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Posts posted by TRO

  1. My two pence for what its worth..

    From the evidence available to me I am quite confident that AM will not be the next Villa Manager.

    This is from a mixture of what in my opinion are sources I would take over what I am told by the media Circus, the same media circus who in the last 2 weeks alone have at some point guaranteed 1 of at least 5 managers with the next 24 hours etc.. the fact is they don't know there arse from their elbow when it comes to this board and they build up on what little snippets they can get until it spills over and people start to take it as gospel, FFS you only have to look at the number of players at team get linked with in the papers and how many actually happen for an example of this.

    And now this statement from the BCFC board just makes me think it's even more unlikely, it's just not the way that this board works what the **** have they done in the last 5 years to deserve such vitriol? do you think they have had a mental breakdown and suddenly have no clue what to do? The appointment of GH may not have panned out as planned, but you could see the logic to it and it met all of the criteria mentioned in the statement tonight.

    That leads me on to statements the only things we have heard officially are in regards to Martinez and Interviewing AM, the first of these were driven by Whelan mouthing off to the press who in turn make up their own story which suddenly is stated as fact on talkshite, SSN, so we make a statement which rubbishes all the shite that the media had been pedaling by clarifying that it was decided days ago that we were not even meeting Martinez, if whelan hadn't mouthed of none of these facts would be in the public domain and people would still be of the mantra he turned us down.

    Tonights statement in my opinion was made due to the constant moaning and whining of the want it now generation and is very carefully worded are we the **** going to employ AM, if you go back and read it again the whole statement is a contradiction to them employing AM as he meets none of the aforementioned criteria GH did , the only reason he is mentioned (right at the bottom I may add) is because the BCFC chairman has come out and mentioned us (similar to Whelan) other wise I think that paragraph would not have been on there and it would just have been a statement to appease, finally the reason they do go into detail is to show that the fact he has been at BCFC should not stop him from being able to apply and be interviewed and rightly so, thats all it doesn't say he has the job, that is the medias take.

    There has never been anything official on Hughes, Ancelloti, Jol, Mclaren, Benitez, Moyes all anyone is going on is what the media have drummed up, maybe there are some grains of truth in what has been said about any of the above candidates the only way we would / will ever know is with official statements.

    Personally I fully expect David Moyes to be the new Villa manager come 1st of July

    I think there is as much chance of signing moyes as Gus Hiddinck.

    He ain't coming.... and whilst i don't know who is....i would say as a non betting man....McLEISH....with abit of ITK to support me.

  2. ....Don't remember many players wanting to leave the Blues under McLeish, seems a very popular guy, from what I can gather.

    Deserves a chance, and any guy willing to take all the flak, would suggest a strong character to me.

    as for the negative football tag, most managers with poor players play negative football.....it kinda follows like night follows day.

    Make that 4.

    .....thanks for keeping tabs, almost forgot you were there.....off to bed now.

  3. ....McLeish is nailed on, get used to it..... put all the nonesense behind you and get behind him.

    Ok Ok you made your point you want McLeish we've all read your last 3 posts. Now go to beddy byes and have sweet dreams about his ginger balls .

    If you had read my post properly, you would know i said he would not have been my choice..... but hey Ron Saunders wouldn't have been either.

    He may turn out to be brilliant for us, who knows.

    I'm merely saying none of us know, who is going to be the McCoy......Moyes might have been a flop, who knows

    I'm saying, just accept whoever it is...... we have accepted mediocrity for the best part of 70 years so, so what.

  4. ....McLeish is nailed on, get used to it..... put all the nonesense behind you and get behind him.

    Ok Ok you made your point you want McLeish we've all read your last 3 posts. Now go to beddy byes and have sweet dreams about his ginger balls .

    If you had read my post properly, you would know i said he would not have been my choice..... but hey Ron Saunders wouldn't have been either.

    He may turn out to be brilliant for us, who knows.

    I'm merely saying none of us know, who is going to be the McCoy......Moyes might have been a flop, who knows

    I'm saying, just accept whoever it is...... we have accepted mediocrity for the best part of 70 years so, so what.

  5. ....Don't remember many players wanting to leave the Blues under McLeish, seems a very popular guy, from what I can gather.

    Deserves a chance, and any guy willing to take all the flak, would suggest a strong character to me.

    as for the negative football tag, most managers with poor players play negative football.....it kinda follows like night follows day.

  6. He wouldn't have been my choice, but i think he is ok.

    I think he will be appointed and i think he will do well and all the threats and furore will subside.

    I give up with O'Neill, so it doesn't matter much to me.

    I have seen little to fetch me back since.

    up the villa!

    ps Most of it is all bragging rights, ego and misplaced emotion.

  7. I have certainly not got the same outlook towards McLeish as many have on here in the following senses.

    1 positives - Very decent fellow, think everyone agree's on that.

    2. positives - Ex Blues manager, so what, not the slightest influenced by that, quite frankly couldn't care less.

    3. Negatives - My biggest doubt is his overall ability, I have seen nothing to suggest the right kind of platform will be set up to play progressive football and long/ hoof ball is not progressive in my book.....Thats all we have seen from him so far.

    4. happen to like the guy, but hey, Is this where we are really at.

  8. Everton fan in peace here!

    Thought i'd just pass on the lowdown with Moyes. Most likely you'll have heard the comments from Phil McNulty about Moyes, these appear to have been given to Phil from our PR pesron.

    A few people have said "Why hasnt there been a denial from Moyes?" Well there has. He spoke at the end of last season, and also a few weeks ago that he was not interested in the job, Alan Irivne also came out last week after speaking to Moyes and again confirmed he wasn't interested in the job. I honeslty dont know how many more times he has to distance himself from the position. It seems uninformed press and "ITK's" keep pushing the agenda when nothing is there, it's unfair on both sets of fans and hoepfully should be put to bed now.

    No disrespect intended at all but I personally don't see Moyes to Villa being a logical step-up in his career. I've always viewed us and Villa as being in a very similair boat. Both teams with a rich heritage, strong fan bases but both looked down upon by wider media. A move to Villa would be a sideways step as we're both trapped under the glass ceiling of the champions league. A shame really.

    Just tought i'd throw in thse few little bits and hopefully clear a couple of things. Hope the job hunt yields something for you and i'll pray alongside you that mcLeish doesn't get the job. i'd hang myself. Brum played the worst football in the PL for the last two years. Dire dire dire dire stuff and you deserve better than that hoof merchant.

    Good post and i tend to agree, i too don't think there is any mileage in Moyes coming to us, for a slightly different reason.

    I don't think Moyes has done anything special for Everton, for us to be falling over ourselves to get him.....We are similar clubs in status and on the basis of what Moyes has done we will have 9 years of much the same.

    I think Moyes and Villa will be a match well suited and I think Everton as a club need a Fresh Face.....someone like Owen Coyle, maybe a good move all round, or even Owen Coyle to us...... but i think we all need freshening up.

    I'm not being disrespectful to him or Everton, but I think 9 years doing what he has done is time up and time for a fresh challenge......He is not going to get one of the really big jobs, in the same vein as Martin O'Neill hasn't, because they havn't proved to be quite good enough.

    albeit, both decent managers.

    I don't know who we will end up with, but I'm sure it won't be anyone who will set the heart strings racing.....It will be oh well, off we go again.

    Wow! I think you made your point with 4 posts :D

    sorry, ain't the best with IT.

  9. Everton fan in peace here!

    Thought i'd just pass on the lowdown with Moyes. Most likely you'll have heard the comments from Phil McNulty about Moyes, these appear to have been given to Phil from our PR pesron.

    A few people have said "Why hasnt there been a denial from Moyes?" Well there has. He spoke at the end of last season, and also a few weeks ago that he was not interested in the job, Alan Irivne also came out last week after speaking to Moyes and again confirmed he wasn't interested in the job. I honeslty dont know how many more times he has to distance himself from the position. It seems uninformed press and "ITK's" keep pushing the agenda when nothing is there, it's unfair on both sets of fans and hoepfully should be put to bed now.

    No disrespect intended at all but I personally don't see Moyes to Villa being a logical step-up in his career. I've always viewed us and Villa as being in a very similair boat. Both teams with a rich heritage, strong fan bases but both looked down upon by wider media. A move to Villa would be a sideways step as we're both trapped under the glass ceiling of the champions league. A shame really.

    Just tought i'd throw in thse few little bits and hopefully clear a couple of things. Hope the job hunt yields something for you and i'll pray alongside you that mcLeish doesn't get the job. i'd hang myself. Brum played the worst football in the PL for the last two years. Dire dire dire dire stuff and you deserve better than that hoof merchant.

    Good post and i tend to agree, i too don't think there is any mileage in Moyes coming to us, for a slightly different reason.

    I don't think Moyes has done anything special for Everton, for us to be falling over ourselves to get him.....We are similar clubs in status and on the basis of what Moyes has done we will have 9 years of much the same.

    I think Moyes and Villa will be a match well suited and I think Everton as a club need a Fresh Face.....someone like Owen Coyle, maybe a good move all round, or even Owen Coyle to us...... but i think we all need freshening up.

    I'm not being disrespectful to him or Everton, but I think 9 years doing what he has done is time up and time for a fresh challenge......He is not going to get one of the really big jobs, in the same vein as Martin O'Neill hasn't, because they havn't proved to be quite good enough.

    albeit, both decent managers.

    I don't know who we will end up with, but I'm sure it won't be anyone who will set the heart strings racing.....It will be oh well, off we go again.

    Wow! I think you made your point with 4 posts :D

    sorry, ain't the best with IT.

  10. Everton fan in peace here!

    Thought i'd just pass on the lowdown with Moyes. Most likely you'll have heard the comments from Phil McNulty about Moyes, these appear to have been given to Phil from our PR pesron.

    A few people have said "Why hasnt there been a denial from Moyes?" Well there has. He spoke at the end of last season, and also a few weeks ago that he was not interested in the job, Alan Irivne also came out last week after speaking to Moyes and again confirmed he wasn't interested in the job. I honeslty dont know how many more times he has to distance himself from the position. It seems uninformed press and "ITK's" keep pushing the agenda when nothing is there, it's unfair on both sets of fans and hoepfully should be put to bed now.

    No disrespect intended at all but I personally don't see Moyes to Villa being a logical step-up in his career. I've always viewed us and Villa as being in a very similair boat. Both teams with a rich heritage, strong fan bases but both looked down upon by wider media. A move to Villa would be a sideways step as we're both trapped under the glass ceiling of the champions league. A shame really.

    Just tought i'd throw in thse few little bits and hopefully clear a couple of things. Hope the job hunt yields something for you and i'll pray alongside you that mcLeish doesn't get the job. i'd hang myself. Brum played the worst football in the PL for the last two years. Dire dire dire dire stuff and you deserve better than that hoof merchant.

    Good post and i tend to agree, i too don't think there is any mileage in Moyes coming to us, for a slightly different reason.

    I don't think Moyes has done anything special for Everton, for us to be falling over ourselves to get him.....We are similar clubs in status and on the basis of what Moyes has done we will have 9 years of much the same.

    I think Moyes and Villa will be a match well suited and I think Everton as a club need a Fresh Face.....someone like Owen Coyle, maybe a good move all round, or even Owen Coyle to us...... but i think we all need freshening up.

    I'm not being disrespectful to him or Everton, but I think 9 years doing what he has done is time up and time for a fresh challenge......He is not going to get one of the really big jobs, in the same vein as Martin O'Neill hasn't, because they havn't proved to be quite good enough.

    albeit, both decent managers.

    I don't know who we will end up with, but I'm sure it won't be anyone who will set the heart strings racing.....It will be oh well, off we go again.

    Wow! I think you made your point with 4 posts :D

    sorry, ain't the best with IT.

  11. Everton fan in peace here!

    Thought i'd just pass on the lowdown with Moyes. Most likely you'll have heard the comments from Phil McNulty about Moyes, these appear to have been given to Phil from our PR pesron.

    A few people have said "Why hasnt there been a denial from Moyes?" Well there has. He spoke at the end of last season, and also a few weeks ago that he was not interested in the job, Alan Irivne also came out last week after speaking to Moyes and again confirmed he wasn't interested in the job. I honeslty dont know how many more times he has to distance himself from the position. It seems uninformed press and "ITK's" keep pushing the agenda when nothing is there, it's unfair on both sets of fans and hoepfully should be put to bed now.

    No disrespect intended at all but I personally don't see Moyes to Villa being a logical step-up in his career. I've always viewed us and Villa as being in a very similair boat. Both teams with a rich heritage, strong fan bases but both looked down upon by wider media. A move to Villa would be a sideways step as we're both trapped under the glass ceiling of the champions league. A shame really.

    Just tought i'd throw in thse few little bits and hopefully clear a couple of things. Hope the job hunt yields something for you and i'll pray alongside you that mcLeish doesn't get the job. i'd hang myself. Brum played the worst football in the PL for the last two years. Dire dire dire dire stuff and you deserve better than that hoof merchant.

    Good post and i tend to agree, i too don't think there is any mileage in Moyes coming to us, for a slightly different reason.

    I don't think Moyes has done anything special for Everton, for us to be falling over ourselves to get him.....We are similar clubs in status and on the basis of what Moyes has done we will have 9 years of much the same.

    I think Moyes and Villa will be a match well suited and I think Everton as a club need a Fresh Face.....someone like Owen Coyle, maybe a good move all round, or even Owen Coyle to us...... but i think we all need freshening up.

    I'm not being disrespectful to him or Everton, but I think 9 years doing what he has done is time up and time for a fresh challenge......He is not going to get one of the really big jobs, in the same vein as Martin O'Neill hasn't, because they havn't proved to be quite good enough.

    albeit, both decent managers.

    I don't know who we will end up with, but I'm sure it won't be anyone who will set the heart strings racing.....It will be oh well, off we go again.

    Wow! I think you made your point with 4 posts :D

    sorry, ain't the best with IT.

  12. Everton fan in peace here!

    Thought i'd just pass on the lowdown with Moyes. Most likely you'll have heard the comments from Phil McNulty about Moyes, these appear to have been given to Phil from our PR pesron.

    A few people have said "Why hasnt there been a denial from Moyes?" Well there has. He spoke at the end of last season, and also a few weeks ago that he was not interested in the job, Alan Irivne also came out last week after speaking to Moyes and again confirmed he wasn't interested in the job. I honeslty dont know how many more times he has to distance himself from the position. It seems uninformed press and "ITK's" keep pushing the agenda when nothing is there, it's unfair on both sets of fans and hoepfully should be put to bed now.

    No disrespect intended at all but I personally don't see Moyes to Villa being a logical step-up in his career. I've always viewed us and Villa as being in a very similair boat. Both teams with a rich heritage, strong fan bases but both looked down upon by wider media. A move to Villa would be a sideways step as we're both trapped under the glass ceiling of the champions league. A shame really.

    Just tought i'd throw in thse few little bits and hopefully clear a couple of things. Hope the job hunt yields something for you and i'll pray alongside you that mcLeish doesn't get the job. i'd hang myself. Brum played the worst football in the PL for the last two years. Dire dire dire dire stuff and you deserve better than that hoof merchant.

    Good post and i tend to agree, i too don't think there is any mileage in Moyes coming to us, for a slightly different reason.

    I don't think Moyes has done anything special for Everton, for us to be falling over ourselves to get him.....We are similar clubs in status and on the basis of what Moyes has done we will have 9 years of much the same.

    I think Moyes and Villa will be a match well suited and I think Everton as a club need a Fresh Face.....someone like Owen Coyle, maybe a good move all round, or even Owen Coyle to us...... but i think we all need freshening up.

    I'm not being disrespectful to him or Everton, but I think 9 years doing what he has done is time up and time for a fresh challenge......He is not going to get one of the really big jobs, in the same vein as Martin O'Neill hasn't, because they havn't proved to be quite good enough.

    albeit, both decent managers.

    I don't know who we will end up with, but I'm sure it won't be anyone who will set the heart strings racing.....It will be oh well, off we go again.

  13. Everton fan in peace here!

    Thought i'd just pass on the lowdown with Moyes. Most likely you'll have heard the comments from Phil McNulty about Moyes, these appear to have been given to Phil from our PR pesron.

    A few people have said "Why hasnt there been a denial from Moyes?" Well there has. He spoke at the end of last season, and also a few weeks ago that he was not interested in the job, Alan Irivne also came out last week after speaking to Moyes and again confirmed he wasn't interested in the job. I honeslty dont know how many more times he has to distance himself from the position. It seems uninformed press and "ITK's" keep pushing the agenda when nothing is there, it's unfair on both sets of fans and hoepfully should be put to bed now.

    No disrespect intended at all but I personally don't see Moyes to Villa being a logical step-up in his career. I've always viewed us and Villa as being in a very similair boat. Both teams with a rich heritage, strong fan bases but both looked down upon by wider media. A move to Villa would be a sideways step as we're both trapped under the glass ceiling of the champions league. A shame really.

    Just tought i'd throw in thse few little bits and hopefully clear a couple of things. Hope the job hunt yields something for you and i'll pray alongside you that mcLeish doesn't get the job. i'd hang myself. Brum played the worst football in the PL for the last two years. Dire dire dire dire stuff and you deserve better than that hoof merchant.

    Good post and i tend to agree, i too don't think there is any mileage in Moyes coming to us, for a slightly different reason.

    I don't think Moyes has done anything special for Everton, for us to be falling over ourselves to get him.....We are similar clubs in status and on the basis of what Moyes has done we will have 9 years of much the same.

    I think Moyes and Villa will be a match well suited and I think Everton as a club need a Fresh Face.....someone like Owen Coyle, maybe a good move all round, or even Owen Coyle to us...... but i think we all need freshening up.

    I'm not being disrespectful to him or Everton, but I think 9 years doing what he has done is time up and time for a fresh challenge......He is not going to get one of the really big jobs, in the same vein as Martin O'Neill hasn't, because they havn't proved to be quite good enough.

    albeit, both decent managers.

    I don't know who we will end up with, but I'm sure it won't be anyone who will set the heart strings racing.....It will be oh well, off we go again.

  14. Everton fan in peace here!

    Thought i'd just pass on the lowdown with Moyes. Most likely you'll have heard the comments from Phil McNulty about Moyes, these appear to have been given to Phil from our PR pesron.

    A few people have said "Why hasnt there been a denial from Moyes?" Well there has. He spoke at the end of last season, and also a few weeks ago that he was not interested in the job, Alan Irivne also came out last week after speaking to Moyes and again confirmed he wasn't interested in the job. I honeslty dont know how many more times he has to distance himself from the position. It seems uninformed press and "ITK's" keep pushing the agenda when nothing is there, it's unfair on both sets of fans and hoepfully should be put to bed now.

    No disrespect intended at all but I personally don't see Moyes to Villa being a logical step-up in his career. I've always viewed us and Villa as being in a very similair boat. Both teams with a rich heritage, strong fan bases but both looked down upon by wider media. A move to Villa would be a sideways step as we're both trapped under the glass ceiling of the champions league. A shame really.

    Just tought i'd throw in thse few little bits and hopefully clear a couple of things. Hope the job hunt yields something for you and i'll pray alongside you that mcLeish doesn't get the job. i'd hang myself. Brum played the worst football in the PL for the last two years. Dire dire dire dire stuff and you deserve better than that hoof merchant.

    Good post and i tend to agree, i too don't think there is any mileage in Moyes coming to us, for a slightly different reason.

    I don't think Moyes has done anything special for Everton, for us to be falling over ourselves to get him.....We are similar clubs in status and on the basis of what Moyes has done we will have 9 years of much the same.

    I think Moyes and Villa will be a match well suited and I think Everton as a club need a Fresh Face.....someone like Owen Coyle, maybe a good move all round, or even Owen Coyle to us...... but i think we all need freshening up.

    I'm not being disrespectful to him or Everton, but I think 9 years doing what he has done is time up and time for a fresh challenge......He is not going to get one of the really big jobs, in the same vein as Martin O'Neill hasn't, because they havn't proved to be quite good enough.

    albeit, both decent managers.

    I don't know who we will end up with, but I'm sure it won't be anyone who will set the heart strings racing.....It will be oh well, off we go again.

  15. Why isn't anyone puzzled that Roberto Martinez was high on the shortlist? I think we're scrapping at the bottom of the barrel

    The term "high on the shortlist" is media driven. You/we have absolutely no proof whatsoever that this is actually the case, other than Villa asked to talk to him as part of the process. There is no proof that he would have been offered the position.

    He was sounded out and he pooed himself.

  16. Football has changed - being famous has somehow become important to the modern manager - fear has been replaced by admiration - in the past a player just wanted to not get bollocked by his manager, now it seems he has to want to be him.

    Mourhino and Guardiola are the coolest kids in class, they're the leader of the gang - the sergeant major manager is dead, Saunders would fail with modern footballers. I don't like that, but it's true.

    You're right the sergeant major type is dead, but that has been replaced as you say, by a cool, deep thinking, calm, decisive type.

    same shit, different colour.

    The same goes at work..... no more shouting and balling, but the silence and dismissiveness can be as equally fearful.

    just different tactics.


    PS Fans were moaning in the 1930's Villa buy all the best players.

  17. Why isn't anyone puzzled that Roberto Martinez was high on the shortlist? I think we're scrapping at the bottom of the barrel

    The porto fans probably said that when they appointed Mourinho and a few fans baulked at Ron Saunders.

    Some say Martinez has great Potential and is very well thought of. I think you can add got iffy Ambition to that.

    I don't know whether he is or is'nt but it's always a gamble, its equally a gamble with a Big Name in as much as soon as their stock rises they are off to bigger bucks territory.

    so i guess, you are buggered if you do and buggered if you don't.

  18. I really don't know if this so called " Big Named Manager" is going to work for us.

    Big named manager, spells big ego and easy ride for me.We need a grafter.

    Ron Saunders was no big Name Manager, when he arrived, in fact he had no record of success.....In fact Doug Ellis didn't want him, Sir William and Harry Kartz did.

    The interviewing process is the only time to find out, what we are proposing to take on.

    We have to trust the powers that be.

    Saunders was recommended to Ellis by Sir Alf Ramsey.

    Its all a bit of a lottery Bill with an unknown, but you are more likely to hang on to them i.e Moyes/Martinez

    If I was Randy, it would be David Dein i would be asking for tips.

    .....but hey Sir Alf made a good shout, then

  19. The Villa Job IMO represents a great opportunity, but will require much work and dedication to succeed.

    Managers like Moyes, who have demonstrated a level of success in terms of football style and league position and an ability to bring players on, will

    next, want to do it the easy way, with a boat load of money.

    We need to find our own Moyes/ Mourinho/Guardiola.....but it takes balls to give someone a chance.

    They are out there, its just spotting them or having a tip off.

  20. I really don't know if this so called " Big Named Manager" is going to work for us.

    Big named manager, spells big ego and easy ride for me.We need a grafter.

    Ron Saunders was no big Name Manager, when he arrived, in fact he had no record of success.....In fact Doug Ellis didn't want him, Sir William and Harry Kartz did.

    The interviewing process is the only time to find out, what we are proposing to take on.

    We have to trust the powers that be.

  21. I also disagree about MON style football not breaking into the top 4. Are you forgetting we very nearly made it 2 seasons in a row? If MON had been a little bit more tactful with his transfer budget and not played the same 11 players every single game where possible there is absolutely every chance we would of made it using the style of play he used. It was effective... love it or hate...

    I agree with this ^^^

    For me what MON did was almost a copy of when we won the League in 1980/81. He played a settled side with primarily counter attacking football & didn't use many players at all over the season. I found this very interesting as it highlighted exactly how the game has changed since then... you now have to have a bigger squad. We saw the late season burn out over & over as we are now competing against teams with practically 2 teams of 11 at their disposal.. the problem we have is funding the second 11 at a suitably high standard to compete in that final 3rd of the season.

    The MON era was invaluable in that it has clearly shown a way forward in my eyes..

    1. Can we compete with our 1st 11? ...............Yes we can..just about though it does need attention now since O'Neill left.

    2. Can we compete over a season? ...............Not without a stronger 2nd 11 & a manager capable of using them properly.

    I don't think we are a million miles away.. we have a solid though improvable youth set up which does regularly feed decent players through & this is an advantage we have over virtually every other club already. We just need to step that up another gear Ajax style & we need a strong manager in place to see this & have the philosophy to put it into place. It will of course take several years of hard work & key to it all CONSISTENCY! something we certainly did not have last season!

    Of course this has to be done whilst bringing costs into line with new regulations which is a disadvantage when put against Man U & to a much lesser extent Liverpool & Arsenal, we will be in the same position as regards teams like, Chelsea, Man City, Spurs, Newcastle, Everton & 1 or 2 others But the rest it will give us an advantage over. Importantly the only real difference will be the like of Chelsea & Man City will be reigned in a bit which can surely only help in the long run?

    Now add in our superior youth set up & we can indeed look to start closing the gap ...

    We just need a manager now :lol:

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