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Everything posted by maxjackle

  1. I came back to wow to check out the new skill changes and its crazy. On progress this week- my guild one shot reliquary of souls, killed shahraz and the 3rd pull with half the raid not in shadow res gear, killed council on pull 3, and had illidan to 50% on pull 2. illidan will die tonight. Blizzard have turned all the mobs to tourist mode. As a paladin I can now heal 2 tanks at once through beacon and raid heal through judgement of light. I wonder how hard wotlk will be? On ej reports are that the new naxx is also seriously easy.
  2. The specs haven't been released yet but I have seen in an interview with the developers they won't be anywhere as bad as AOC. Of course warhammer wont do as well as wow, but I do think it will take a chunk away from it. Theres a lot of people that will go over, it just has to be decent, and the pve aspects have to be good as well as the pvp. Hopefully once the NDA is lifted we'll hear more about the pve instances. As a straw poll about 1/3 of my guild are planning to play the beta/swap. Just depends if its any good. These are people who have played wow for several years- theres only so much you can do until you get bored. Yes I know warhammer will be largely the same, but the new ideas and touches might make the difference.
  3. I'm still playing this incredibly. It's really only down to my guild and the fact my brother plays it. I don't log much now apart from raids- with progress now on Archimonde, and Bloodboil. I hope to have Archimonde and illidan down pre expansion. I've had a few attempes on Kalec too but that was more of a fun run. The warhammer beta will open soon, and it depends on the quality of that whether I play wotlk. I know everyone says it but Vashj/Kael have so far been the highlight of raiding. Bt/mh havent be great so far, with Teron beng so frustrating. You literally know if a new guy, or a poor player gets ghosted first or second its a wipe.
  4. Im on Vashj now- with hopefully a kill tonight or next week. We're 3/4 phase 2 with striders now under control. 9 wipes yesterday on her. Its a fun fight- just hoping to get to black temple before the expansion, where Ill decide to carry on playing or give up.
  5. Any thoughts guys on zul aman? I went in there yesterday for a couple of hours with the guild. A well balanced group- everyone in tier 4 level full epics- couple of tier 5 level things. Killed Bear boss on the first try, Killed lightning guy on 3rd try, had the hatcher guy nearly dead when we called it a night. A fun instance with some good upgrades for me- i think it'll help us in ssc (3/6 now had a few problems with Leo). I don't think it will take very long to get on farm though. i'd expect to be finished in 1/2 weeks. I like the trash often forces you to move at a pace.
  6. My guild tried leotheras for the first time the other day. He was at 12% on try 3 so Im sure he'll die next time. Quite a bit of trash from lurker to him though including some not owned by him so we got screwed on wipe recovery after an ankh disconnect. A fun fight- I destroyed my demon each time. We had problems if a tank got it though, one of the paladin tanks got mc'd and was damn hard to kill especially as he used lay on hands. Not sure how he didnt kill his demon though as a pally they are quite easy with 350 ish spell damage.
  7. I'm so glad I didnt spend 25 badges to get the band of halos, when I can get the same item for ten minutes work! Where are you guys up to in raiding now? I changed guilds again as my guild fell apart, now in a guild starting ssc with hydross and lurker dying last week.
  8. That fear ward change on cooldown means it becomes meaningless for fights like nightbane. Paladin tanks and druids are hurt there.
  9. Gz Oz. We've been working on Gruul for a few weeks with our best try 15%, with tank down at growth 13. Im not sure if our dps isnt up to it, the tank isnt strong enough or the healers too slow. Its probably a mix of all these- though we are getting there. First set of attempts- 60%, attempts 2 25%, attempts 3 15%. Hopefully he'll be dead next time.
  10. Guys some help please with WWS. My combatlog randomly stopped after one attempt in gruul- any idea why that might happen? Also does anyone have loggerhead? Do you know the command to reenable? (for instance decursive is /dcr reset) Sorry for the tech advice but I couldnt find the answer easily on wws forum.
  11. I think we're going to miss out Mag- it was fun to get into ssc and try the trash (which wasnt really very hard) and we got a lot of recipe/epic drops. I think it'll be the same in TK. From what Ive heard if we can kill hkm, we should be able to do Lurker, and if we can do Gruul we can do loot reaver.
  12. We gave up trying to tank the summoner with his hounds- instead banging 2 tanks on him and it worked much better. Hes the key I think. As soon as that guys down its a piece of cake as long as you can keep the mage tank up. Recruitment has taken an upturn for us after we kept a message on the wowforum. We now are doing.. wed- gruul hkm and big g thur- ssc lurker fri kara sat break sun Gruul mon/tue kara. I tend to miss a lot of the kara runs and make the 3 25s.
  13. Ive seen Kara cleared now and we got Maulgar. It was all just the pull, on most attempts we barely got 1 of his adds down before the wipe. We did it with just 23 people too -with one person in greens on his first raid (recruitment is a bitch). We'll be trying Gruul, but we hope to mix it up by trying lurker, doomwalker and voidreaver. Might get lucky and get some trash drops. There is also the boredom of farming kara- I hate curator---> aran.
  14. nayson thx for the advice
  15. Guys some advice here on maulgar- We tried him for the first time on sunday but didnt get very far (2 sets of resets) only one add down- but it was because we never got the pull right. Am I right in thinking if the pull goes well its easy? How many attempts did it take you guys to get him? How do you do the pull? Mage then misdirects? Ta
  16. Hey lads- I've seen Prince and nightbane die now, just netherspite left. We kinda skipped him and had to go back, just spent one respanw learning him and pretty confident he'll die next time (we had 6 people up at enrage so have the mechanics fairly down). Hopefully off to see the high king on sunday for a good old fashioned progress wipe night. How long did it take you guys to kill him? The last month hasn't been without its drama tho- basically me and the main tank said we were leaving, and took all the raiders to another guild. It just means we can do 25s and not have any cancelled kara runs. I was in that guild for a year- but it was time to go...
  17. there is a very small skull on the floor , that is where he lands, but when i say a small skull it is tiny!! It was quite funny. "everyone ready?" "Lets do this!" 30 secs later... "er I think he just squashed 5 dps and 3 healers"
  18. Would be easy if you had a dwarf or draenei priest.... Tried nightbane a couple of times yesterday- first time wiped due to not knowing where he landed. Second time due to someone running out of los... Tank was cool with stance dance though. If we get prince tonight might try him on tues
  19. Lads some advice, We're going to get prince tonight but I was wondering what order to do the other bosses? We have netherspite, illhoof and nightbane. How easy is illhoof, I read the wowiki strat but is there anything it misses out?
  20. Quick update from me- we' ve got shade down and think we'll get prince next reset. Looks like our first gruul raid is on the cards... but i think to be honest we'll finish kara and it'll then be time for for zul aman. On shadowpriests as a healing paladin I love them- I know my job is a lot harder without them.
  21. On paladin tanks- they do have a taunt to regain aggro, so I dont find any problems really with that. Worst thing about paladin tanks is that they have to drink between pulls, and any boss that silences (eg Maiden) totally screws them over.
  22. Juju it sounds like our guilds are at the same point! My guilds had the same discussion, but have decided no dkp for kara. I find in our raid people are more likely to pass in a 50/50 situation than need. It hasnt caused problems yet, but I think thats due to the fact that we're a smallish guild. For instance me and the other paladin pretty much share loot (eg take turns), cloths so far seem to be getting loot equally. Dkp would definitely mean an end to the casual ethos our guild has.
  23. You managed the Chess Event? No shamans (not sure how you thought that)... we run with two pallys and 2 shadow priests. I have more plus heal but less mana, I think primarily (without blowing my own trumpet) I could heal the group and throw a spare heal on the tank now and again, where the other paladin struggled. We still dont have a 70 shaman in my guild. Our make up depends as we only run one group and try and rotate. For curator it was prot tank, lock, feral druid, 2 holy pallys, 2 shadow priests, 1 rogue, 2 mages. Thats pretty much our guilds best players. It was the first time that grp got together for curator and when he died everyone was standing, the tank was at 100% and I had half mana. The slight change in roles changed everything. I think we'll try shade, if we swop in another rogue. I'll check on wowiki how much further prince was after chess. We did struggle with the trash but were running with 9 at that point with me as only specced healer. Found that the trash to chess was hard with the big guys and the little wraiths- but got easier as soon as the ethereum (damn ethereum- for the consortium!) turned up. EDIT: so say with that grp you think prince is better option? Not much melee there
  24. Finallly.... Curator down (and chess). We got him on our last try before respawns, swopped the druid for a lock on the bolts- druid tanked flares. Also I swopped from mt to group healing, those 2 changes made all the difference. What boss do you think its best to do next? shade?
  25. to the eye and ssc! attunements removed!
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