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Everything posted by maxjackle

  1. You managed the Chess Event? No shamans (not sure how you thought that)... we run with two pallys and 2 shadow priests. I have more plus heal but less mana, I think primarily (without blowing my own trumpet) I could heal the group and throw a spare heal on the tank now and again, where the other paladin struggled. We still dont have a 70 shaman in my guild. Our make up depends as we only run one group and try and rotate. For curator it was prot tank, lock, feral druid, 2 holy pallys, 2 shadow priests, 1 rogue, 2 mages. Thats pretty much our guilds best players. It was the first time that grp got together for curator and when he died everyone was standing, the tank was at 100% and I had half mana. The slight change in roles changed everything. I think we'll try shade, if we swop in another rogue. I'll check on wowiki how much further prince was after chess. We did struggle with the trash but were running with 9 at that point with me as only specced healer. Found that the trash to chess was hard with the big guys and the little wraiths- but got easier as soon as the ethereum (damn ethereum- for the consortium!) turned up. EDIT: so say with that grp you think prince is better option? Not much melee there
  2. Finallly.... Curator down (and chess). We got him on our last try before respawns, swopped the druid for a lock on the bolts- druid tanked flares. Also I swopped from mt to group healing, those 2 changes made all the difference. What boss do you think its best to do next? shade?
  3. to the eye and ssc! attunements removed!
  4. Made some progress on the curator- got him down to 35%. The breakthrough is that we go with two healers and a shadow priest rather than 3 healers and a druid taking the bolts. I really think we have the strategy now and can do this by end of next reset. A couple qs for you guys- Do you kill final flare before evocate? or ignore? or even half and half? How many evocates do you need to kill it ( im thinking he needs to enrage after second?)
  5. Well due to some afkers and bad play we only had 3 attempts at the curator yesterday, and on our best attempt got him to 72%... not great. I have a feeling our dps isnt good enough, but as im so focused on the main tank I couldn't really see what they were doing. We used the "soaker" tactic but I noticed at one point the lock doing it got attacked by flares and their hitpoints went down and all of a sudden I was getting the bolts. Do you guys know if it is second on his aggro list or second highest hitpoints? I keep seeing conflicting answers. My concern is I was using such big heals I was oom mana during the period after the first evocate. I'll work on my pots and over healing. Next week we're going to take two paladins as main healers and 2 shadow priests in the dps grp. (something like prot warrior, 2 holy pallys, 2 shadow priests, 2 locks, hunter, mage, rogue). this will reflect our best geared players
  6. Got him to first evocation.. we sucked. Monday looks like wipe night.
  7. My guild is now at the curator... kinda slow i know, but we didnt raid patch week, and not too many people have much raid exp. Anyways was just wondering how you guys found him eg- how long he took you, any tricks etc Also after chess where did you go? Who went down next? Havent had any real goes at him yet- hopefully tomorrow we'll have a full run at the guy, then we have maybe monday before reset.
  8. Nihilum are quality- I downloaded Awake's (lead healer-paladin) UI pack. Can only get it to half of what his is like though. Too complex for me!
  9. ace2 is screwed.... this is not good news. I expect when I get back to just be sorting add ons and hunting down new engineering schematics. I'll give the new zones a few days to clear.
  10. Yeah I see all this- but still they should be able to get spots in non heroic instances. Lorewise (and I know this is a geeky response) the ret paladin is probably the closest to what they should be. Two handed hammers, spot healers, buffs thats what most people imagined when they rolled the class. Baseline dps shouldn't match but should be nearer, with buffs making up for the difference. I dont think serious posters would try to argue otherwise about dps. Somethings wrong though when people specced cant get a grp through lfg for shadowlabs. Apparently the guy was just getting the following- "holy or prot?" "ret" "sorry" As I think I've said before I hate pvp- they could take it out the game for all I care, then balancing would become a lot easier. At the moment I see the class as healer/tanks and priests as healer/dps, which is causing all the friction between the two classes. The jack of all trades is being forced into aiming to be a master of one.
  11. I feel sorry for ret paladins. The other day I got whispered by one who was asking for advice as he couldn't get groups. I just told him to spec with what he enjoyed the most- but realistically if he wanted to raid he'd have to change. I think you can take them on 5 mans- but hell prot pallys seem to be last choice tanks, and I doubt he'll ever find a good grp through lfg as ret. The best suggestion Ive heard is to give ret pallys something like vampiric embrace for melee, but its such a major change its unlikely to happen.
  12. For TRL Q: From the CM's replies on the forums regarding the diminishing role of priests in the current game content (PvE and PvP), we're led to believe there is going to be future review of priests. Can you provide us any insight on the changes that could be a possibility? Kalgan: Well, i think some of the diminishing role of priests had a lot to do with the power of the illumination talent. With 2.1 there are some significant balance changes that should improve the role of healing priests in endgame content regardless of the fact that it wasn't the hpm/hps of the priests themselves that changed significantly. Q: What is the developer vision on the subject of "pure" and "hybrid" classes? Are pure classes supposed to be better than hybrids in their specialized role? Tanking for a warrior, healing for a priest, magical dps for amage, physical dps for a rogue. Kalgan: Generally speaking we want "pure" classes to perform better in their primary roles, with hybrids coming close, but providing additional group utility to offset their reduced primary role power. Some restrictions apply, your mileage may vary. So lead developers agree with you- but they're not looking to buff you. Just reduce paladins mana. I'm sure we both agree this is the wrong approach. http://www.worldofraids.com/#4099
  13. I wasn't talking about priests versus paladins. I was talking about paladin healing tactics and a specific boss that is hard for paladins.
  14. Auchenai crypt sucks for pallys. No hots, no instant heals (holy shock wont cut it). I remember not being able to solo heal shirrak when I was that level. Pallys are awesome spamming single targets, but its possible to heal grps- Ive solo healed every instance (non heroic ofc). I've just started heroics- but don't have enough feedback on these yet (need to get up to +1500 plus heal I think). Just mech and slave pens. I'm very worried about my mana here post patch as Im spamming holy light at times. For me it's about preemptive healing and already being ready on your next target before the heal ends. Also is the key from when you switch between flash and holy, especially when that first holy light doesn't have the benefit of light's grace. I've just installed sws meters, and really working on my overheals in preparation for this nerf- Im going to have to be way more efficient. Holy shock can be used on cloths in an emergency to keep them safe, and you should be bopping people on a regular basis, or taunting mobs on to you- sounds crazy but you can take a few mobs hitting you in your plate until things are under control (stun helps here).
  15. Another quick question, I couldnt find this easily on wowiki- is the opera event open from the start or do you have to kill certain bosses before you can access it?
  16. Lads Im after some advice... I was running kara with another guild- but now my own guild has started going- with attumen down, and I think the next tactic is to go for the maiden as Moroes kicked our ass the first few tries (running with one priest). My questions were just about general raid stuff.. like How many times you raid Kara a week? If 15 or so are online how do you decide who goes at what time (we are using first people to sign up system with 3 healer slots, 2 tanks, 5 dps)? How many people do you need before you start thinking about 2 groups? Are you using a dkp system for kara or simply need before greed? I know they're pretty basic questions, Im just trying to keep everyone happy- especially as theres talk of a guild merger ahead, and load of other ppl attuned on the horizon. Keeping everyone happy aint easy!
  17. Crazy to see 12% of paladins are ret, when I would of thought it would be close to 0- (PVP non healers?) and 23% of holy dont take divine illumination. It gets a bad rap that talent- but post patch that figure will drop. Im not sure what the shaman 41 pt resto talent is- but it must be good! Also maybe its just me but I seem to meet a lot more frost mages than anyone else.
  18. 20 sec but 30 sec cooldown, doubt it'll work- we can but try.
  19. I've done attumen- think we'll be ok. Moroes- paladins can fear adds- but will be a bit crazy. I'll let you know how it goes.
  20. You guys have more experience than me (where are you up you up to by the way?) so i was hoping you could answer this. Karazhan without a priest- suicicde? Healing is covered with druids and pallys, but the lack of shackle worries me. Still we have priest recruitment probs (in that we only have 1 or 2). Party make up for this weekend is likely 2 pallys (both heal), 2 druids (1 tank, 1 heal), 1 warrior, 1 rogue, 1 lock, 2 mages, 1 hunter. Im just talking attumen and some trash, maybe Moroes (doubtful).
  21. The pistol looks cool though at least. I know what you mean about loot-an epic cloak dropped off trash, and initially I was like WOW that will be great for grinding, and then I realised I had a blue in the bank that was pretty much the same level. I like Kara though- one of the best instances so far for me.
  22. PS some new posts on the wow forums for those that havent seen. Includes profession stuff and new non instanced content. Im intrigued to see what the Plate goggles look like, and if they are plus healing.
  23. I think Im going to be running it a lot in the future. My guilds a sociable casual guild and we're kinda slow. We're raiding old content for those that have just hit 55+ so we can practice, and just starting heroics. We don't have enough keyed yet for khara so I'll be driving people through this as fast as we can (Im thinking our tank has ace gear, so I can heal taking 3 dps through at a time- not sure about other healer tanks yet). I'm working on getting 20ish 70s attuned then that'll be ebough to have ten online on a regular basis. It's a bit frustrating waiting for others but they're my friends so I've turned down chances to join raid guilds.
  24. LOH-its not even that- its 60 down to 40 mins i believe, but it does increase your armour temporarily. Its a strange one LOH, you're always trying to save it for last boss in an instance, and then face the horrific situation when in mistake youve cast it on yourself and have to explain it to the rest of the party... like releasing on a soulstone. (well maybe its just me...). I got my khara key today- man I hate black morass. I was lucky to find a decent pug who were farming it for cot rep. I ran it four times back to back complete twice, died on aeonus twice. I hate that place!
  25. Well i haven't heard any hint that holy paladins will be changed, just that thare looking to change our ret tree, which is never used out of pvp. We havent been buffed post tbc, just that for the first time plus healing plate has become readily available. We'll have to disagree on your thoughts on hybrids TRL, I think specced healer classes should be equal. Priests can either heal or dps, paladins can tank or heal. Perhaps holy priests can be buffed a little, but I dont think any class has a right to be the absolute best at something or endgame would become very boring indeed. This is the same whine that warriors had about tanking, and the druid changes just were a pain in the ass for me. It meant getting a good tank became that bit harder. Same for healers if they nerf paladins.
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