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Posts posted by JoshVilla

  1. It's a game of football for **** sake.

    Yes, it's gutting to lose a cup final, especially if you feel that it's been overly influenced by certain refereeing decisions, but it's only football. Life goes on. Much more important things going on in the world.

    The standard of refereeing, especially in the Premier League, has been pretty poor, but the level of abuse that the officials receive week in, week out, is an utter disgrace.

  2. Not sure if it's been posted here already, but I often wonder what would have happened if we hadn't lost Grealish to injury for nearly a third of the 20/21 season (if I remember correctly, he missed about 12 games?).

    We finished 11th, but only 7 points off a place in the Europa Conference League (and 10 points off the Europa League). Could we have maybe picked up another 3 or 4 wins if we'd have had Grealish fit all season?

    Off the back of that, would he have stayed longer, as we'd have qualified for a European competition? Would that have allowed us to attract even more quality players to complement him and make a push at the top 4? Would Smith still have been manager (and would he have been good enough to manage a push at the CL spots?)?

    Ultimately, everything has worked out very well. Smith struggling, and then Gerrard utterly failing has led to us getting a manager of genuine quality, but it's an interesting "what if".

    • Like 3
  3. God damn this is good. Put my first couple of hours into it last night and I can't wait to get back into it later.

    I will say one thing, you can really tell how much it's pushing the Switch to it's absolute limit. Does anyone else get pretty frequent frame rate drops/texture pops? Thankfully it's not really detracting from how amazing the game is.

  4. If we do sneak into the Conference League, it'll be interesting to see how Emery treats it.

    I've no doubt that he'll want to win it. The fact that we haven't won a trophy in far too long, coupled with his know-how in European competitions suggests that he'd have his eyes on bringing it home, but I'm sure he wouldn't want to jeopardise what could be a good assault on the top 6 next season.

    The good thing is that it's pretty obvious that NSWE are willing to spend some big money this summer, so I think we'll be in a much better position squad-wise (barring a ridiculous injury crisis). Though, I'd imagine that we'd be looking at quality over quantity. That's the difference at this end of the table.

  5. We'll have a couple of extra days rest (which hasn't really meant anything recently, but still...).

    Plop's defence is shaky, which seems to have been the case for years and years, so we definitely have the tools to hurt them. Issue is that they're quick up front so they'll get the better of our high line all afternoon. I'd almost be tempted to play both Kamara and Donk just to try and slow their midfield down a bit.

    Getting anything from this game would be a huge bonus. 

  6. We're the better side by far, but that doesn't really mean much in a derby. I always feel like Wolves are a bit of a bogey team and they're going to want to put their recent hammering from Brighton far behind them.

    Hopefully we can freshen things up a little bit and get Kamara & Cash out there. We desperately need a bit of rotation.

    • Like 1
  7. Been playing Like a Dragon: Ishin on and off since its release (as much as having a very energetic 18 month old daughter will allow!). Definitely recommended for any fans of the Yakuza series. It's a cool departure from the usual setting, and being able to swing a katana about as Kiryu-but-not-actually-Kiryu is very satisfying.

  8. Surely today's result doesn't change anything? From most of the predictions that were posted for our remaining fixtures (many of which had us finishing 6th or 7th), the ManUre game was chalked down as a probable loss.

    The Wolves game is a big one, as is Spurs & Brighton.

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  9. I had a mate at Uni who was an Everton fan (still mates). During my time at Uni, we were in the Lambert years, so I got nonstop teasing from him that we were going down, we're shit etc etc. Part of me wants Everton to go down just so that I can return the favour.

    They do need a big reset - the only issue is that their financial worries would make relegation a much bigger worry than it was for us.

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