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Posts posted by 8pints

  1. ROTTERDAM1982

    I agree 8pints......i think Herd's long term position is as aq centre half.

    I really rate Baker though.

    I like Baker too. And think they'd make a good partnership with Baker there for the headers and Herd buzing around him.


    Chris Heard isn't tall enough to play CB in my opinion.

    You do have a point. I always forget he's 5ft8, which is small for a CB. Me and my Dad have long debates about it :)

    he does have a good jump on him and it has been done before

    Fabio Cannavaro - 5ft9

    Roberto Ayala - 5ft9

    Chris Herd - 5ft8

    Ivan Cordoba - 5ft7

    So it could be done and he'd be in good company if he could do it. But they're big boots (ironically) to fill.


    Herd looks to be playing centre back tonight, it seems PL is thinking along the same lines.

    I am Paul Lambert :D

  2. Well, it hardly looks like a coincedence that the second Collins was announced, so was Vlaar.
    Doesn't mean Collins was sold in order to raise funds.

    I don't think it has anything to do with the funds to buy him but I do think we were trying to avoid the possibility of both being on the wage bill should the Collins deal full through.

    I agree. It was a wage bill issue.

  3. Both Lichaj and Lowton will get an equal chance in my opinion.

    The back four will be experimental until January I think. We'll have to buckle our seat belts for a wild and bumpy ride as Prof. Lambert musters up various concoctions.

  4. I wonder if in fact the whole of last seasons' back four will go. Dunne, Warnock and Hutton will follow, it's just happened Collins was the first to go?

    That it's not a decision on quality or being wanted by other clubs, just coincidental order, the first deal to get done.

    Cuellar was first to go....and I thought he was shocking too! Seemed a really nice decent bloke, but never even looked like a footballer to me

    Then it's already begun! :D

  5. I wonder if in fact the whole of last seasons' back four will go. Dunne, Warnock and Hutton will follow, it's just happened Collins was the first to go?

    That it's not a decision on quality or being wanted by other clubs, just coincidental order, the first deal to get done.

  6. I wonder if this coming season, with a fair few of these players, especially Bannan, we'll see just how bad a manager McLeish was tactically? Just how wrong he got it with what he told these players to do?

    Imagine that? If McLeish was worse than we thought? :shock:

  7. AVFCforever1991

    If he ends up here at all

    True :)


    At a wild guess I'd say his price after an average season for us would half if we wanted to get rid of him so £5-7m thats not great depreciation. Should we get him hopefullly he'll be a success and all this guess work will be irrelevent as he will score double figures and have plenty of assists.

    I'm not sure it'd half but yes, like you say, If we get him he'll be a success and all this guess work won't matter as he will score double figures and have plenty of assists :D

  8. He's just coming in to his prime, it may be worth taking a slight gamble, we could get our money back if he didn't work out.

    Although that depends on how badly it didn't work out.

    I can't see that too be honest, It will either work out and he'll do well or we will make quite a big loss on him with the figures quoted if he's not a success and we get rid.

    As a player I don't mind him he works hard, scores goals and offers something a bit different to what we've got and definitely wouldn't be against it. Whether I'd pay £10m+ I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter what I think anyway.

    If it doesn't work out after one season and Lambert then moves him on, at 26 his price can't take too much of a hit, plus, depending on the contract length, the fee will still be substantial.

  9. He's just coming in to his prime, it may be worth taking a slight gamble, we could get our money back if he didn't work out.

    Although that depends on how badly it didn't work out.

    If it didn't work out, his value would go down, would it not?

    Yes, sorry I didn't explain my point properly there.

    I meant, because of his age, it may not go down too much if it didn't work out but then the worse he performed the more his price would go down.

    So hopefully, he doesn't do too badly...if he does badly at all :D

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