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Posts posted by VillaForever1970

  1. What is all this about CBs needing pace?

    They need to be able to read the game - main requirement.

    Obviously Lambert thinks Vlaar has that ability or he wouldn't have signed him up.

    Exactly, I didn't remember Keown or Adams being particularly quick...

  2. It certainly beats the shit out of seeing a bunch of people dressed up as animals running around in circles why carrying giant flags as most opening ceremonies seem to be. This is possibly the most British thing I have ever seen in my life and I think its absolutely magnificent. Now lets get some Led Zeppelin out there.


  3. Oh how easy to mock, not so easy to plan, design and direct.

    Don't get me wrong, I think the concept is great, I just wonder how much of it people from outside the UK will get, especially if they don't have the commentary explaining it to them.

    **** em then ;)

    In all fairness this our Olympics our country, we'll tell our story of our little island how we want.

    Most chavs won't even know about any industry never mind one from back then.

    I really don't see what people expect. It's not boring it's visually interesting, what more?

    Everything is crap these days, or is it just more interesting and outrageous to say so.

  4. I had a look on wiki and it seems the viewers increase every season with it which can't be a bad thing.

    On the subject of viewers (probably one for Levi), Mad Men seems to get around 2m or so on average per episode, whilst Walking Dead seems to be around 6.5m - is Mad Men not watched by a tonne or has The Walking Dead just got absurdly high ratings?

    Its because americans love zombies getting shot and dont know a decent well written, well acted series if they ate it at McDonalds.

    Breaking Bad, Mad Men and The Wire are the 3 greatest tv series ever to be made imo. Closely followed bye The Sopranos.

    If your not into investing in characters over episodes and series though you wont enjoy. As the odd episode will crop up where not much 'seems' to happen, but you learn further and develop a better understanding of sometimes just one character.

    But the quality of writing and acting is top top notch stuff.

    Ignore viewing figures and box offices though, they mean naff all. Transformers 2 for example is one of the most successful films ever for box office takings.

  5. Yep, you're bang on there. I'm actually disappointed that A) I missed the autopilot bit and B) I gave the ending more credit than it deserves.

    It was a great bit of entertainment, but **** me was it full of plot holes, inconsistencies and some awful editing (some of the cuts were really harsh) that I wouldn't have expected from Nolan. Still, it was 1,000,000 times better than the Inception borefest. Hopefully, he'll do something a little more like Memento/Prestige next.

    Along with the fixed Bat sign and the fact that Alfred met Selina Kyle once was it? No reference for him to see her with Bruce at the end, so Alfred wasn't dreaming it or imagining it imo.

    Dont get the plot hole grumble about it really, TDK is loaded full of them as well.

    Films like this always will be.

  6. Sorry, you might still have your free scarf and remember your free bus ride and that's enough. The last two years aren't forgotten just because it's Randy Lerner for me.

    Mock it all you like, makes no sense not to get over it again none at all.

    Lets hope nobody wrongs you in your work place or daily life, you will remember... FOREVER! ;)

  7. Tiny tiny negative things? Like hiring Mcleish? Like 2 consecutive years of relegation worry?

    Just let it go, whats the point of banging on about it over and over? Really, what does it achieve? Well i know why, it means you can constantly drag it up as reasoning for very questionable tiny little negative things that happen from now onwards.

    I dont care if we have to sell to buy, i get the impressive that you would happily Lerner gamble the club on signing players that would 'excite' you?

    I dont care if i dont know who any of the players Lambert signs.

    They'll be signed because he feels they will work hard for the club and happily wont give a shit if they excite the fans or not.

    How it should be.

  8. Lambert has been in the job for a few months and hasn't managed a competitive game yet.

    Lerner has been the owner for 6 years.

    You don't think they should be judged differently?

    I'll judge Lerner because I've seen the effect his poor decision making has had on our club recently. When Lambert shows the same then I'll judge him the same way.

    And I've never said I won't change my mind. Over time Lambert may prove that I was wrong to back him and Lerner may prove to me he is a decent owner.

    Yes i get that, but why the extremes?

    Lerner has done plenty of good things a long with some shit things.

    Yet any tiny tiny thing negative your on it in a flash, this Ron Vlaar thing Villa have done nothing wrong, nothing negative. Yet you've managed to spin it into another go at Lerner, from a very speculative story in the first place.

    Nobody is perfect, Lambert wont be perfect there will be games when we will be shit and games when awesome, what do you do then with your extreme viewpoint?

    Football isn't black and white which i'm sure you aware, your viewpoint just doesn't make any sense to me.

  9. Why is it odd? What's the point in judging every little thing Lambert does?

    Same token whats the point of niggling at every little thing Lerner does usually for the negative?

    Its one extreme or the other, no middle ground.

    It seems like that you'll blindly trust Lambert, one extreme.

    The other you'll assume everything is bad from Lerner's side, the bloke who appointed the manager you blindly will trust.

    As i said very odd to admit to blindly following anything, makes kind of a debate pointless as always obvious which side you'll fall and you wont ever change your mind.

  10. I agree Gazton.

    Lets be honest, the photos leaked little over a week ago, yet Vlaar, Koeman and pretty much everybody connected with Feyenoord shot their bats like virgins at the touch of a woman.

    At the very start Lambert said it was going to take time, something Feyenoord decided they were not preapred to give.

    Exactly. Yet despite having said **** all about it, we're the bad guys?

    I'd love it if we could create the same kind of tribal, siege mentality we had in the early O'Neill years. In fact, that's what I expected. It's a shame some aren't on board with that, more fool me for having faith in our support.

    Maybe I'm silly, an old romantic. But this football malarkey aint what it used to be....

    I will blindly support and back Lambert with his decisions for the next few years. No problem, I'm 100% behind anything he wants to do right now.

    I'm happy to get fully behind the majority of our first team players and see what they can do this year.

    But I just can't get fully behind Lerner. The days of blind support for me are over. After the last two years he has to do a lot more in order for me to be back on board with him. And unfortunately because of how much I've despised the last two years i can't help but think negatively about our owner at the moment.

    Hopefully this time next year I'll be back to being a lot more supportive of the way Lerner goes about his business.

    There's your problem then, what's the point of having such extremes either way it makes no sense?

    You shouldn't be blindly supporting the same way you shouldn't be completely against something.

    As i said makes no sense and is a bit odd.

  11. But we are talking about our club that cancelled an interview with mclaren because of fans being unhappy and then went and made one of the worst managerial appointments any premiership team has ever made. I don't think it's ridiculous to question wether the club are still making poor decisions given the information we have so far.

    Proof of the Mclaren thing please, as once again its a rumour that gathered pace as a stick to beat the club with?

    People dont question the good things the club gets right, no club gets everything right and wrong as in life nobody is perfect.

    Yet Villa and their owners have to it seems!

  12. Well let's hope this is all down to Lamberts decision. It would be a poor start to his time here if this decision was taken away from him.

    If Lambert has had a change of heart or is confident of signing a better player why not communicate properly with his club or the player? I think it's clutching at straws a bit to be honest.

    To suggest we wouldn't have heard about this if it wasn't for the picture seems daft. His club have spoken clearly about it and I can't see why they wouldn't have done this through the media without that pic because they are clearly not happy with the way we've approached this.

    Randy still has a lot to prove and this kind of stuff isn't helping. The appointment of Lambert should not cover up the awful way he's run this club or the terrible decisions he's made with the browns.

    Like I say, I really hope this is all down to Lamberts decision making.

    You seem very hng up on what Randy does or doesn't do and what the hell do the Browns have anything to do with it?

    Let it go son, nothing to get in a pickle over we're not going to be relegated well very unlikely and we're not going to win the league, who cares about anything else.

    For all we know this type of situation might have happened with x number of players, they just didn't get snapped at the ground though and we were all none the wiser.

  13. There are flaws throughout,

    Just like the TDK then, hidden by Ledger impressive performance and the fact he passed away soon after.

    1. Boat scene.

    2. Whats the point of faking Gordon's death?

    3. Mobile phone sonar!

    4. Jokers plan is made up of pure coincidence.

    Etc etc

    Obviously Rises has similar issues, but both films work fine and are cracking entertaining films.

  14. 4. I see a lot about the price etc but for me the cost of him is another reason why I want him. It sends a message, not just externally to the club but also internally that the club is willing to pay this kind of money again for the right quality player that can improve us.

    This is why we wont be signing him, the sheer cost.

    Regardless of the supposed info being linked by the club, its clear we're playing it slowly building with little gems here and there that Lambert can improve.

    This time around though the club are using the likes of MM and other supposed itk to dictate the fans expectations.

    Once the season starts hopefully well, everyone will have forgotten we havent spent a fortune.

    I would much rather do it that way too, we dont jeopardize our future and give young hungry players a chance.

    Fed up hearing if we spent 20mill it sends out a message, who cares! What counts is results and spending 20mill or whatever doesn't guarantee that.

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