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Posts posted by Sie

  1. Due to a house move, I had to give up my 150 MB cable from Virgin. Now temporarily suffering a mere 5 MB connection from Sky but will swapping to fibre soon. Plusnet seem to be the cheapest but I'll give Sky a ring first to see what the can offer me.


    BT can **** off though - their "biggest ever" neverending sale (thats not really a sale at all) is still more expensive than everyone else.

  2. I'm enjoying this a hundred times more on ps4 and I'm not quite sure why.




    Me too. I put many hours into the PS3 version but never finished it. Like you, I'm now glad I didn't.

    • Like 1
  3. It's a 1.02 patch issue. The temp work around is to revert to version 1.01 which means reinstalling the game to your PS4 by deleting the game's data files (not your saves!). Alternatively you can hang fire for the new patch.

  4. I figured the whole point of playing it is because you want to be scared? I thought some people enjoyed that feeling.


    A well crafted atmosphere and a sense of overwhelming dread is why I love horror games. I eat that shit up and PT was no exception. Adored it.

  5. anyone playing the evil within?


    its on my list but im not convinced by it enough to buy it at full price


    It's enjoyable but certainly has some issues (namely a **** terrible opening act). The gameplay itself, once you settle into it, its actually pretty damn good.


    I'm still more engrossed in Alien Isolation though.

  6. The only bad bit of PT is the last section. It's so random I can see it putting people off.


    Its sorta random by design, regardless of whether that played good or bad. Kojima said he didn't expect anyone to discover the reveal trailer for at least a week but I think he underestimated the internet a bit on that one. Mind, even now, no one really knows the exact method to trigger it. 


    I wouldn't worry about it though, even P.T says at the end it's not necessarily a demonstration of how Silent Hills will play, and more of a showcase of the tone and atmosphere Kojima and Del Toro are injecting into the franchise.Because boy does it need a kick up the arse!


    And yeah Villarule123, P.T trumps Outlast. It trumps everything in the shitty pants genre.

  7. That content is exciting for any Alien fan no doubt, but the fact Sega have made it a pre-order incentive is despicable after the Colonial Marines bullshit. 


    They have seen sense though, presumably from the backlash after the initial announcement, and added that it'll be available as regular DLC content sometime after launch!

    • Like 1
  8. Better idea. Stick a £25 price tag on said demo and call it "Destiny: Ground Zeroes".


    ...actually nah, no one would fall for that.

    • Like 1
  9. I personally don't think what we've seen of No Mans Sky is representative of how the game will play, rather a strong proof of concept showcasing the tech.


    At least I hope not because if what we've seen really IS all there is to it then we're looking at the biggest let down since Spore.


    Really? With the same old games and boring developer stories?


    Yeah, you're right. They should've piled on the racing games and third person adventure/shooters. I mean who wants new Xenoblade, or open world Zelda...



    Packoman has a point. Every damn year Nintendo sell us family friendly nostalgia. Same cutesy characters and IPs trotted out with a gameplay twist or graphical treatment to justify it. I'd be lying if I said the new Zelda didn't catch my attention but much rather play the new IPs Sony are pushing out (Bloodborne, No Man's Sky etc). As someone who doesn't think Smash Bros and StarFox are all that, there's not really much left that Nintendo are offering up to get me excited.

  11. Can't say I'm overly impressed with this.


    Sure it looks colourful and animated but its just **** boring. It's everything bad about Theme Park MMOs. The telegraph combat doesn't really work well either and ends up making all the classes (which are already pretty dull) feel too similar to one another. Their marketing department have done well to drum up hype but the game itself falls flat for me.


    I want a world to explore in an MMO, not a guided levelling treadmill on a film set.


    What is actually different about it? GTA is the ultimate sandbox game but this just looks like a boring, prettier version of it.



    The hacking feature is it's USP. If that doesn't appeal to you, it's probably not a game you should bother with.



    From what I have seen, they've completely failed to establish how the hacking stuff isn't just more typical paper-thin context sensitive Ubisoft "press A to do thing" bullshit. I think they've talked it up well beyond what it actually is AKA the same shit they pulled with the original Assassins Creed. Even the reveal, way back when, didn't get me excited and they've not done much more to sell it to me. In fact Ubisoft have done their best to make the game look progressively worse. I can't help be feel a lot of people are going to be very disappointed with Watchdogs.


    I'll be pleasantly surprised if it turns out to be amazing but I ain't giving them a penny for it until it's been reviewed.

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