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Posts posted by VillaForever1970

  1. If we want to achieve something at Villa you go out and get the manager to do this if we were ambitious we would go for a manager such as AVB or Rafa

    I dont understand statements like this, to me they are designed as a stick to beat the club with as you can always say it, when in reality its not as black and white as that.

    Some manager's just wont fancy managing us, whether we have a billion pounds for players or not and i dont think we do, the owner cannot afford it i assume, we cannot all have oil rich owners.

    I just hope whoever it is, is backed by the board AND the fans, as i've said before us as fans really do not help matters by pissing and moaning so much.

  2. Whoever it is there will be a wave of disappointment and we'll live up to our awful rep of moaning too much.

    I just hope whoever it is given backing from the board and the fans.

    There are some truly horrifying candidates out there and not many ones that appear decent, then again Pardew never appeared decent before he went to Newcastle, found the right club for him.

  3. This year we actually spoke to OGS about the role and offered further talks, he said no and turned us down.

    Its not as black and white as that though is it.

    We could offer the job to manager a and he has a tragedy in the family and cannot take it for personal reasons, you would work it that they have turned Villa down, its shocking and appalling we're rubbish.

    I know you like to spin everything against Villa and the board so i'll leave you to it; no point debating with.

  4. The rebuff from OGS is a real blow IMHO

    Not only that we didnt get him worse still is the message it sends out

    What decent manager will come knowing we've been knocked back by not only the Wigan and probably Norwich manager

    But now also the Molde manager

    It sends out all the wrong signals

    That doesn't make sense.

    We havent officially offered the job to anyone, so how anyone can turn it down makes no sense.

    Southgate ruled himself out too last night too, that mean he has turned us down too?

    Dont know. Did we speak to Southgate at all about the role , what it entails and what tools he would get ?

    You have to be offered something to turn it down.

  5. The rebuff from OGS is a real blow IMHO

    Not only that we didnt get him worse still is the message it sends out

    What decent manager will come knowing we've been knocked back by not only the Wigan and probably Norwich manager

    But now also the Molde manager

    It sends out all the wrong signals

    That doesn't make sense.

    We havent officially offered the job to anyone, so how anyone can turn it down makes no sense.

    Southgate ruled himself out too last night too, that mean he has turned us down too?

  6. Grayson? **** THAT.

    More or less experience than OGS?

    Got sacked from West Brom, that's enough for me. Sure he won the Champions league, but Chelsea have a different quality squad than us. West Brom on the other hand had a similar squad to us.

    The Baggies lost 3-0 at Manchester City on Saturday and the club said a run of 13 defeats in 18 games was the reason for the decision

    I couldn't take those sort of results for another season.

    We might aswell go make John Terry our manager.


    Too right i am. The old boys at Chelsea got AVB the sack. They gave the job to RDM because he's another soft manager. He wouldn't dare challenge Terry or Lampard. What do you think would happen here with Dunne, Collins and alcoholic Herd?


    Eh? I asked if Grayson had more or less experience than OGS?

  7. Thing is, I'm actually surprised. I didn't think they could possibly not have learned from their cockup last year. Amazing, just amazing.

    To be fair we might have, you just dont know. For all we know the search is going fine.

    Just because one particular target has been played out for all to see means nothing really.

    Well apart from everyone getting their nickers in a twist and becoming experts in running a football club overnight :D

    I think the point is that we, unlike the board (apparently) at least became experts in how NOT to run a football club over the last 12 months.

    Really? We were all excited about a manager with little experience just because he was a name we recognized. Whilst managers with more experience like Grayson are sneered at, yes that makes sense!

    Fans should be ignored, we know very little about running a football club; we might have knowledge of certain aspects but not as a whole. Lerner and Faulkner have been doing it a few years now, so them knowing nothing at the start had some weight, but how many years do they have to do it for us to actually think they know what they are doing?

    Its certainly not as black and white as saying, get him he's good. Job done!

  8. Thing is, I'm actually surprised. I didn't think they could possibly not have learned from their cockup last year. Amazing, just amazing.

    To be fair we might have, you just dont know. For all we know the search is going fine.

    Just because one particular target has been played out for all to see means nothing really.

    Well apart from everyone getting their nickers in a twist and becoming experts in running a football club overnight :D

  9. MM has just said that we never offered OGS the job to turn down.

    Looks like WE pulled the plug on this one.

    Whilst I am convinced a "formal" offer was not made, I am not sure the facts point to the second bit of your statement to be true.

    Lets see...

    Lerner arranged for OGS to fly out to Brum for a chat - what do you think that was about then? Comparing SAF letters? No it was to discuss the Villa job, what Lerner's ambitions and goals for Villa are what he would expect a amanager to offer and what tools the manager would have

    Lerner flew "towards" the states and OGS flew back ( I suspect with the instruction "think about it and let me know after the weekend if you are interested")

    OGS went away , thought about the conversation they had just had and then after the weekend said "Not interested thanks" with the exscuse that he did not want to uproot his family.

    Where has anything happened to suggest we pulled the plug, OGS actually pulled the plug FACT. and OGS and Lerner had a discussion last week. FACT

    You seem to put a negative spin or slant on anything to do with the board, why is this?

    There is x number of reasons what did or didn't happen, why do they all have to be negative i dont understand?

  10. I dont understand why any remote reason is used to sharpen then knives and come out kicking off at RL/PF?

    Anything and its on them its seems, it makes no sense and doesn't help anything imo.

    Once again we're a big part of the problem and we need to be careful that we dont become and un-manageable club because of our distaste to the owners and any new manager.

    'Support' is a very loose term round VP it seems.

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