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Everything posted by HongKongVillan

  1. **** stupid to concede this corner...**** hopeless
  2. Oops!!!! yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  3. We are going to lose this i think... should be ok for staying up though( i hope)
  4. No. Simply put he had so much time now with the same set of defenders, you would at least think there should be at least some slight improvement in terms of team working within the back 4, however the defence seems to go back a step each game they play. For me, thats one pathetic football management.
  5. Personally I would have prefered NRC to played on , but i think more importantly it was Clark who gave the match away. Cuellar might have made the difference but kowing the way we defend I'm not too sure. Anyone notice how Collins always jump to defend set pieces but often jump at the position that even Crouch won't be able to reach for the ball? I need beer
  6. I'm not saying Lambert is my choice but if there is a time to give someone up and coming to have a go isn't now the best time? I guess is the fact of anyone would be better than the tools in charge.
  7. Clark played a huge part in this game unfortunately - although the whole of defence and Petrov played their part too. Utterly pathetic
  8. How low have we become as a team....defeat to Wolves...WBA...luckily Wigan is not winning
  9. Think this is the worst I've seen from Petrov.....I bet he is gonna get our winner now I said it
  10. I see we have done our defensive training well this week...FFS
  11. completely out of nothing this...a proper goal scorer!
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