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Posts posted by lp_villa830

  1. His only young and learning at this level he needs to be given time and patience. Everyone was slating Westwood up until last week based on a few appearances and this week it is Bennent who has been playing with an Injury for a couple of weeks now in the firing line.

  2. I have a 1 year old American Bulldog, lovely dog but very excitable when new people come to the house.

    One of my work mates said today that by law I need a 'beware of the dog' sign or similar in a window. But looking online there is alot of contradicting statements on whether its better to have one or not.

    So do any of you learned folks know the answer.

  3. A much needed win this. Westwood proved today that you shouldn't write the young lads out because of a few minutes as a sub. Now all we need to go is cause 3 upsets in our next games and we could be looking at Europe.

    Everyone seems to be focusing on the first away win in so long, but when was the last time we won two on the bounce.

  4. I downoaded the Beta then and I find myself really struggling with GUI on the full mode. It seems very cluttered and untidy,almost like there trying to put to much info on the screen at one time.

    Classic mode looks and has a better feel to it but loses to many features.

  5. Best of the British buys anyway - 3rd best behind Vlaar and El-Ahmadi for me.

    I like Vlaar and think he is a slight improvement on Collins, not sure on KEA yet decent but not as good as Petrov.

    But Lowton is massive leap from Hutton and offers our only threat down the flank.

  6. That has to be the most bizarre post I've ever seen on here !!!

    Bent has been absolutely average since he joined Villa and converting occasional chances from under the crossbar does not make him standout. As for scoring from nothing ..... you must be having a laugh ! He does nothing outside of the six yard box - he is slow, poor in the air, has no strength in holding up the ball and never scores from distance ...... he just converts easy chances that a 12-year old would convert.

    Get rid in January unless he is going to wake up, stop sulking, stop with the big "I am" and actually change his game so that he adds some genuine value.

    Why haven't Gabby and Benteke been scorin all this easy goals then.

  7. Couldn't disagree with this more. On a bad day when he doesn't score he wont be involved at all and more than likely our worse player on the pitch, he doesn't stand out at all in any game IMO. I think hes only scored 2+ goals for us in a game once. He cant score from nothing either, hes usually just in the right place at the right time and needs people to provide for him. Players like Gabby/Benteke look much more likely to score from nothing.

    I think he was right to be benched again v Spurs but Id put him back in v Fulham.

    They may look more likely to score, but the facts are they don't. Despite what he adds or doesnt to the all round game, with Bent in the team we have more chance of scoring.

  8. What were the dick heads on about at half time going on about how they (San Marino) need to be a bit more considerate as they might injure one of the England players or even end their careers??? So Walcott for example might miss a couple of weeks but'll still pick up £80k a week. Not quite the same if the San Marino postman, accountant or plumber can't make it in to work.

    If San Marino injure somone then its because they're unprofessional yet it happens up and down the country every weekend in the Premier League!!!

    They all seemed very arrogant, Southfate even questioning why they should be playing, thought he had more class than that.

    Roy was the only one to come out of that 'analysis' with any credit.

  9. I think a lot of the criticism of him so far is unfair and probably more down to the fact he was our major summer buy and the extra expectation that comes with that.

    His a young lad so is obviously lacking in certain areas of his game. These will hopefully improve within time. But 7 million in todays market won't buy you a player who can do everything.

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