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Posts posted by Bunnski


    No way would I want Young back. Personally would never cheer for him after that pathetic dive against us. Scum

    Did you hate him for winning numerous free kicks for us with his diving?

    It's a shit part of his game but not many minded when he did it in a villa shirt.


    I cant stand divers,especially against us and even for us. I can understand a player going down if they feel contact when they are in full stride as if they try to carry on they could get hurt but throwing your leg out and instigating the contact is pathetic. 

    Its not gonna happen anyway unless he will accept 50k a week

  2. Hes been the best midfielder in pre season so far from what Ive seen. A real driving force at times that is capable of opening things up. Really hope he keeps up the good performances and I can see him being one of our most important players for the future.

    • Like 2
  3. "Paul and Randy have been great - they really have," added Lambert. "With the Christian thing and the lads we've brought in.

    "They've backed it all the way. It's a matter of us trying to get the right personnel and once it starts for real that's the time to start to judge us.

    "The new lads that have come in still need a bit of time to settle. But that's why we've done it as early as we did to give them that feeling of what the British game's like. These lads are going to give it a right go.

    "We've got everybody in which is good. It's just a matter of getting them altogether and getting them playing the way you want."




    looks like we might be done for the summer

    He probably just getting the word out that we are done bringing players in so teams dont think we are desperate to offload the bomb squad in order to fund our own transfers. Thats what I would like to believe anyway but wont be at all surprised if we are actually done for the summer.

    • Like 1
  4. The goals are coming up on SSN. just got a glimpse of the 2nd goal. Vlaar had the ball cleared but Clark slid in and deflected it back towards our goal to set up the Luton player.  :blush:

  5. What happened? Clark only played last 30 minutes tonight.

    am still 100% sure what happened because there was no replays on the stream but it looked like Clark made a magnificent tackle on ....Vlaar!  which cost us a goal


    What happened? Clark only played last 30 minutes tonight.

    am still not 100% sure what happened because there was no replays on the stream but it looked like Clark made a magnificent tackle on ....Vlaar!  which cost us a goal


  6. That defending a whole new level of shit


    I wish he'd stop doing these step overs on the turn when he's in possession as well we all know what happened in the man city game....

    Yeah and he did the exact same thing for Ireland vs Austria in a qualifier few weeks after that mistake and cost Ireland a goal as well.  Its ok for players to make mistakes but not learning from your mistakes is pathetic for a professional.


    The only position Ive ever thought he looked decent in was left back

  7. Pretty shit performance so far. Delph looking good, few nice bursts forward and a lovely through ball for Benteke. Cmon Villa dont let the first proper live pre season game be without a goal for us...



    Nope, he's English, he just chooses to play for Ireland as he's Irish descent.

    Nope, he's Irish because, although born outside of Ireland, he was raised Irish.  It's no different to ex-pat British people raising their children as British even though they might have been born in Spain, America or whatever.  It's like KEA choosing to play for Morocco.


    Respect Grealish's feelings, family and upbringing: no doubt they are proud Brummies and Villla fans BUT there is also a very strong Irish identity there too that they are equally as proud of.  Nationality and identity is a very personal thing.



    So if Prince William raises his son as Chinese, is he Chinese?


    And KEA probably chose to play for Morocoo because he knew he wouldn't be good enough for Holland.


    Just admit it. you fackin ate poikeys!!


    Can't win a header, never seems to even leave the ground... Terrible in one on ones.... and like people have said, not that young anymore, 3rd season of prem football coming up....



    Headed duel


    Baker: 64%

    Vlaar: 63%

    Clark: 61%




    Vlaar: 71%

    Clark: 68%

    Baker: 60%


    Pass accuracy


    Vlaar: 82%

    Clark: 81%

    Baker: 78%


    Errors (lead to goal)


    Vlaar: 2 (1)

    Clark: 4 (2)

    Baker: 5 (1)



    IMO Clark is getting a lot of stick for one extra error that lead to a goal.


    Where is the stat for being out of position?  and what about the stat for being a bad reader of the game?   Stats are for baseball...


    4th choice is what Clark deserves judging him on his performance from last season, I hope he has learnt enough to atleast progress this season and start showing that he can make it.

  10. Dont know why people think we need to sign a right back. Herd has always looked good in that position to me and hes got a great leap on him for winning headers from corners for and against us. Dunno if Lambert sees him as a right back though due to him playing him at centre back in a few friendlies

    • Like 2
  11. I thought I'd seen a level of performance that bad that I wanted to claw my eyes out with warnock.

    So far Clark has surpassed that this game. Completely and utterly shit. Lost every header, been megged twice. At fault for both goals so far.


    Its actually the guy that Vlaar was marking that got the goal. He loses Vlaar and gets ahead of Clark so cant really blame him for that cus Clark was concentrating on marking his man.

  12. I rate Andy Carroll 15-20 goals a season. Benteke should be in the 20-25 region.

    Well he be injured for half the season so he will have to be hitting a goal every game. good luck with that Andrew

    • Like 1
  13. There was a passage of play in  the last friendly in Germany where delph won the ball back and then played a first time pass to Wiemann which n my opinion was pure class. Hope he keeps up his performances from the second half of last season and adds to it.




    Firstly I am still really pleased Benteke is still with us for at least another year. Re Spuds pricing of him it seems a bit strange that they didnt even get near the 25 mil mark. If they really wanted him I think that would have been a fair price in todays market- if Andy Caroll is worth 30 mil, etc etc.The guy is 22 and unless he goes all hollywood he is going to get better. It could have been enough for Spuds to go from being a top 6 side to a top 4, and that would have paid for the fee.


    I don't know why people keep using this example. It's precisely because of the Andy Carroll to Liverpool deal that clubs are shying away from overpaying for a young guy who's only had one good season. Nobody wants to buy the next Carroll.


    (I am in NO WAY saying that Benteke is "the next Carroll." I'm only pointing out why a club like Spurs would be reluctant to break their transfer record for the second time in a couple of weeks, for a guy who's only had one season in the Premier League. I actually think Benteke would have been a beast for Spurs, so I'm delighted we get to keep him. I'm glad we're not playing against him next season.)


    Yeah but Andy Carroll didnt even have 1 season in the premier league under his belt he basically just hit some form for half a season. So yeah dont compare Benteke to him  as at least Benteke done it for a full season bar a couple games at the start of the season



    The Carroll argument is irrelevant as Liverpool had just received £50million for Torres.If Spurs had received similar for Bale,I'm convinced they would have met our asking price.


    Likewise-I doubt we'd ever had bought Bent if Man City hadn't paid so much for Milner.


    Yeah thats what I was basically saying.


    Firstly I am still really pleased Benteke is still with us for at least another year. Re Spuds pricing of him it seems a bit strange that they didnt even get near the 25 mil mark. If they really wanted him I think that would have been a fair price in todays market- if Andy Caroll is worth 30 mil, etc etc.The guy is 22 and unless he goes all hollywood he is going to get better. It could have been enough for Spuds to go from being a top 6 side to a top 4, and that would have paid for the fee.


    I don't know why people keep using this example. It's precisely because of the Andy Carroll to Liverpool deal that clubs are shying away from overpaying for a young guy who's only had one good season. Nobody wants to buy the next Carroll.


    (I am in NO WAY saying that Benteke is "the next Carroll." I'm only pointing out why a club like Spurs would be reluctant to break their transfer record for the second time in a couple of weeks, for a guy who's only had one season in the Premier League. I actually think Benteke would have been a beast for Spurs, so I'm delighted we get to keep him. I'm glad we're not playing against him next season.)


    Yeah but Andy Carroll didnt even have 1 season in the premier league under his belt he basically just hit some form for half a season. So yeah dont compare Benteke to him  as at least Benteke done it for a full season bar a couple games at the start of the season

  16. Im just gonna put it down to Lambert talking some sense into him, compared with the likes of his agent filling him with shite and Benteke being young and just going along with what he thinks is best.  We can be 99% sure that he is gonna be here next season and who knows we might get up near the european places and maybe qualify for the europa places and that might be enough to keep him for anouther year, especially with Lambert as manager to keep him focused.

  17. Peronally think Kiyotake would be the best signing along with Benteke in years. The amount of assists he has from last season that are from free kicks landing it on the head of a team mate is worth taking notice of. I just keep imagining Kiyotake setting them up for Benteke to nod home. Will start geting carried away if we sign him  ;)

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