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Cliffy Biro

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Posts posted by Cliffy Biro

  1. The names mentioned whenever were after a manager always scares the shit out of me, worst part of it is some of them seem like pretty serious suggestions :D


    Bruce just doesnt fill me with confidence though if im honest, i know hes the favourite and hes been promoted before but what then? Sack him and hire someone else? Do we just go for a short term guy like that instead of always long term thinking?

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Harry said:

    At least if we sack RDM we can stop singing that stupid 'Mondeo' song.

    Dont think anyone will be singing that anymore, more along the lines of stick him in a ford mondeo with his p45 and tell him to **** off.

  3. Everygame with RDM puts us at less of a chance of going up. 1 win in 10 against Rotherham and 5 late equalisers coupled with numerous howlers and absolutely game killing subs. Striker on when leading 1-0 away from home is surely in an idiots guide to football somewhere.


    FFS another shit manager appointment.

  4. So surprised by this guy, not seen him before he came here ill admit and since the bristol fans said we'd massively overpaid i didnt expect him to be so good. Incredibly exciting player, hes an aerial threat aswell as a pacey dribbler with a bit of skill. Great stuff.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Eastie said:

    I've seen us the better side in most games this season but silly mistakes and poor finishing have cost us many points .

    however the last 2 games have been worse than the previous ones and that's a point of concern - we do have a few out injured and missed McCormack , tish and gestede yesterday as we looked light up front - time to look ahead now and get some wins under our belt .

    Indeed, i dont think luck comes into it through as run of games though, in 1 or 2 incidents sure but to happen consistently its not luck or bad luck. No more excuses if we dont get the results from here on in.

  6. 19 minutes ago, PaulC said:

    . We could have won 3 or 4 of those games quite easily. If you take results of a short period of time like 8 games you dont get the right perspective on it. 

    Lets hope so for RDM's sake because another 8 like the last 8 and i seriously doubt he'll have a job left.

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  7. Does it really matter how many points there are potentially to play for? Yes 8 months of football ahead thinks can certainly change but people are going on what they've seen so far with their own eyes. Not a fantasy prediciton because of how many points we could technically get.

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  8. 1 win in 8 is diabolical and i think if he doesnt get a few wins in the next 3-4 games hes gone but i dont think necessarily sacking him will suddenly change our fortunes. How many times do we have to change manager and players and have nothing change before we realise it isnt that simple?

  9. The worst thing is the bar for improvement was set so low you just thought we would obviously improve and if only slightly do a little better. Give us something to cheer about and go from there but hes actually managed to just continue where we left off.


    So utterly depressing.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Papillon said:

    A striker can be piss-poor and the team can still win, and the best team in the world doesn't necessarily have to have the best goalkeeper... But he at least needs to have the basics in place.

    But when a goalkeeper starts to gift goals away, he becomes the biggest liability and there is no room to give him free rides in the first team. Like I said, a striker can be poor and still play (Kane), but a goalkeeper cannot. If he is this dodgy, he needs to be replaced. What is it now? 5-6 points lost due to his howlers?


    I think so, iits fair to say we'd have atleast 6 more points in the bag if it were not for his clangers. The huddersfield one always gets defended but for thats the worst one, it is definitely a clanger.

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