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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. Mannsverk is lucky he didn't grow up in Sweden. His name is phonetically identical to the swedish word for the pain women get during menstruation.
  2. his composure is a bit shit yeah, but he's getting himself into these situations. I think he will score.
  3. excellent chance, Duran has to net that though
  4. bloody well done there Duran! great strength and fight!
  5. This is the oddest take I keep seeing on here lol
  6. The one guy in the production crew working the shift went for a shit
  7. Swedish TV has repeated the goal about 14 times in a row now. I swear if I was on the jazz broccoli I'd think I was going insane.
  8. honestly this. happened way too often as of late.
  9. no need to risk it in a match like this though. But I agree that he's calmed down and is playing decent.
  10. Please Villa come out playing in the second half. We cannot afford another game playing unfocused and nonchalant. All in all an ok half.
  11. Bailey's ball on the replay just makes that pass look even more impressive damn
  12. that is probably less than has been wasted during injuries honestly
  13. whew, great interception from their keeper there
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