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Posts posted by Bunnski

  1. Gabby is a wing forward for us now in this system so no point arguing about him scoring 20 goals a season as it wont happen. His decision making has improved so much now that he is experienced and he offers so much to the team.  He showed the level that he is capable of playing at last season and with Lambert as manager and us playing counter attacking football then he is gonna have a really big role to play for us.  The only thing that I can see holding him back is injuries which he always seems to pick up a few during a season.

  2. Imo we expected some of the bomb squad to be gone by now especially Bent and would of liked to of brought in a higher quality central attacking midfielder on probably 40k or 50k a week due to fact we have being enquiring for the likes of Belhanda and Kiyotake. Because things haven't worked out we are now going for one of our deals like we did earlier in the summer i.e give a talented player a 3 year deal on 20k and if he steps up we give him a better contract next year or if he doesn't do well then its not that big a loss to the club.



    Nothing wrong with us veggies. I'd wager we are far healthier than you meat eaters!!!!!!

    I eat meat. I also work out and exercise regularly. I know some vegetarians who are grossly overweight and very unfit.

    Not eating meat doesn't make you healthier.



    Not saying it does, my viewpoint is based on the toxins in the feed given to animals to fatten them up quickly. 


    And vegetables and fruit all grow naturally?  unless you grow your own veggies then I think you will be eating plenty of toxins yourself.

  4. I'm not too sure we have solved our left back issue. 


    Hopefully it's more a positioning issue than poor defending from Luna but all their attacks are coming from down that side. 

    He will take some time to get up to scratch on defending as he is still young and comes from Spain where they play a more open game. I'm happy enough to forgive him a few errors if he keeps attacking like he has been.

  5. Does anyone know if AVTV has the use of multiple cameras for games at Villa Park?

    I'd settle for a replay, even if they showed a few highlights at half time it would be nice.

    • Like 1
  6. Lambert certainly like this system with an attacking midfielder. Strengthens the case that we will sign a player for this position but it will be interesting to see how Tonev does today as he looked like his touch was nowhere near good enough to play in the center last week.



    Can anyone translate it properly?  I think it says something about Lambert travelling to the US to get the greenlight on the transfer.  Also that we have bid once for him and Bader is not interested in considering our bid?

    First obvious question is why the hell would PL have to go to the US to get a green light. Phones anyone? Email? Fax? Text?. Video conference? Anyone,? Anyone? Chief Executive called Paul Faulkner. Anyone? If I could be bothered to find the You Tube Ferris Bueller teacher I would but really, how can such a thing be taken seriously?



    More to the point, the article says it's acting on information from the Mirror. How can anyone take that seriously?


    Because it's James Nursey reporting it. keep up



    Really enjoyed tonight. Fair play for PL doing a forum, he doesn't have to do it, especially the day after a friendly.

    He was asked what was his biggest regret last season. Interestingly he said it was the Bradford HT team talk in the second leg. "A situation happened that I should have dealt with differently." It was a rare moment where he slightly let his guard down.

    Spotted this one and it intrigued me the most.


    Was he talking about Bradford away at half time or Bradford at home?


    EDIT-  just re-read your post, it was Bradford at home - I really wonder what it was.

    The guys on our table thought maybe he was talking about Ireland? But looking back on the match report, he didn't make any subs at HT, and Ireland played the full game. We'll probably never know!


    The mistake he made was probably that he left Ireland on the pitch. He maybe thought if we had of turned it around and Ireland had an influence in the game that he might of started coming good. Ah well guess we will never know


    Alfred Finnbogason got 2 at weekend in Eredivisie, Celtic couldn't afford the 5million!! if Bent goes would love to see him brought in, he is a lethal goalscorer and watched a lot of him last season, he would fit the Lambert philosophy!! i know been linked with him past, but would love see him in C&B!! he can also play the hole behind the front 3 as well!!


    Finnbogason has been linked with us in this window, would love to have him here, he's going to be some striker. Him, Kiyotake and another centre beck would make this a great transfer window and set us up for a great campaign.


    I see that Kiyotake seems to be gaining momentum in terms of internet rumours (excluding those by you know who), I see we are supposed to have met him today although that sounds like BS if we haven't agreed a fee, but maybe no smoke without fire.....


    Who said we met him today?

  10. He looked a different class to everyone else on the pitch


    Lowton, Benteke and at times Westwood put the rest of the team to shame on Sunday. They were a step ahead I thought

    I thought Gabby had a really good game as well especially first half.  Benteke was on fire 

  11. Tonev didn't look like he can play attacking midfield. Fair enough it was his first game back but when he got on the wings a couple times he looked way better.  


    Thats a few games now that Lambert has played a system with an attacking midfielder so its gonna be a formation that we will use this season especially when we need to go all out for a goal I reckon or maybe it is the formation that Lambert wants to start most games with giving the we'll score more than you approach that he seems to take.. Unfortunately we don't have a player in the current squad to fill that position so I'd be very surprised if a player wasn't bought to play there. We have been linked by clubs owners to players that play attacking midfield but it looks we have to get some dead wood off the wage bill before we make a move happen.

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