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Everything posted by cyrusr

  1. With the quote: "Our New Keeper"... Strange didn't they sign Alnwick a day or so ago?
  2. A player can't play for more than 2 clubs in a competitive match. Bellamy could move because he never played a competitive match for Blackburn this season, Mashcerano though did play for Corinthians, therefore he has to go to FIFA and ask them for dispensation. With us signing players, Bardsley I think is getting more likely by the day but Man Utd won't selll him until we've played them because, well, they are bastards. I am now also hoping Newcastle sign SWP because hoepfully Milner will then be allowed to leave. Would much rather have him
  3. Hey mate its not just old fart they all do it.. they think because you never post anything you are not as superior as them.. its the way of the world around here, get used to it mate.. JC doesnt seem to want to do anything about it The issue was (i believe it to be anyway) that their was no link to the story. If someone just joins and posts up something without any evidence people are going to doubt it, thats a fact. Also I'm with old_fart it did sound like that you said he had signed, so therefore there would be something on the bbc or skysports.com. Since there was none, I believe thats why OF thought you were BSing. It is good that Ballybunion_Ice has posted the link backing himself up and stating that it was only an interest. Perhaps next time (and I think this should go to all people) if you have heard a rumour on the web, make sure you put the link to it to show it isn't BS. And with the Defoe link, nothing has happened yet. It doesn't mean the 3 of you (AWOL, RandyVilla and jafitz (you)) are BSing, but it does not prove it either. What has been said has been said, nothing can change that. Shall we just wait and see if you lot were correct? You do still have 27 odd days left, lets not rush into accusations ok?
  4. Hopefully Barry would not be used as part of any deal bringing in Defoe!! I really cannot see Barry leaving for anyone in the forseeable future. MON immediately made him captain and got him to sign a new deal. MON wants Barry to stay. Barry wants to stay. Nothing else to it. The only thing linking him to Spurs is that Spurs need left sided players, thats all. Defoe wouldn't be my first choice as a signing, but it does show we are heading in the right direction rather than the wrong one. Please be true and score a hattrick against Man Utd!
  5. Yeah but this time the club is saying "we're going to sign players" whilst last time it was "We don't have any money to sign players let alone pay their salaries". Something is going to happen, we're just not blurting it out like some egg shaped man...
  6. Matt Taylor for £5million would defo solve our left back problem with ease. However I do not think Portsmouth would be likely to sell him in January, I hope they would though. Still don't rate Crouch, let him go to Newcastle. Regarding Darren Bent, Charlton will only sell him if they get an over the odds offer for him. They will not sell their best player (with the possibly exception of Young, who we should go for, should consolidate RB position) mid season and in a relegation battle. Only if they get extra money for him that can be used to buy other players will they sell. £12million would probably do it. Even though that is more than he is worth, it could be a good option to go for him now at that price instead of facing a lot of competition in the summer if Charlton get relegated (and I think they are now one of the favourites). With Gabby, he is much more likely to be worth 10million than 2million. Yes he still requires improving but the potential is huge with him and that pushes the price up. Also I don't think MON and Lerner are interested in selling one of our brightest youngsters and therefore that will also push the price up. £10million is not an unrealistic value.
  7. Wouldn't mind Viduka, but he would certainly be only a short term measure, I think he is 32/33/34, and certainly not for £2million, especially since he is out of contract and probably not wanted by his club. This makes me think there is not a lot of weight behind this rumour... I think we will see one or two experianced prem players and probably a signing (or possibly 2) from abroad, with a couple of loan signings. That should hold us over until the Summer.
  8. I am an Independant man myself. Find that they tell you whats happening, and although they give opinions, they do not impose them onto you. They allow you to think for yourself. The Guardian and the Times provide very good coverage of what is happening in the world, but they do put their slant upon the news, especially the Times. Red Tops (Sun, Mirror, Sport... sort of... etc) are read by people who do not take the news very seriously. They tell you what to think, though they are not very set in their opinions, they still don't allow you to think. Perhaps this is one reason why they are popular, because you can just read it without having to think to heavily on the issues. At least with the Red Tops you do get a decent sport section, which the Independant is missing IMO. The Daily Mail (and Express - the alternative but basically identical paper to the Mail) is generally read by people who want to look intelligent but really aren't. Also by upper middle class that think that they should have all the money and everyone else is evil in the world, especially non-white gay libertarians. I do not like the Mail... at all...
  9. Yeah we were linked with Stearman earlier in the season (but after transfer window). Seems like a promising player and it is definately a position that MON is looking to strengthen. He does look very promising.
  10. Bardsley is their 2nd choice RB. Wes Brown can also play there so that is why Bardsley was allowed to leave on loan, so he can get some first team experiance. I do not think Ferguson will allow him to leave on a permanent, so perhaps another loan deal for him in January. TBH, I am thinking more and more that Smith will be allowed to leave in January. Man U will be getting back Rossi and that Chinese bloke from Antwerp, both of whom Ferguson really rates, plus along with Rooney, Saha and Ole Gunner there is going to be a lot of competition for striker places and I think Smith will be the one to lose out. Will he be coming here? Quite possibly...
  11. Get the feeling Van Der Vaart will go to a top team, don't think it would be us though. From what I've seen of him I would be very happy to see him in the claret and blue.
  12. TBH, neither Defoe nor Crouch are likely to move. Crouch seems to be happy at Liverpool, even if he is not playing masses due to the Rafa's rotation system. He will not leave in January. Defoe is now getting games because Keane is injured beyond the January transfer window, therefore will be pratically guarenteed first team football until after January. This means he will not leave in January. Saviola COULD be an option. I remember one the reasons last year he didn't move was because he needed a year to become a Spanish citizen. I think he is now a Spanish citizen and therefore could be looking to move. Yes he also said that Villa were not a club he wanted to go to last year, but as we all know, a lot can change in a year... With D'Allesandro, same reasons as to why we don't need Reo-Coker, we don't need to improve the central midfield, particularly attacking midfielders. So I don't think MON will be going for either (D'Allesandro or Reo-Coker).
  13. Wouldn't say it's a big waste of money, but the fact is that a right winger is probably the top of our shopping list in january. The 10 mil would be far better spent on Milner (wouldn't cost that much but could save money) or Wright-Phillips or an unkown third player. I think we will see Milner plus an unknown winger as we have got 2 to play that position. Also with Milner able to play on the left, it would give us a lot more flexibility and cover all over the pitch.
  14. What, like Francis Jeffers you mean? I think he's a solid player, don't get me wrong, but he's nout special IMO and not really a position we urgently need to fill. Got me on Jeffers, and also not a position we are exactly short of quality in, however I think he would really shine under MON (like most players).
  15. So he played well last season, but poor this season, just like every other west ham player? He has got critism this year but I think it is unjustified, especially if people expect him to go to arsenal, surely that suggests he has some sort of quality? I myself would be very happy to see him in a Villa shirt, along with Ashton and Bent. Ashton should just be about coming back from injury, ready for a big push in the second half of the season. Edit: Also think Mascerano would be good as well, so long as it wasn't in any dodgy deal like the one at west ham. We do not need that sort of shit.
  16. West Ham already have tonnes of strikers. If bent does move to the Hammers perhaps others will leave (Ashton?). Who would people prefer, Bent or Ashton?
  17. Is it just me, or does that just sound like this topic? Have the mirror just been reading villatalk for all the latest transfer news? :winkold:
  18. Noticed Werder Bremen are now out of the Champions League, perhaps Klose might feel its time to move on
  19. Don't forget Juve have the amazing talent of Boumsong now. Also just had a look at the table. Even with their points deduction Juve are already 2nd in the table. I have a feeling that they should be back in Serie A next season. However I think anyone who is linked with Juve atm (since they are 2nd tier atm) could be a good link for Villa, plus we have the added bonus of potential European football next season, unlike Juve. OK it's the sun that have written this so it is probably bogus but there is potential there and I'm sure nobody would mind seeing Klose in a Villa shirt
  20. Bale I think could be a good call. Seems an excellent prospect and I think he has got the reputation now to push him to the premiership. However I don't think its a big enough reputation that will take him straight to one of the top 4. Could be ideal for us. Perhaps let Samuel go the other way. Also seems like Henry has had a row with Wenger... perhaps he might move on in jan? :winkold:
  21. but west ham are a top european club... i mean how do explain Tevez and Mascerano going to west Ham? i mean they certainly weren't just put in the shop window in what is essentially a loan deal and a downpayment on the club by that Kia bloke? No, it is because West Ham are a not just a selling club and are a top European side worthy of playing in the Champions League... and they have got the history as well. I mean they have won... the err.... what have they won??? Being serious though he may choose to go to West Ham in january (on loan) since he won't have to move. TBH i really do not see it happening aas i think Spurs will be offered SWP as part of a deal for Lennon and I would say Spurs are a bigger than West Ham despite the recent takeover. I think Magnusson has spent the majority of his wealth buying the club and therefore won't have the massive money to invest so all this talk of making West Ham a top european side is not going to happen and I think SWP sees this.
  22. Beckham will probably not come to the premiership. He will head over to the USA where they are willing to pay the huge wage that he will want. Only Newcastle will pay his wages in the Premiership. TBH i would much rather see Milner come to Villa. Give me the future, not the past.
  23. He actually started against Fulham at the weekend and to be honest, he does not seem discontent at ebing on the bench most of the time. Bridge however will leave Chelsea in January. In the summer when the Cole rumours were going round, Birdge was ready to hand in a transfer request. However when the transfer finally happened (at like 2 minutes to midnight) it was too late for bridge to move anywhere except on loan to the championship, to which there really is no point for a player of Bridge's quality. He will leave in January, either on loan or permanent. SWP is also unhappy at Chelsea, though I do not think Chelsea are looking to sell him just yet (unless someone will pay 15million for him, which they won't) so if he leaves Chelsea it will be on loan. IMO both of these players will be very good for us, particularly Bridge and we should make an offer for him ASAP so that he becomes a Villa player on Jan 1st. I would rather see Milner come here than SWP. Think he is a better prospect, plus it is far more likely to be a permanant transfer rather than on loan. I don't think there will be too much other activity on the market in January except probably for another Right Back. Delaney is a constant sick note and will be leaving in the summer when his contract expires. Hughes is just not good enough at going forward. Agathe it seems is our best full back, though have yet to see him play. Perhaps he will get a debut against Chelsea and trying to stop Robben... Don't think there is need for another forward at the moment nor in central defence. The only possible position (if we do stay in a 4-3-3) would be a defensive midfielder. Mccann is playing well atm, but for how long? I do not think he is good enough to play at the very top level and that is where we are aiming and heading for.
  24. well, give him some money to help bulk up the squad and i would give him the end of the season (like say vucic or whoever that serbian guy he looked at a month or so ago that liverpool are apparently interested in now, plus a creative midfield plus getting a back up rigth back for when delaney and de la cruz go). if he doesn't improve, get him out then, but he should be able to steer us clear of relegation for the season. even if the take over happens before the window, unless they have somebody lined up already, there won't be enough time to hire a new manager and let him get some players he wants in. the best thing to do is give o'leary the time and money. i will admit the past year o'leary hasn't performed and i do think a change may be needed, but it would be too hard to do it in january.
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