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Posts posted by VillaForever1970

  1. Looking forward to seeing Ex Machina later today - it looks excellent and is reviewing really well.


    It looks very similar to the Black Mirror episode 'Be Right Back' and even has the same actor.  Are they linked?


    Ex Machina is very good though.

    This should be seen by all as soon as possible.


  2. OK, I need to articulate  a really stupid question.


    If he is so great.why did Valencia let him go?


    I find it amazing people still ask this question. It's just means nothing.

    Usually only asked by Villa fans.

    Why was Benteke let go, why was Sanchez let go.

  3. Does anybody here run evryday ?


    I just read about a 57 year old guy that runs 50kms evryday, is that even possible..

    You shouldn’t be running every day especially on concrete, unless you weigh about a pound or a professional athlete.

    Your body needs time to recuperate.

    • Like 1
  4. I also don’t get why trying to implement a new style should be lambasted, are we meant to turn in to Barca overnight?

    How many years and the lauded Southampton & Swansea systems been worked on, more than the few months ours have.

    Our defence has improved, remember the time we scored a few more but you had that horrible feeling every time the other side attacked they would score?

    Not scoring now is obviously an issue, i doubt anyone is disputing that but it wont all just happen over night.

    • Like 1
  5. Rev I think if you want to start running more frequently then a pair of decent running shoes is a must. As for running at this time of year and what to wear in the cold I personally go out in a pair of shorts, t shirt, tracky top and a pair of gloves. I knock out 2 - 3 miles until I have really warmed up and got a sweat on and then run past my house and ditch the tracky top and just run in my shorts, t shirt and gloves. It may look a bit strange to some running in shorts and t shirt but still wearing a pair of gloves but for me they are a must in the cold as despite feeling warm and sweating with just a t shirt and shorts without the gloves I would be cold.

    How far are you running?

    I find after about an hr when its really cold i’ve gone from starting freezing, warming up then staying warm and then kind of acclimatising and going back to ‘normal’ for the rest of the run.



    I usually do about 8 miles 3 times a week which takes around 70 minutes. Once I am warm which as I said is usually after around 2-3 miles then I don't cool down and am usually drenched in sweat regardless of how cold it is by the time I finish. I am though one of those people that will start sweating after a few minutes when doing any form of exercise.

    Perhaps its just me then, seems to acclimitise after about and hour and fifteen, very annoying as when i get warm i’m very hot until i level out again.

  6. Rev I think if you want to start running more frequently then a pair of decent running shoes is a must. As for running at this time of year and what to wear in the cold I personally go out in a pair of shorts, t shirt, tracky top and a pair of gloves. I knock out 2 - 3 miles until I have really warmed up and got a sweat on and then run past my house and ditch the tracky top and just run in my shorts, t shirt and gloves. It may look a bit strange to some running in shorts and t shirt but still wearing a pair of gloves but for me they are a must in the cold as despite feeling warm and sweating with just a t shirt and shorts without the gloves I would be cold.

    How far are you running?

    I find after about an hr when its really cold i’ve gone from starting freezing, warming up then staying warm and then kind of acclimatising and going back to ‘normal’ for the rest of the run.

  7. Tottenham want Berihino for 28 million so Benteke must be worth 30-35 mill.

    Remember the 10mill add on because he’s English.

    Look Benetke will leave, regardless of that interview recently; they always leave.

    If Gabby was actually good enough he would have left as well.

    (if teams bid for them that is)

  8. I really ca believe anyone is enthused by this guy. Hes just another faceless director who seems to offer very little over his predecessor. Hes secured average players contracts...whilst the quality players still look set to leave for nowt.

    I really don't know why we appoint these types on big salaries...and then task them with serving up the same.

    Nothing like writing off someone before they’ve been there for 5 mins.

    Shouldn’t have given it a time limit though, failed there; the amount of Villa fans that love to mock it.

  9. I dont pretend to know anything about politics but can someone explain this please.

    Everyone moans the blue lot cut taxes for the rich, surely this means more rich people will live here, contributing?

    i.e rich in this country get taxed 100quid for example, but they get taxed 150quid in Germany. They are going to live here and still pay tax, its not like they don’t pay any tax, thus thats more people in the country paying tax isn’t it?

    Most "Rich" people avoid paying any tax at all. Is that fair do you think?

    But are you not ignoring the point, not all rich people don’t pay tax thats ridiculous they’ll have to pay some tax and if more rich people live here because of lower tax we’ll get more at the end of the day if they don’t live here surely?

  10. I dont pretend to know anything about politics but can someone explain this please.

    Everyone moans the blue lot cut taxes for the rich, surely this means more rich people will live here, contributing?

    i.e rich in this country get taxed 100quid for example, but they get taxed 150quid in Germany. They are going to live here and still pay tax, its not like they don’t pay any tax, thus thats more people in the country paying tax isn’t it?

  11. Villa imo are in a relegation battle lambert just dosnt inspire me and he clearly dosnt inspire the players. Villa's style of play bores me to bits when will he learn counter attack just isng and never will work.

    I agree its not like playing 4 of last seasons top 6 has any baring in the slightest.

  12. Balotelli is shit really isn't he.



    No, he is an exceptionally good player who simply can't be arsed, and that is far worse.

    Is he though, exceptionally good would surely means he puts in regular impressive performances even at City he didn’t manage this.

    No doubt he’s a footballer, a good one but i wouldn’t say a very good one though.

  13. Clive Owen is the least talented actor relative to how successful he's been.


    That's enough to put me off The Knick.

    I highly recommend you don’t, as your missing a cracking series which looks/sounds brilliant and Soderbergh does a great job of the direction.

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