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Everything posted by BOF

  1. Welcome VF Chris. I wouldn't worry. This isn't a million miles from the squad that came 6th under DOL. MON has great motivational abilities and relegation is not an issue this season.
  2. Does it not concern you that Rumpole hasn't been so open ?
  3. Can I just ask why we think Athole Still is still interested. From what I know, we saw him walking out of Villa Park with a suitcase ONCE when all this started. We have never seen him again, he has not said a single thing to anyone, and the ONLY people who have kept this myth going are the press who only jumped on it because of the SGE link when he had left the England setup. As far as I can see, Athole Still is long gone.
  4. Good stuff Straggler. You could Learn how to spell Lerner though
  5. That might be the mob VD, but what he has done to try and discredit the Lerner bid in an attempt to make his own more attractive - rather than actually use details from his own bid to do that (and £30m is not what I mean) is pathetic. We want grass roots change at Villa, not a short term £30m thrown at the first team. We've waited 24 years to get rid of Ellis. I am prepared to let 1 more transfer window slip by if it means getting the right man in for the long term. I will not sacrifice the long term so I can have a transfer budget for the next week. And I wouldn't look too kindly on someone who I perceive to be damaging the attempts of the best bidder and who is trying to win me over with short termism. **** off Padfield.
  6. Of this I am totally confident. However, I do not like the way that the waters have been clouded from a fans perspective Padfield wont be welcome in Aston that's for sure.
  7. :?: What or who are 'these' Naz ?
  8. Didn't Ellis and Padfield meet last Tuesday? Ellis probably didn't like what he heard. Job done. No, Padfield, in an interview, mentioned his surprise that, up to that point, Ellis had not contacted him to talk - as if the onus is on the seller.
  9. That tactic will fail IMHO. If they are not up-front they haven't a hope. The acceptances will be in by then.
  10. That should remove any credibility from the pathetic slurs coming from inferior consortia.
  11. I'm sure that I read Ellis has set a ten day window. In this time Padfield has to make his bid(iirc). Anyone recall reading that? I wouldn't mind Ellis to be honest. There are SE rules for this type of thing. He may not be entitled to set a 10 day limit.
  12. I have a question for those in the know. There is now 21 days from when Lerner's bid was accepted. Is there ANOTHER 21 days IF Padfield's bid is accepted ? Or do they all have to finalise within the original 21 days. In other words is September 4th D-Day or could we have multiple sets of 21 days depending on how many times the bar is raised ?
  13. I've merged these just in case there's any confusion. Didn't want multiple threads of same content.
  14. As I said in the other thread. For Lerner to lose now he'd have to be blown out of the water. So it's win-win for us, although it'd be 'nice' to have Lerner as our owner. I like everything he stands for and everything I've read about him.
  15. Look, the ONLY way AV06 can beat Lerner is by significantly improving on what Lerner has offered. The fact that Ellis & Co. have already endorsed Lerner's bid basically means AV06 would have to absolutely blow Lerner out of the water completely to win, because Rothschild can still say 'yeah you're better but not by much, we prefer Lerner'. Net result is, if anyone other than Lerner ends up owning Villa then we have ended up with a really really sweet gravy train. So in my opinion it is win-win for Villa. We may not get the man we want, as Lerner seems a very nice, honest and professional guy, but as I said, for another bid to win at this stage would mean it is a very very special bid indeed.
  16. Celtic were in London last night to play Chelsea Good man. They were indeed.
  17. I think thats the general trend of the whole stock market after a close shave with a terrorist attack. Nothing more than that I suspect. And I have Ryanair shares
  18. Buying a comfier office chair.
  19. Or the Seychelles. I hear they're lovely this time of year.
  20. The mail has already theorised that he was back to seal the deal on Petrov. We don't know for sure.
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