up to the old Tribes gamers of yesteryear. And free! The game has been in closed beta for a little while but just last week went into open beta (deploying a massive patch/overhaul in the process) so you no longer need a beta key to play. You can just download it and go.

    Its Capture the Flag based and the game's gimmick is all super fast mobility over wide open landscapes so unless you're familiar with what a Tribes game plays like, it may not be what you're expecting from a PC FPS but its bloody brilliant regardless. So strap on your jetpack and ski boots and go grab it here.

  12. Mass Effect

    Three times I've attempted to see the magic everyone else sees in this game but it just isn't there for me. The story didn't engage me, the universe wasn't interesting nor did it feel cohesive but rather a series of disconnected locations joined by loading screens - no sense of travelling the vastness of space. The combat was poor and the only thing left after that was selecting dialogue from a dialogue wheel. I own the sequel (bought it twice) and I enjoyed it a lot more although I've not really got to far into it - must go back to playing that.

    Fallout 3

    Everything about this game I should have liked. The Bethesda pedigree, the setting, the style of game - all made think "yup, this is going to be **** incredible". And I wanted to like it, I really did but nope. I can't even quite pin-point exactly what it is but it just bored the hell out of me and after 15 hours telling myself I'd get hooked, I never did.


    Now I did enjoy this game BUT it's regarded as one of, if not the, scariest games of all time. And it isn't. What playing it made me realise is that gamers everywhere are big girls blouses. A spooky castle with gusty winds blowing open doors, monsters groaning in corridors, candlelights blowing out - sophisticated horror my arse. The only thing missing is the cart on the tracks and the word removed at the front door charging £3 a ride. Amnesia ain't got shit on The Shalebridge Cradle level.

  13. I'm really enjoying XIII-2. The story so far is nonsensical (yet oddly intriguing) but everything else is great. The additions to the battle and levelling systems add an great deal of customisation and depth to what went before in XIII. The return of random battles is a little disappointing in my opinion though.

  14. Anyone preordered this with game.net and had a dispatch notification?

    Usually they send you a game the day before a release so was expecting it thursday havent had any notification yet though

    They'll more than likely be shipping them out on Wednesday (which usually means it landing on Thursday).

    I quite fancy grabbing the hard cover guide for FFXIII-2 too but I'm at work and the damn thing probably won't fit through the letterbox at home.

  15. There's no denying the framerate in that place is awful but I **** loved the place. Extremely tense. My introduction to it was via co-op though - some random stranger led me through about half of it where we killed some giant creature (of which I never did find out the name) and then he disconnected. I had loads of souls and no clue where I was, surrounded by nasty things that wanted to murder me. Horse for courses and all but I found that experience amazing.

  16. Blighttown killed my enthusiasm for the game - it is shit. It runs terribly (I genuinely cannot think of a game that has run as badly as Blighttown does from the last... well, from the entire lifespan of this console gen), looks shit, and the game effectively becomes a chore the very second you set foot in the place. Being sniped by blowdart fellas who poison you in 2 hits and are carefully placed to be hard to see and even harder to hit, is not fun, it's not even fun in a challenging, 'you ****!' kinda way, it's just a chore.

    Dark Souls Wins. Fatality.

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