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Cliffy Biro

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Posts posted by Cliffy Biro

  1. With all the stuff going on the last few months and now our relegation and no manager the guy still hasn't shown his face or so much as said a word.


    Total and utter **** coward, get **** Randy. Genuinely hope you are visiting food banks in a year or two's time you detestable **** cretin.

  2. He was a merchandise guy at Arsenal for god sake, who else is shocked he completely failed at running us and has managed to do in 18 months what we've been trying to avoid for 6 years? Not saying we'll hire anyone better and knowing Villa we wont but he and his clueless cronies simply had to go. Good riddance.

    • Like 3
  3. Guy must be absolutely shitting it at how much were about to lose, in both value and cash for being in this league. Servers you right Randy, can't wait until the day this cancerous cretin leaves us and hope he never gets involved in another sports team.

  4. Hands down our worst signing in the summer, been so so disappointed with him. Goes down as the worst for me purely because i expected so much more but instead he's literally costing us a goal every game it seems.

  5. 2 hours ago, CarewsEyebrowDesigner said:

    We're down. Have been for a while. Here's hoping for a decent cup run at least.

    Theres no doubting we're down now really, even the optimist must surely admit we're down. We're not even in a relegation fight, were just looking up with interest at who will join us.

  6. 41 minutes ago, VillaCas said:

    When did he say we are building something special? Surely not any time this season?????

    We are building something special, just not what the fans thought he meant. We're breaking all sorts of records.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Spoony said:

    One of those wouldn't keep us in the league though. The players are not Premier League quality.

    Oh and Sunderland and WBA are? No, they both have poor limited squads but those two continuously keep teams up. The fact is both of those would have most likely kept us up too.


    I hate the way those two play the game but we needed that kind of appointment for a few seasons to settle the shambles we've been in for 5 years +

    • Like 2
  8. I knew when i first heard his interview that he was a good talker but nothing beyond that, point proven. Probably the worst appointment Lerner has made in any position since he arrived. Thats saying something.

  9. Could genuinely manage us to the end of the season and not win.

    He's either a total fraud or we're making him look like one. Honestly i think its a bit of both, i realise its early and he hasnt been here long but he has shown absolutely nothing, we havent even come close to winning a game. Infact have we even be leading a game since he arrived?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    No. I don't buy that. The last 4 seasons we have failed to build anything, with managers with any vision or principles. I am probably in a minority but I think Remi is the one to build us something and relegation is the only way for him to have the time to build it. We will improve as the season goes on but at this moment we will be relegated.

    Well only time will tell on that one but i would not at all be surprised to see him continue to struggle, start next season with us and then be gone before christmas.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    So to conclude, we are fooked.

    We were when he took over, but we desperately needed someone to come in and lift the squad. Maybe even nick 1-2 wins and atleast give ourselves a chance. Instead he's come in and made absolutely no difference and hasn't even come close to winning a game in 8.

    Put it this way, theres no way in my opinion that Garde will be our manager next christmas. Thats not me saying Garde out or that he should be sacked i just dont think he will still be here then.

    • Like 1
  12. We would need to invest in 3-4 quality starters that would cost atleast 40-50m and hope they instantly gelled to even have a slim hope of survivial.


    Personally i think Randy knows were down by now and will let Garde but 1-2 players for next season in the championship.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    Can you honestly see any of these players stepping up? What is the difference at this point in time?

    The difference is i think Richardson is probably one of the worst footballers at the club, i wouldn't even have him in the squad of 21 (or whatever it is) that travels. Can i see the other 3 stepping up? Not really, but there's still no way in hell i'd be starting Richardson.

    This league was well above his level 3-4 years ago, the only reason he's at the club is Lambert was so desperate to fill out the squad with numbers when he ad no money, same as Cole. I'm 100% sure he'd be a championship or lower player had we not approached him.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Jareth said:


    Yea why am i not surprised that this is the extent of your argument? If you think Richardson is the best choice we have at left midfileld/wing over Grealish/Gabby/Sinclair then you sir are the one that should be Getting TFO.

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