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Posts posted by Jay.P.A

  1. 36 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    The team needs re-built as 3/4 of the players we have are off through out of contracts or loans expiring.

    The rest who have a year or 2 to run are shite which leaves us with 2/3 players.

    Jack Grealish (Who I think will be sold and I cannot blame him now) leaving us with McGinn and Kalinic.

    I don't trust Smith to carry out the rebuild nor do I want him to now either. He is an average midtable manager imo.

    Like it or not - Smith is/was responsible for building that Brentford team that virtually showed our team how to play football, with a tiny budget compared to everyone. 

    I believe in Smith until/if he fails with his 'own' team. 

    It's like this; 

    You hired a builder to sort your big house out. This builder has a reputation of doing a 'decent' job. You have some tools but the builder tells you he needs to buy his own tools to do that job. 

    So off you go, and you buy EVERYTHING the builder wanted to do the job. He goes on to buy older brands which were tried and tested and paid a lot of money for them. He also borrowed a few tools from his mates.

    Anyway, the builder starts his work, and your house starts to look good/decent. His methods probably aren't the best - he uses a lot of quick fixes, and uses the wrong tools for certain jobs - but the results seem to be working. 

    Then you start realising although the house looks OK, the builder seems to be falling short.  Some of things he promised, it looks like he won't deliver. It looks OK, its just not what you paid. For the money you paid the builder (top dollar) and paid for his tools, it's not going to finish as you wanted. The builder becomes unreliable and you decide to tell the builder that you're going to not going to use him anymore. 

    You then look for another builder - a younger builder who comes recommended from various people. He has taken jobs before and has produced great results from his limited resources. 

    You bring him in, and he tells you straight away that the work the old builder did was unfortunately not very good for the long term, and if you want it to be done you need to start the work again. 

    You tell him that the tools you've already bought need to be used, even though the tools are absolutely shit now and don't work properly. The builder agrees to work with old shit tools but says the results might not be great. He'll try his damn best but the methods he uses, these tools won't be suitable. You ask him to try and after a few months, you'll buy him the tools he needs to do his job correctly. 

    Long story short, Dean Smith has to use Steve Bruce's old, shit tools. Until Smith buys his own players and can put his coaching into place, I'm going to back him. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Merson08 said:
    Matchday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
    Ground H A A H A H H A H A H H H A A H A H H A H A H A A H A H A H H A H A H A H A A H A H H A H A
    Result D L L W D D D W W W W L W D W L W W W D D L D L W W W W W W W L D W L W W L D W L W W W D L
    Position 10 21 23 16 15 18 18 13 10 8 7 7 5 6 5 6 5 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 7 5 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4


    Please show me where "a lot" of shite happened, as your referencing Villalad subjecting 17/18 season. I agree he should of gone this season, but last season he did a great job. 

    I look at everything objectively and use hard facts to back up pretty much everything I say. If were referring to game 20 to 24 its a pretty poor run of 5 games over the Christmas period. Outside of that we had 3 draws in a row early in the season, but never went on any mad losing streaks.

    Steve Bruce has shown every side we need to see of him to make an assessment, ultimately leaving our defense threadbare, which showed in our results were too bad to allow him to stay. 

    I tell you what, I'm at work right now when I get home I'll respond to this. 

    • Like 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, villalad21 said:

    What are you on about? We finished 4th last season scoring 72 goals. There were alot of good times last season.

    Say what you want about Bruce, but last season he did a great job with the team.

    'Great job' which included a lot of shite as well. Look at it objectively. 

  4. 14 hours ago, jackbauer24 said:

    All donations are lovely but it's one of my pet peeves that celebs get such a slap on the back for donating seemingly large amounts of money when to them it's pennies.

    If Grealish is on 45k a week, he's on 180k a month. That means a donation of £1500 is approximately 0.8% of his monthly wage. If you earn circa £2k per month 0.8% of your wage is £16. And arguably you have less available cash too so that £16 means something.

    So, and I know this sounds grumpy, it's lovely that he (or anyone) donated to a charity but I'm not sure it warrants a special acknowledgement just because the figure is bigger.

    Anyway, off topic...

    When is he back?! 


    He didn't announce it, the relative of the lad who needed the wheelchair did. 

    He's class. Can't wait until he's back. 

  5. If it doubt, stamp it out 😅

    Love it. Proper defender in our team now. 

    The stamp IMO was not deliberate - he's a big guy and the striker fell right under him as Mings won the ball. Some comments in here are absolutely laughable. 

    Anyway - hopefully he's as big/important for us as Van Dijk is for Liverpool. 

    • Haha 1
  6. On 01/12/2018 at 12:57, Dave-R said:

    I would like to add the most tickled player in the championship not fouled, too jack after 90+ fouls so far which is not even half a season, it really must be starting to feel like he's being tickled.

    Wonder if Jack ends up with a count of 200+ before season ends, that would be something and deserving of an award


  7. 18 minutes ago, KenjiOgiwara said:
    1. 1.
      considered in relation or in proportion to something else.
      "the relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known"
      synonymer: comparative, respective, comparable, correlative, parallel, corresponding, reciprocal
      "the relative importance of each factor"



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

    It's all relative though. You may say he's not a very good player, but he's still one of the better ones we got. If anyone claim we have better left back options, I'd love to be informed. 

    He genuinely isn't a very good footballer. Surely you could see this? 

    Yes - he has a big heart and gives 100% most of the time. But as of right now, I'd still keep Taylor ahead of him at LB, purely because of the fact we need a left footer at LB and Taylor has actually been decent last couple of games. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

    How is it any different to proclaiming them a future superstar? 

    Way too early to be judging him. 

    However he does have time, ability and potential on his side. Hopefully he becomes a good player for us. 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

    I only saw the last 20 minutes but I only really saw Jack with the ball.  It was weird.

    From the little I saw, I saw Taylor passing him the ball, because Taylor can only do 2 things, go down the line, or come inside.  He rarely overlaps to make space, he's so left footed you can telegraph exactly what he's going to be doing. 

    I saw Chester and Axel give him the ball, what more can they do?

    I saw Whelan standing exactly left or right of him, but never offering him a pass, and especially not running in front of the ball.  Now before it's suggested, I actually think in certain scenarios Whelan is  very good player for this level.  Chasing a goal in the 80th minute isn't one of them.

    I saw Hogan making runs, but he was isolated so had 2 defenders on him, meaning any ball into him would most likely get snaffled up by defenders.

    I saw the two wingers playing out wide.  I think El Ghazi put in a good ball from deep towards Hogan, but it was just out of his reach.  He did a couple of nice turns, but I really wanted someone like him to come inside and look to help Jack out. 

    I don't even know who was playing right wing, but I don't think it was Elmo. 

    Kodjia came on and looked to penetrate their back line, but the had to come short, they linked a couple of times but then we failed to see any penetration.  

    All in all, we failed to create any good chances.  I didn't see us have a shot that wasn't blocked.  I didn't see much creativity from the middle, or out wide.  We were trying to break down 11 men, which is always very difficult, especially without a proper physical presence like Davies or something.  Jack had an awful lot of the ball, we got some decent free kick opportunities, which I was disappointed to see Jack step up for, but who else was there?

    Without McGinn, we really lacked the glue to bind our defence and attack.  Whelan really was nothing but a ball watcher for as long as I was watching, I'm assuming he probably should have gone off for Kodjia?  I don't even know who Kodjia replaced. 

    We just lack ideas.  Jack can't do it on his own, he's getting 2 or 3 men on him constantly now.  

    Brilliant analysis. Pretty much spot on. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    It is funny. Because I'm honestly astonished anyone can think this about last night (I didn't see Saturday's game).

    Defensively he was ok. But I'd describe Taylor as ANYTHING other than composed. he is the literal opposite of that word. If he actually gets the ball, he is a total liability.

    Yesterday, around the 60/65th minute he was under pressure from two players and was almost certain to lose the ball in our own half. Turned away from one player and played Jack through in which he played in El Ghazi.

    Later on in the game he complete sold their right winger a dummy while under pressure again, right next to our box when they were pressing us higher up the pitch. 

    Yes, there were times when he tried to launch the ball long and it went out for a throw - but he played in Adomah in behind their fullback which was a great ball over the top in the the first half which got us a corner in the end. 

    Just some of the examples to show maybe fans are judging him very harshly.  

  12. 1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

    He does. but the problem is when he gets the ball he cuts inside onto his left foot and loses it, or he goes outside and delivers a cross into the car park.

    He very rarely does anything meaningful with the ball in advanced positions.

    At LB he seems to be more aware of his limitations because he can't cross with his left foot, so doesn't try. And when he cuts inside he's on his right so has more chance of doing something, ANYTHING, good.


    Both Taylor and Hutton are bad. But Taylor is a far far worse player, and Hutton seems better at LB to me. So I'd much rather move Hutton to the left and get Elmo at RB.

    Funny how opinions can differ.

    Yesterday and last week, I don't think Neil Taylor has been bad at all. Especially yesterday, Taylor was solid, composed under pressure numerous times, and was good defensively - chased back and got back to recover when the ball was played over him twice to the winger. 

    Hutton on the other hand was absolutely shocking. Yes - he was OK at LB last season but he was crap yesterday and looked a yard off the pace in his natural position. The fact that Norwich targeted Hutton yesterday should tell you all you need to know. 

    In the first half our decent attacks mostly came down the left due to Taylor and Adomah linking well and supporting each other. The amount of times Elmo, Whelan and Tuanzebe had to cover Hutton when he got into the wrong position was shocking. 

    • Like 3
  13. 2 hours ago, westholmevillan said:

    Absolutely no need for the abuse. I am simply stating my opinion.  Moreover, all those in close proximity to me in the Trinity Road stand share this opinion!

    I repeat, no need to be offensive with you're remarks!. I won't retaliate as you're also entitled to you're opinion!  I would also like to know how you feel being 'farmed out on the wing' has any relevance to my post?

    I don't see any abuse here apart from the fact he is disagreeing with your post. 

    • Like 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, Sam3773 said:

    Couple with Rafa not leaving Newcastle when they went down. 

    It's a long shot, sure, but let's face it, he's no different to Rodgers. Yeah, they get a bit of CL football, but christ, who wants to be chilling in the Ukraine top flight for their career? 

    Ambitious? Sure. Impossible? No. 

    Hotel? Trivago.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  15. So am I reading this right? A few people are getting upset that he was complaining he didn't get a pass when he was in a good position so he could do his job and score a goal? 

    That's exactly what I want all my forwards to be like. 'GIMME THE *****N BALL NOW SO I CAN SCORE FFS"

    • Like 2
  16. 10 minutes ago, wilko154 said:

    Yeh it's an old interview rolled out from the end of last season.

    I don't know why they film content like that and wait until the next season to release it.

    It's because he might have left.....I would've though anyway. 

  17. 15 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Gosh yeah, I'd completely forgotten that 'brutal on the ball' thing, probably still the most unfathomable take I've seen on here in half a decade of membership. 

    Honestly mate - I was shocked at some of the comments in this thread. Unbelievable. 

    On 23/08/2018 at 07:51, Demitri_C said:

    I was worried when he scored the first as when he ran into the fans he could have got a another yellow and got sent off. bruce needs to tell him to relax on that esp when he is already on a yellow!

    man its like a new signing he was brilliant. 

    Has your opinion changed now? The King Is BACK. 

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