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Posts posted by Adam_

  1. i dont think one person is saying bent is like messi apart from you?


    last night first half bent was the best villa player by a country mile, benteke looked shit


    second half lambert swaps the team around tactically but then takes off the one player who can thrive on that formation


    nzog should have come off for gabby at half time but bent should have stayed on as he was the sharpest forward and looked up for it but yet again clueless lambert takes him off and will again claim he cant play benteke and bent together up front.


    he cant if he keeps playing shit formations and shit tactics, you may as well have no one up front with those shit tactics


    slagging off bents performance last night  when he was the best player shows how unbalanced your opinion is of him, if he had played shit or worse than the rest fair enough


    What game were you watching??

  2. Probably is BS. But looking at the dudes profile he doesn't post much. The last thing he spoke about was Sissoko 2 weeks ago. 


    So 100% BS then..... just pulling out random names and hoping they sign to make himself look good.

  3. I can see us losing our next 4, Everton away, West Ham at home (They will destroy us with set pieces), Arsenal away and Man City at home.


    Hoping we sign a few players tomorrow, getting more and more pessimistic the closer we get though.

  4. He's lazy and doesn't fit in with our current team, unsure how long his contract is but get rid now for whatever amount (And save on the wage bill seeming as they loving that at the moment).

    Get this CM in and maybe everyone will stop moaning but probably not when the wins still don't come and there's another position that we are suddenly desperate for.

  5. i was wondering if there was any talk on here of warnock going to wet spam


    tbh, i find it quite cheeky that theyre signing him on a free, yes we want him off the books, yes hes got 6 months on his contract, but every single player whilst under a contract has a value, we should of at least got £500k out of 'villa mark 2', it would make sense to sell an assist than give away an asset


    Would probably save 500k in wages by the end of those 6 months so there's your 500k right there!

  6. A new manager could change our fortunes.


    Let's not just assume all managers have no tactical nous or man management skills on the basis of Mr Lambert.


    I don't believe it would, Lerner won't sack him anyway so anyone that wants him out aren't going to get their way.

  7. Tactically better? Yes

    Do his teams show more fight? Yes

    Do opposing teams hate going to Stoke? Yes


    Obviously I'd love Guardiola to come here and make us play like Barcelona but that isn't gonna happen. We need to be realistic.


    With the players we have, we need a Pulis.


    With the players we have we don't need Pulis, Stoke have a team of giants that are solid at defending.... we have a team of dwarfs that can't defend to save their lives.


    I don't see the point in getting rid of Lambert, would just be another unneccesary bill and we would still have the same team for the rest of the season and still go down.

  8. How do you figure that?   The punishment for not sticking to FFP is being banned from playing in European competitions.  QPR wont be finishing in the top four any time soon anyway. 



    neither will we, which amazes me why we stick to those rules


    Both valid points! I thought for lower leagues in England they are going to enforce point deductions if the teams don't stick to the rules???

  9. Shit - €10m for him. 3 or 4 years ago we'd have been able to afford that. Except MON would have preferred someone who was 28 and already played in the Premier League!


    About what we agreed for Ireland isn't it. On he will probably be on less wages too.


    Could afford it now, Benteke cost a similar amount? Also Lambert spent £24m in the summer.... mainly on lower league players that can't even beat lower league teams :huh:

  10. hutton and warnock out frees up about £90k a week


    that's 2 very good players right there


    Both are loans though so depends how much of the players wages the other clubs are paying for..... I doubt the other clubs would even be paying 50% of their ridiculously high wages!

  11. England, Wales, Scotland (Or UK if you going to be all political ;)),USA, France, Belgium, Spain (Inc Lanzarote), Luxembourg & Germany.


    Going to Italy (Rome, so can go Vatican too) in April and hopefully 2 more hols this year unsure where yet.


    So will hit double figures this year haha, am only 22 though and didn't really go abroad as a child.

  12. We aint down yet, we have to pray for a fluke result, anything just to give a bit of confidence to the team, maybe it could be Dunne coming back, achieving a clean sheet, a totally unexpected victory to restore hope.

    We are on a downward spiral as the confidence is getting lower and lower, even PL comes across as defeated, we need something to pick everybody up, this is why I was hoping for a signing, something to give the players a bit of hope,

    Devine intervention please.


    Would it though? We all remember the form Liverpool were in and beating them 3-1 at Anfield..... Then after that words cannot describe how bad Villa have been.


    Agreed we need another signing (or 11) but to me it looks like the directors/management believe we will be relegated so don't want to spend any money on players/wages.


    I am getting more and more pessamistic every week, I am glad we went out to Millwall last night though, less games to play and less risk of injury.


    Hopefully we beat Newcastle but can't see it happening myself unless all their new players fall out with one another from day one.

  13. Apparently there offering him 60k + 500k bonus if they stay up.


    QPR are going to be so screwed if they go down, especially with all the financical fair play rules coming in!


    I think Villa would be alright as we have mostly kids that are paid with an Ice cream each if they win :P

  14. It probably made no difference, but after all the people moaning and swearing around me had left, it felt like we started to play better and Wiemann got our 2nd.

    Like I say, it probably made no difference at all. But I'd rather be in a stadium of 25,000 people supporting the team, than 30,000 people including fans who just insult the players and manager for the full 90 minutes.

    There were moments last night when a guy behind me just slagged off every single Villa player that touched the ball. "Get him off! He's shit!"... "Get this guy off too! He's useless!"... "It's too late now Lambert you pratt! You should have taken him off ages ago!"

    I was relieved when him and his idiotic mate left at 80 minutes.


    My favourites are the ones who point at the players and where they want them to pass it as though the players are going to be looking at them thinking "oh I'll pass it here because he's telling me too".


    I think it's ridiculous when we boo our own players off aswell when they get subbed.... really going to help their confidence.


    I remember a game last season the bloke next to me was swearing his head off and shouting at the away fans saying he'll "Have them" after the match.... A bee flew towards him halfway through the second half and he pretty much shat his pants waving his arms around like a girl shouting "what the ****!" :rolleyes: , he also left after 70 mins so doubt he "had" any of the away fans lol.

  15. I thought Vlaar played well yesterday (Other than the Bradford goal).


    He seems to be the only defender that doesn't crap himself when he's got the ball with opposition players running at him.

  16. If Grealish was ready i'm sure the club would've put him in the deep end already.

    Personally I wouldn't want any more youngsters in the team now, far too many as there is.

    To answer the original question - haven't got a clue.

    If we don't sign anyone then no harm trying out some other youngsters seeming as we can't win with the current ones!

    Look at that lad at Derby, he's only 17 and he's playing amazing week in week out.

    I'd like to see Carruthers play again, he looks a threat whenever he's on the pitch imo.

  17. Us drowning out the city fans is huge for the players in this game.

    Need to get out the blocks quickly and shut em down otherwise we'll concede and heads will drop.

    Having Vlaar back will be huge!

    Should happen, I reckon this will be the biggest attendance for a few years.... There's less than 70 tickets left in the Holte End now, North is sold out (Even though the upper tier is Bradford fans).

    Hopefully Vlaar can make a difference in the defence and we win 2-0 and win on away goals....or am I just dreaming now haha.

  18. Obviously a lot depends on who we bring in if anyone, who stays fit and what effect Vlaar & Dunne have now they are both back this month

    Lots of rumours of Dunne going by the end of January, shall have to wait and see!

    Will be good to get Vlaar back as I think he looks a really decent defender and will help the team.

    As for relegation I am unsure atm I think we need to sign at least 3 quality players by the end of the month.

    I think Reading and Wigan will go down, The 3rd team from either QPR, Villa, Southampton, Sunderland or Newcastle.

  19. Were you even there yesterday? That was diabolical.

    i moved to canada a few years ago, so no, no i wasnt. i did however watch the match live, and yes it wasn't very good. same as last week, no incision and no creativity, plus we were torn apart too easily

    that might have something to do with the team being under the control of the 6th man since 2010 though... just maybe

    And how is that positive in any way what you've just said?

    Also you can't really blame the manager.... he's not on the pitch playing and he's got the same team as the other managers.

    In fact the only 2 players I thought looked half decent yesterday were KEA and Vlaar.

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