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Posts posted by TRO

  1. On 10/05/2024 at 00:39, Keyblade said:

    Imagine us next season after the lessons he's learned this season? With slightly better luck with injuries, I can't even begin to fathom what he'll be cooking next year. Just need to get over the line now. Leave it all out there against Liverpool.

    I can....He'll be looking at how to reduce the number of goals we have conceded and trying to emulate Arsenals 11 away game, clean sheets.

    He will be well aware, of our weaknesses, and be working on them. What he has done this season, with the personnel at his disposal, is remarkable.....but we all know that. We all know what kind of manager we have.

    Our overall season, has exceeded some of our expectations, and that has been achieved by harbouring some great work, and some not so great work....after all, we are WIP

    WIP by definition means, we acknowledge, that our progress is in transition, and that we are not the finished article, injuries and Energy levels aside.

    Despite, being in transition, we have won 20 games, which is outstanding under the circumstances.

    Even if, we do not improve our league table position, next season,  I believe, he will make us more convincing in our performances, and be harder to play against. The attacking element of our team, has had to carry the beacon, and it's been a miraculous effort, but they are running out of steam.( understandably)......He will make us more balanced, next season, of that I am sure.

    Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have this group, finishing 4th ( nearly there)..its bonkers.....But McGinn himself has declared, that massive improvement is needed to maintain this level.



    • Like 1
  2. On 06/05/2024 at 20:41, TomC said:

    This. Tielemans and Rogers were the straws that broke the camel's back. Now we're down to two true midfielders. End of story.


    and those are more suited to attacking than defending......who is going to stop marauding opponents, every time we lose the ball?....and who is going to win it back , when we do?

    I am not sure what the " true" means......for me there are 3 types of midfielder....defending, central and attacking.

    I also believe, we are painfully thin on the defending versions.

  3. On 10/05/2024 at 16:05, smg said:

    And if you were around no doubt you predicted a defeat.

    and with us failing to win the previous 6 games, being 8th in the league and them top......based on the rule of probability.....I think I would have predicted a defeat too.

  4. On 11/05/2024 at 07:49, jimmygreaves said:

    If Man City or Arsenal win this weekend then Liverpool cannot win the title (I think).

    Hopefully that'll knock the wind out of their sails before we kick off.

    Should be a well matched game, then......because the wind has certainly gone from our sails.

  5. 1 hour ago, Rich_H said:

    I’d stick my house on the fact that we will be playing in this years kit tonight, with an announcement on the partnership taking place either today or in the next few days. Even with us paying to terminate the contract with Castore and assuming BK8 earlier, I can’t imagine we’d have paid even more to terminate in the middle of a contractual year rather than at the end of the current one. 

    This is the same style of brand launch that Adidas did with Newcastle, however they did theirs in September and have been playing in another companies branding all season. 


    an old shack.jpg

  6. 2 minutes ago, JPAngel said:

    I have a funny feeling we're going to pull off a surprise result here, as we have done this season a few times against "bigger" teams. I know it would defy all logic based on our recent performances but this team has a habit of turning up for a big occasion in the PL.

    Surprise, being the operative word.

  7. On 10/05/2024 at 06:50, zab6359 said:

    **** me some of our supporters are defeatist!!

    .....and some are realists.....If we show, no energy, urgency or intensity.....and operate at a walking pace, like we have in recent games. I would say the chances are, we will get done.

    That's the reality.

    Of course we will get behind them, we always do.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  8. On 08/05/2024 at 11:05, M_Afro said:

    I don’t see Diaby as a traditional winger like Leon. He is a 10 or an inside forward. His game is about getting into pockets of space and making things happen through clever passing and movement. This is what he is really good at and it has lead to plenty of goals and assists. People expecting to see him hugging the touch line and beating players are always going to be disappointed.

    To really flourish, his style is best suited to a team that controls the game and allows him to focus on creating problems in the final third. For whatever reason, we have really struggled to control matches since the turn of the year. Diaby is having to do too much without the ball, which is never going to suit him.

    I actually think that all of our problems stem from central midfield. We are not offering our defence any protection and failing to move the ball quickly into dangerous areas for Diaby to exploit. Add to that, our fullbacks have been fairly ineffectual in the opposition half. If we address those two issues in the summer, our control of games will increase again and Diaby will be able to go to work.


    I actually agree.......and its having a knock on effect, to so many areas of the team......as described, by the one you mentioned.

    The control, is not there, and too many not equipped, but are trying to compensate and are struggling to do so.

    It's a priority imo.

    We have always been short in quality, and numbers, in this area.

    Moussa needs a platform to play from.....as does Ollie.

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/05/2024 at 13:27, Paul33 said:

    He's been in bad form since he arrived here. Name me one attribute that he has and has demonstrated. For me, he's a passenger and top sides don't carry passengers even if they are nice blokes !

    sadly, you are right.

    I will just keep my fingers crossed, that he turns his form around, but so many things with his game is poor.

    Right now, he is more of a passenger, than an asset......I just don't understand, what he is purported to be doing.

    • Like 1
  10. On 10/05/2024 at 09:34, adamo said:

    Can someone explain me how your coach decide to play with  3 CB against us when he needs 2 goals to tie the game? i was surprised to see that from him. Bad coaching in  entire  game........

    It's only my opinion, but we was so short in defensive midfield, and he tried to avoid conceding an early goal.......The first goal in that second, game was always going to be crucial.

    ......as it turned out, I could have scored that goal, such was the lack of attention from our closest, defenders, who left your no 9 free, to run.

    I think UE was stuffed for options, such was our injury list.

    but well done to Olympiacos, I hope they win it.


  11. On 28/02/2024 at 11:57, lexicon said:


    andy-gray-quiz Aston Villa Football Club | AVFC 

    Tougher paper rounds in those day tbf 🤣 Already looked in his 30s

    His aggression took him a long way....not suggesting that's all he had, but it unhinged defenders. They never rested while he was around....he pulled them around, with his courage and will to win.

    He took the game to opponents, and made goals, out of nothing.....not the most technically gifted, like Brian Little, but a great balancing combination......Andy was a handful, and that was a great distraction, for Brian

    Its an attribute, not all fans embrace.....but Andy had a Lion Hearted approach to a game.

    Rory has a huge task to emulate him, but he needs not to be in a hurry, and let the process, take its natural course, working on his game, along the way.

    Its very easy to get lured, in to expecting too much too soon.

    His goal scoring record to date is encouraging, but it's not the be all and end all.....Its when he does it in the big league, that matters....where the space and time, is not so plentiful.

  12. 14 minutes ago, thunderball said:

    At this level, at this stage of a competition you need your best players. We struggle to execute our plan when we lose Kamara’s (and Tielemans) calm and positioning, and the physicality that Ramsey/Zaniolo/Rogers bring. McGinn and off-colour Luiz cannot paper over the cracks, they become ineffective.

    It’s an area we need to strengthen. Rome wasnt built in a day. It’s been a brilliant season.

    It's been well documented, tried and tested. ..Luiz and McGinn, don't work together in the pivot.....I understand, why they was played there, but it hasn't worked in the past, under previous managers, so why should it now?

    We have to look to improve, in the summer.

    • Like 1
  13. 33 minutes ago, cb_82 said:

    Villa 1 Man City 0

    Look at the difference in the strength of the team and depth & options n the bench - That team/squad walks through if fit, wasnt to be with whats happend and i think its obvious 3/4 or those playing last night arent fit 

    Proud of the lads, europe secured for next year, just hope its the elite version as we deserve it


    • 1E Martínez
    • 4Konsa
    • 3Diego Carlos
    • 14P Torres
    • 12Digne
    • 31Bailey
    • 44Kamara
    • 6Douglas Luiz
    • 7McGinn
    • 8Tielemans
    • 11Watkins


    • 2Cash
    • 15Moreno
    • 17Lenglet
    • 19Diaby
    • 22Zaniolo
    • 24Durán
    • 32Dendoncker
    • 41J Ramsey
    • 42Marschall

    9 of them played last night....Only Kamara and Tielemans missing.

    The bench is weaker, sure.

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, ozvilla28 said:

    Yeah injuries take a toll to a certain extent,  but all teams have injuries now season end. That team was good enough to do the job no exuse. Tiredness is nothing to do with playing a pass or cross or playing with want and aggression we looked timid. Short of leadership to.

    Tiredness, is a popular and legitimate call, but there have been games over the season, which have had similar traits to these 2 legs......I think we need to observe deeper, and I think Unai will.

    I think if we achieve Champions league status, you will see a different complexion of a team, next season.....some are just not good enough, on a consistency basis.

    I think for El Kaabi to get 5.....tells its own story......maybe one that slipped through the Scouts net over the last 10 years.

    Their first goal on the night, was a sorry affair, with Torres and Digne in no mans land......why Digne did not track back, I am lost on that.

    I thought, they looked like scoring every time they ventured forward.

    • Like 2
  15. 7 hours ago, MrBlack said:

    6-2 agrees with you. But I don't. Just my view though, and seems I'm very much in the minority. 

    It doesn't matter if you are in the minority or not....it's your opinion.

    I saw too many things over the  2 legs, that was not commensurate with the new Aston Villa under UE

    Folk can use, any reason, they wish for that.......but that's my view.

    • Like 1
  16. 13 hours ago, Jas10 said:


    His loyalty is never in question for me.....One of our most grateful players of all.....and I think he cares about the club and the fans.

    There again, all the players, seem to have a great attitude to me.

    • Like 2
  17. 19 hours ago, pas5898 said:

    Going back to the Villarael days, and just how damn good Torres is on the ball, I think the plan was


     Pau  Mings   Konsa

    Mings dominates in the air, athletic and quick. There was absolutely no way he was coming out of our team without injury.

    Konsa and Pau bringing the ball out, and Kamara filling in when a CB pushes forward with the ball. 

    If this was the plan, its unbelievable how Unai re-invented this team with 2 key components missing for most the season. 


    I agree.

    • Thanks 1
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