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Everything posted by Ryan.

  1. Ryan.

    Should i shave?

    Thanks for the advice (some of you!) the stubble will come off, for the interview anyway. What i forgot to mention though, was i dont like to clean shave because it irritates my skin severely, i can use all the cooling balms under the sun, they just don't work for me. anyway i'll endure the suffering for the interview and hope i get the job! ..and for whoever asked the job is Refridgeration/Air Con installation and repair.
  2. Ryan.

    Should i shave?

    Thats exactly what i dont want, but i just dont suit clean shaven at all and i was thinking they should see me as i am not pretending to be something im not.
  3. Ryan.

    Should i shave?

    Thing is, it's only very thin stubble, it's not like i look like i havn't shaved for days or have walked in off the street! im well aware i need to make a good first impression
  4. Ryan.

    Should i shave?

    Thats just silly.
  5. I have a job interview next Tuesday and my problem is that i normally like a bit of a stubble so should i clean shave or not?
  6. I was in tears watching those interviews, hilarious anyone got a link? i'd love to see it
  7. If Rovers won they would have been on 61 points, one more point than we would have.
  8. LMAO! bloser just been on saying his 10 year old son is in bits because Cameron Jerome gave him his shirt but a steward took it back off him
  9. on brmb a fan just said " blues are for life not just a season" hahahahaha
  10. Relegated and back where they belong The scummy fans have ran onto the pitch and wrecked the place apparently
  11. As i said, it's an art only few can master. you really should get out more.
  12. i think i've mastered that "art" Although i've sussed it out, you either obstruct the encriminating piece of evidence or point everything northwards
  13. you sure? whenever ive been through an airport (and ive been a few times) the big transparent containers as you check in are full of lighters There used to be a qualification (in the UK) that only one lighter per person was allowed, this has been raised to two. Also if you want to but a souvenir lighter on the plane you are limited to two per person, bound to stop the terrorists. The US banned all lighters on planes after 9/11 but lifted that when the silly liquids in a plastic bag idea was introduced. ohhhh, so it's ok to set fire to a plane with one lighter, but two and you can forget it? there are some polititians that seriously lack any form of common sense.
  14. you sure? whenever ive been through an airport (and ive been a few times) the big transparent containers as you check in are full of lighters It depends what the security staff are most short of that week. Did your security staff have beards at all? A friends wife had tweezers taken off her, then was able to buy some from the shop inside and take them on the plane. Nope dont think so, although it was at Birmimgham airport, which if i am correct featured on the tonight program
  15. you sure? whenever ive been through an airport (and ive been a few times) the big transparent containers as you check in are full of lighters
  16. In Britain? isn't that a place of work?
  17. I need to get myself to America! EDIT: or Ireland
  18. Margerine is infact grey...It is dyed yellow to look like butter
  19. Ryan.

    Best Drummer

    good job you cut down on those beers! :winkold:
  20. Ryan.

    Best Drummer

    oh dear.. unless you have alzheimer's disease then i sincerely appologise
  21. im with you all the way pal. get me a good looking ginger, blonde and brunette and its ginger for me! the only problem is they're either gorgeous or look like a bull dog chewing a wasp so are a rare species, whereas you can get average looking girls of the other hair colours which i supose makes the hot gingers more appealing to me.
  22. Ryan.

    Best Drummer

    Keith Moon for his fast and crazy drumming, probably the most distinctive rock drummer of all time.
  23. Lyrically, i'd have to agree
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