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Everything posted by maxjackle

  1. Thats the problem-- only healer, Holy pallys have no hots, or aoe heals. Not sure I can solo heal this one. Keep on getting that pull thing towards him.
  2. One boss I do have problems with as a healer- Shirrak the dead watcher. I know it's an easy instance but I really have probs with that guy! I think he's one of those fights where party make up is v. important. Unless theres something I don't get.
  3. so all of a sudden paladins are ok.....
  4. I'm on the way to getting my karazhan key (2/3 got) and have a question for you guys. How hard is it? Could it ever be puggable or do you need a good team who knows what everyone is doing?
  5. Do you really think pallys have good dps though? I ask as I hate pvp- never do it. I'm a holy/ret pally and my dps is pretty bad really I think (i'm no number cruncher sorry). My moan is that they are affecting my role because of an effect in pvp that aI have no interest in. In the end this is why the nerf never went through. From what I can see they would of introduced a level 70 talent that would never have been used because of the side effects.
  6. Got to agree over the blue posts. They're up in arms over in the pally forum as they announced a nerf that isn't going ahead... but are looking into reducing paladin burst damage. They came up with some craziness of linking forbearance on avenging wrath with divine shield. It would mean that a pally has an ability for +30% dmg for 15 secs, that turns into -15% dmg for the next 45 secs.... useful. It seems the problem is with retribution pallys in pvp, so they came up with crazy plan that affected all pallys. Of course most pve pallys are holy or prot. I just can't get my head round the fact that they thought our dps was too high. On a side note- im also finding it hard to get grps for the 70 instances, I think its easier to get the flying ones or heroics than the standard ones.
  7. I threw a right strop in the middle of a joint guild raid yesterday ( an old instance- ZG- I know easy)--- Basically the raid leader wouldnt let me maintank. My response "Im 3 levels higher than the warrior with roughly twice as good gear, if I can't tank here then I never will"- I must admit I then went all out to steal aggro and started kiting all the mobs around yelling that I had aggro and the warrior best get it back. Childish I know and it annoyed a lot of people but hey it was an easy run and I made my point. Still the attitude has made me go back to holy spec I think. I was top of the damage charts as well on that run due to a combination of lazy mages and using bombs every 5 seconds.
  8. Yep a holy spec paladin shouldnt ever run out of mana. The problem is healing several targets through we can switch to holy light over flash and have an ability that speeds it up. Of course theres less aggro worries with a paladin healer, as we can take a fair few hits! (and it doesnt interrupt us healing normally). As for being gay- Well we do have pink armour. Im man enough though to wear pink without any insecurity!
  9. I got to 70! Can I just say the paladin 70 talent avenging wrath is really cool, not necessarily for the +30% dmg but for the wings graphic....
  10. Yep I love the transporters- Thats the main reason i got it to 355- for toshleys station transporter, and the gnomish poultryiser (but still havent got all mats for that)
  11. Are any of you guys engineers? I got it to 355 but theres no point in levelling it further that I can see. Also a quick noob question- which addon is the dmg/healing/tanking meters or is it a macro that I dont know? Generally dont use them myself though a few guys use them- keep on forgeting to ask them. my favourite crap run story- is when I did strat with 2 guildees and 2 randoms, 1 random struggled with english. The only thing he said was whenever anyone stopped for drinks was to shout "GO GO. YOU NO KILL BOSSES I GO. MUST KILL BOSSES". It still gets yelled at random points in every guild run now as the tale as spread.
  12. My personal view is that we should be able to tank the 5 and 10 mans. The big raids should be warriors, but blizzard has to be careful that they dont just become warrior, mage, priest love fests. Whats interesting in this thread is the comparison between my guild and yours- we are much smaller (100- about 10 60+, 30 50-60) and non raid. The groups for 5 mans are who we can get together, and so our tactics change around the group. I specced prot because we dont have a mt warrior (we have a 62 and a few 50s), my brother is a druid and he acts as the healer. Our normal grp is two pallys a druid, a lock and a mage. In many ways its probably a bit harder but the guild is a good laugh and not too serious so I enjoy those runs more than others. I've had invites to raid guilds from pugs Ive run with, but I feel sometimes these guilds just lack the fun factor and get too serious. It's what you want to take out the game I guess. Another thing is I hate pvp- Im just not interested in that aspect apart from a few guild raids now and again. My feeling is there are other games that are much better for that sort of thing- for me its all about pve.
  13. there is a lot of paladin plate- Im not sure if theres too much but its in response to problems pre bc. A lot of raid pallys found they had to wear cloth for plus healing/ plus int and I think everyone can agree that paladins shouldnt be wearing cloth, its not what the class is about. The second problem is with any plate thats purely plus defence, or plus str. Imagine having a warrior and a pally in the grp- most people arent going to be happy witha need roll on that from a pally. I respecced to prot (tank spec) the other day and the amount ofpeople moaning that I cant tank is amazing. I generally be quiet- then on the first run make sure to point out that I have aggro all the time. BC has made it possible for druids and pallys to tank not just warriors and its a change that was needed in my opinion.
  14. We have righteous defence- which taunts up to 3 mobs off a target, can cast blessing of protection on a caster if they have aggro (instantly reduces their threat), and can cast blessing of salvation at the start ofa battle which reduces others threat. I also have a buff that increases my holy threat by 50%. I can also spam my aoe to help keep aggro on multiple mobs. Bubbling does lose aggro true- You only use it when things are going badly wrong and you're about to die. I guess the best tactic is bubble- then taunt. Have you guys grouped with a be pally yet? Ive seen a few draenei shamans knocking around but havent grouped with them yet.
  15. I read- cause its interesting to hear about a raiding guild and all the stuff that goes with being part of 1. I dont post cause Im alliance and just get abuse.... Im 68 cracking along the instances and enjoying actually main tanking the first few sets of instances. I've respecced to prot paladin, so cant actually kill anything but man does it take a long time to kill me. Its great for me to be able to play the game alongside my brother whos back in birmingham while im in london.
  16. Ive upgraded nearly all my stuff- though as Id only got to 60 most of it was tier 0.5 type stuff. Its a bit crazy that thye've done this though it seems to me that all the 60 content is now redundant (strat scholo, UBRS, MC, Naxx) etc. Whats the point in doing these now if you can get better rewards for killing 20 hellboars? I wonder what they are going to do with all this content long term? make it more difficult? Leave it for the few that don't buy TBC- though the ahs will soon be flooded with good gear.
  17. My TBC just turned up! and I made it to 60 with 2 weeks to spare!
  18. Hey guys! Any idea when patch 2.0 will come out? Wondering whether to respec or wait for it to be free. I'm about a lvl 38 pally now. Still enjoying it but cant wait to get a horse as the running around is the worst part of the game. In a good guild with my brother and some other friends over on lightbringer. Most of the time I end up healing in groups- but I don't mind. Highlights so far- Duskwood Deadmines Engineering Lowlights- Gnomeregan Gryphon rides People quitting in instances 13 year olds
  19. Any idea when patch 1.13 is out?
  20. I like being a paladin--- Its good for soloing. It seems good to learn the game because I can dish out damage and heal myself. I understand that a lot of people dont like them at higher levels but its good for me so far.
  21. Lads- sorry I havent created a horde guy yet- Im still on a trial and cant get on your server till sat when I go to a full account. Anyways my paladin is now level 10 and with my new laptop (1.66 2048 ram) its running fine. I have a question which is quite paladin specific... I keep on seeing advice to get seal of command with my first skill point but it seems i Cant get it till Im level 20. Am I doing something wrong? Im looking forward to upgrading as my brother is sending me loads of stuff and money! ( hes got 2 lvl 60s and is currently has a 29 "twink").
  22. Right- I have a level 8 paladin on the lightbringer server so I can play with my brother whos on there. Im going to create a horde character on yours- but what is a good race. Ive found out a lot of people don't rate paladins (but they are quite good initially for solo play). What should I be? A priest or a mage? JuJu thanks for the pm.
  23. Im off to kill some boars.
  24. cool- looks like I need a new laptop. When I get it sorted Ill give you guys a yell.
  25. Hey guys I finally got this game... I suffer from slow down when theres a lot of characters on my screen. Do you think this is because of my weak laptop (celeron 3.06, 512 ram) or the fact that Im using a wireless connection? Im on lightbringer- level 6 paladin after a few hours play
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